Behind the Scenes: Meghan Trainor’s ‘Whoops’ Music Video [Watch]

Published: Saturday 29th Jun 2024 by Rashad

Meghan Trainor‘s ‘Timeless‘ may have debuted to the lowest Billboard 200 placement of her career to date (among her traditional studio albums), but that certainly hasn’t stopped the GRAMMY winner from giving the critically acclaimed set its due on the promotional trail.

After giving its latest single ‘Whoops‘ the live treatment on The Today Showand ‘The Tonight Show,’ Trainor followed by inviting her beloved fans (affectionately called #MegaTronz) to a behind the scenes peek at the creation of its official music video.

Look inside to see how the Philip R. Lopez-directed action came to life on the other side of the screen.

Click here to see the finished product.

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  1. marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) June 30, 2024

    Flop but I appreciated her efforts for keep trying. Unlike Flop mani keeps cry for empathy.

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