Prince William Breaks Silence, Says “We Are Very Much Not A Racist Family” In Response To Meghan & Harry Oprah Interview Revelations

Published: Thursday 11th Mar 2021 by Sam

In news just in, Prince William has responded to one of the central allegations leveled against the Royal Family in the widely watched interview his brother Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had with Oprah Winfrey.

Full story below…

During a visit to an East London school moments ago, the heir to the throne was asked by Sky News about the claims that conversations were had about how dark Meghan and Harry’s offspring would be.

He replied:

“We are very much not a racist family.”

When quizzed about whether he has discussed the matter with his brother, William said:

 “I haven’t spoken to him yet but I plan to.”

The comments come after Buckingham Palace issued a statement reaffirming that Meghan and Harry remain “much loved” members of the family. Notably, said statement also relayed that “some recollections may vary.”

Suffice to say, this is unlikely to be the last heard about this story.

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  1. Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

    Harry himself has been a problem for the Royals since his teens. Being caught with drugs, wearing a Nazi uniform for Halloween in 2005… He’s out to destroy them.

    • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

      Getting naked & s e x I n g at the college dorm. Would love to see his pee pee tho. 💅🏿💅🏿

      • Revolution March 11, 2021

        Yuck pink meat 🤮

    • UHoesFunny March 11, 2021

      You’re one of those dumb white bïtches who enable racist behavior and call ppl with mental health liars. You’re part of the problem @ Shayla Queëf

      • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

        @UHoesFunny aka Fancy CLOWN, Shayla Queen 👑 can have her opinion that doesn’t make her racist, but it does make you dumb for making dumb claims. The fact that someone has to claims that they have mental health to plays victim is disgusting and it takes away from people who truly do have mental health.

      • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

        U are a h o e but not funny 💅🏿💅🏿 U gonna die coz of c o v I d. Enjoy suffering h o e

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

        Thank you @New and Improved Fancy BISH. They pounce on you like mangy ass guard dogs on here if you have your own opinion and aren’t part of the black monolith

  2. Clarks0o0ñ March 11, 2021

    Kate made megan cry.

    I knew kate was a phoney mean white girl pretending to be sweet, acting like a young princess diana. A fraud.

    • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

      I don’t believe most adult women are that sweet and innocent to where they’d cry over someone being mean… 🤣 So there’s some type of lie or exaggeration in there somewhere

      • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

        Well, we all knew Meghan is an evil bish & she planned for everything with her sick mind. She just want to control Harry. Starting a war between royal family can make her rich again. Meanwhile, Kate is a classy lady like Diana 💅🏿💅🏿💅🏿

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

        I love Princess Kate

  3. CrossColours March 11, 2021

    I don’t care about this. My thing is, Harry & Meg the stallion would have been OK with “the institution” if they were treated better. Their racism, colonization, greed, blood diamonds and general twisted evilness would have been condoned. Meg the stallion really thought that she would be looked at differently because of her complexion and hair type. No dear. All you need is a SPRINKLE of black in you for fuckery to ensue. You’ll never be one of them. LMAO!!

    • Revolution March 11, 2021

      But wait not ‘Meg the Stallion’ lmbooo

    • aDreamer March 11, 2021

      TEA!!! Meghans privilege doesn’t work over there. If it didn’t work for Princess Di what made her think things would be different for her? I know she did her homework beforehand. Sis thought she was securing a bag and only ruined her life in the process.

      • just+saying March 11, 2021

        she claims to have done no homework or research on either harry or the royal family beforehand. and she’s still set for life… she may not have secured the princess title bag, but they just signed a $100million deal with Netflix, and a multimillion dollar deal for a podcast with Spotify.

  4. 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

    Should’ve arrested that attention seeking h o e for betraying & disrespecting the royal family 💅🏿💅🏿 Queen Elizabeth! Do something about it.

    • UHoesFunny March 11, 2021

      Eat dïck b*****

      • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

        I suck d I c k s, I swallow d I c k s, I lick d I c ks and I taste d I c K s but I don’t eat them. I’m not a cannibal like u h o e 💅🏿💅🏿💅🏿We gonna deport u back to the woods so u can hunt for some Human & animals flesh

  5. Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

    Honey, your OWN family don’t even like you. Yet you think the ones of us with any form of human intelligence are falling for this sickly sweet innocent act you try and portray? You are an actress after all.

