Simone Biles is back!
Shortly after announcing her return to the Tokyo Olympics, she has just claimed another medal.
Full story below…
After skipping all but one competition because of a mental health issue, she appeared on the balance beam and performed well enough to go home with the bronze medal in the competition.
China’s Guan Chenchen won the gold. Tang Xijing, also of China, won the silver.
Biles is now going home with two medals from the Tokyo Games: one silver in the team final and her bronze on on August 2.
Major salute to Miss Biles for returning when she felt better and earning a medal in the process.
What a flop
Tell that truth!
She got over her mental health issues quick… 🤔🤥
Sympathy vote 🙄
She had to see a psychiatrist and therapists before and after practice. She was already in Japan when the mental breakdown happened. That was simone’s decision to finish in one category for ther balance beem comp.
The most awarded gymnast EVER 🤳🏽 Good for her! 🥳
You look like The Weeknd lmaooooooooo 🤣👀
You act like THAT’S a diss lol….you want to be me SO bad 😂 Look at you, already copying and pasting my instantly iconic screen name and talking to it like it’s yours lmaooooooooo 🤳🏽 You don’t have the flavor, sorry boo boo 💋 Piers Morgan with a wig at best lol 👀
Hahaha omg as IF I’d take YOUR busted open wide screen name! It’s been used by more people than your baggy p**** (although there are surgeries for that, just saying lmaooooooooo 🤣) 💋
You could fix your face and teeth lol…get some FLAVOR *Sheree voice* 🤣 👀
I am the baddest bish on here and you are SEETHING, my peasant and I LOVE to see it, sweetie! You can NEVER come for the Queen 💋
(Flavor, my ass!)
Fix yo teeth *Sheree voice* 😂
You are a BUM ASS BÏTCH! A trashy ashy bish! SCREAMING 🤣
It’s that face that has you so mad all the time *Sheree voice* 🤣
Me mad? Hunty, that’s you lmaoooooooo stop telling on your ripped skirt, woken up in dumpster after a crack binge, crack alley body lmaoooooooooo 🤣
I just got complimentS (plural) on my body oddyyy oddyyy oddyyyyy lmaooooooooo *Meg voice* 🤳🏽💋 #FACTS
Pfffffff you stank! Move from me chile! A Queen can’t be seen wit yo ass 💯💋
Body crazy, curvy, wavy lmaooooooooo 👀🤳🏽💋
Slüt, you boring 🥱 BYE!
Keep talking, cause I don’t need you for absolutely NOTHING lol…with ya general admission ticket looking ass 🤣 I’m glad my look will weed out the people like YOU lmaooooooooo….Body crazy, curvy, wavy lol 🤳🏽💋