    • UHoesFunny March 11, 2021

      She definitely shock the table. Got the Royals stumbling abs shaking in their boots 😩🤣🤣 they gotta clean this one up. Noticed how they didn’t denounce Meghans comments, because IT’S ALL TRUE ☕️ 🐸

      • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

        Exactly! ✅ And white people need to understand that black people can’t be racist lmaoooo….we didn’t invent racism and use it for our benefit and power! We might be prejudice, bigoted, and/or offensive/defensive as hell, but racist? No, that’s a system we didn’t create, peridot lol 🤳🏽 Racism is a BELIEF system that there ARE differences of achievement, ability, morality and inherent levels of superiority based on skin color…it’s so damn stupid! But the fact we ALL internalized that bullshiiit is the genius tho smh 💯

      • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

        Really black people aren’t racist, then what’s this? I’ll wait…

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

        Blacks are the MOST racist. And if there is a “system,” they are the ones that created it by selling their own people to other races. White slaves weren’t sold, they were kidnapped and taken to North Africa. Black slaves were sold into slavery as punishment for their crimes.

      • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

        That’s some bull s h I t💅🏿💅🏿Black people can be Racist toward Asian and Latinos. They think they are better than other minorities coz they can speak fluent English and always play that racial cards 🤳🏿🤳🏿🤳🏿 How come black people never fought for other minorities??? Coz they think blacks only care about Their own race. That’s selfish as hell

      • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

        @marilyn monh-O-E, once again we put Nancy CLOWN in its place. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Revolution March 11, 2021

    The situation is royally messy these are the kings & queens of drama.. the royal family need to stop lying we all know they asses are racist af

    • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

      @Revolution the only racist is you, I hope your mom dies a slow painful death you racist 🅲🆄🅽🆃!

      • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

        …and these are the words of a civilized, well-read, mature adult? 🥴 Bye Danzou! At least ur grammar was on point with this one 💋💋

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

        @Fake Marilyn: says the one who calls me a “biracial cùnt.” How laughable.

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

        Speaking of grammar, it’s YOU’RE, not “ur,” Mr “Intellect.”

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

        Or YOUR, depending on which one you’re using. Just not UR.

      • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

        Ur a dummy 💋💋

  7. 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

    King Kong Vs Godzilla 💅🏿💅🏿 Can’t wait! Meghan vs Kate. Who are y’all rooting for????

  8. Deetruth March 11, 2021

    Meghan Smollet needs to chill
    ➡️Y’all remember when prince Harry dressed like a Nazi at a costume party ?also the time he called his Muslim friend towel head ??
    If She is so concerned with racism why would she marry him ??
    Why didn’t she marry a black prince and prove she isn’t racist against black men like her mom ?? She is a joke and attention seeking opportunistic liar 🤥

    • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

      Not Meghan Smollet! 🤣🤣🤣

      But 100% agree!

    • Louvre March 11, 2021

      Meghan likes white men. Just like her mama.

  9. VirgoMood March 11, 2021

    I mean, what else did we expect him to say? The truth? Lmao

    A whole legacy built on colonizing and white supremacy but you’re not racist yet uphold those very same standards ? Suuuuuure

  10. VirgoMood March 11, 2021

    I see people protecting the s**** masters

    You’ve been completely conditioned and assimilated and it’s pathetic SMH

  11. UHoesFunny March 11, 2021

    Racist rich white ppl, #AmIRight? Nothing new to see here 💀

    • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

      Meghan is half white. Are you accusing she’s a racist too??? Dumb ass h o e, she chose to married a white guy and be a part of royal family. that’s her choice💅🏿💅🏿💅🏿 All she can blame is herself

    • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

      @UHoesFunny I would rather be a RICH white person than a POOR A$$ black person 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🆂🆃🆄🅿🅸🅳 🅲🅻🅾🆆🅽.

      • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

        You’re neither Danzou 6ix9ine, so STFU and get that ignorant a$$ enrolled in an African American studies course ASAP. 💋💋

      • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

        If I want to learn about African American people I can just drive through the projects DUH! Dummy.

    • UHoesFunny March 11, 2021

      Lmfaooo I see someone got TRIGGERED TRIGGERED 💀😂😂

      White ppl go crazy when they’re called out on their s****, just like Piers ran off like a lil b***** when approached about his obsession with Meg.

      You all are admitting to the royals being racist and blaming Meg for making the choice for being married into a racist family. Lmfaoo the irony of it all. Dumb white racist ppl, #ITellYa 🤦🏾‍♂️

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

        As usual, you’re as dumb as rocks but that’s to be expected.

      • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

        I love Alex Beresford’s fine ass for taking stank Piers to task lmaooooo 🤳🏽 Alex didn’t even say Piers was a racist and he still lost his ish lol…triggeredT lol 🤣

      • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

        @ Thee Fancy Bish…LMAO EXACTLY! Alex didn’t mention the word racism but Morgan’s old white a$$ knew instinctively what he was guilty of and couldn’t take being called out! LOVE to see that s*** 💙💙

  12. I can’t March 11, 2021

    When are they going to address Andrew??? They only care about themselves. Lol, Why exactly is the UK paying for this useless family to live lavishly for no reason?

    • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

      Wheres the PROOF?

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

        Dummies on here never need proof. They believe hearsay. Except when it goes against their victim mentality. Just an easy way to stay a bum and not do anything with their lives and blame the white man for it.

      • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

        Dummy (noun): someone who doesn’t know the difference between “appropriation” and “misappropriation”

        Also, dummy (noun): someone who doesn’t understand how impeachment works in the US

        Also dummy (noun): someone who thinks “clown” is a pronoun.

  13. Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

    All racists are ugly just like Shayla Morgan lmaooo 🤣 Always trying to trash the ones with the flavor 🤳🏽 Kiss my ass hoee lol 💯

  14. truthteller March 11, 2021

    I do think it’s funny how Prince Harry is trying to act like he’s woke with his light-skinned wife, when this is the same guy who dressed up as a Nazi and used a slur against Muslims.

  15. Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

    Fake Marilyn talking about racism non-stop yet he refers to me as a “biracial cùnt.” What a hypocritical bum prïck 🤣

  16. Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

    Racism seems to be ok, overlooked and ignored when it’s towards someone who doesn’t have the opinion you want them to have. Candace Owens is a good example.

  17. Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021

    As for Trashy BISH speaking on Piers, she mocks mental health herself. Another hypocrite:

    Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋
    March 1, 2021

    She’s either mentally ill or taking drugs…or both! Meanwhile, her dirty ass baby is being neglected while she trolls…

    • 🍭marilyn monh-O-E🍭(💫Perfectly Splendid✨) March 11, 2021

      Yessssss My Queen 👑 drag that racist rat! Trashy ashy bish is a hormonal imbalance creature who has a tiny little p e n I s growing inside her p u s s y💅🏿💅🏿

  18. Happy-n-Rich March 11, 2021

    Meghan can cry me a river. I’m still rocking with QEII. If somebody had something to say about baby Archie, Meghan should have handled that situation right then. When you marry into ANY family, you have to set the ground rules for interaction.

    William and Harry are Elizabeth and Margaret all over again, except that Harry had the means and nerve to walk away from the monarchy in a way that Margaret never could.

    Meghan didn’t seem to realize that when you move past all the servants and palaces and titles, the “senior” royals are EMPLOYEES of the British government and tightly bound by protocols in all of their public appearances. Seeing that she will never be queen, Meghan got tired of her job and convinced Harry to bounce, and now she’s trying to be a victim.

    • Shayla Queen 👑 March 11, 2021


  19. UHoesFunny March 11, 2021

    The Royals are going down baby 😂😂 there’s been a new reckoning–An awakening in the castle 🏰 and all that generational racism is shaking in it’s cute little boots 😭😭😭 the time is now. Let’s see what they will do to fix this.

  20. Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 March 11, 2021

    There are some people on this blog that need to go back to school lmaoooo….Shayla, please register for some online classes at least! 😂 Danzou, they won’t accept you, sorry 🤣 Stench, you need some new clothes to have decency in a classroom 😂 I’m done lol

  21. KeyLoLo March 11, 2021

    My take on this is girl you knew that man came from a racist family…YOU KNEW THAT so stop trying to make it a big deal to us peasents..we are NOT surprised that cryptilian and her family dont like black people..when have ya ever seen a dark person anywhere in the vicinity of that palace? Girl got your man and baby now live your life!

  22. bllackk n whhy bitchezzz March 11, 2021

    thats not fair to prince william his mother princess diana did so much work for africa please dont say that about him and his family…in respect of princess diana

  23. nicky March 11, 2021

    Prince William hates racism but it’s ok for his uncle to be a p******** and you and your grandmother protect him. Andrew friend of the nonce, hope Harry records any phone call from you egghead. Get off the world. Nobody wants you or your crime cartel family.

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