Read: The Most Pirated TV Shows Of 2014


Copyright and internet privacy website ‘TorrentFreak’ has revealed their list of the ‘Most Pirated Movies of 2014’ today, revealing which flicks nabbed the most illegal downloads since the start of the year.

Did BET‘s hit series ‘The Game‘ make the list?

Find out below…


The publication explains:

Overall there is no sign that TV-show piracy is declining, on the contrary. The download numbers for the most popular shows continues to rise, sometimes exceeding the number of traditional viewers in the US.

Above we have compiled a list of the most downloaded TV-shows worldwide (single episode) for 2014, together with the viewer average in the US. The data is estimated by TorrentFreak based on several sources, including download statistics reported by public BitTorrent trackers.

Online streaming and downloads for file-hosting services are not included since there are no public sources to draw data from. Total piracy numbers will therefore be significantly higher.


Any surprises?

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  1. G4L December 29, 2014

    ‘Gotham’ and ‘The Walking Dead’ >>>

  2. nobitchassness December 29, 2014

    Let’s not forget about Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder.

  3. Todd December 29, 2014

    Why is a cast picture of “The Game” on here? Lol

    • mike December 29, 2014

      they probably got confused with game of thrones…lol

      • Queen of POP JANET JACKSON December 30, 2014

        Nah, just wanted to mention them. he said, did bet’s hit series the game make it up there…

  4. blue December 29, 2014

    TVD! Just discovered that most of the shows i love are on the CW… Apart from htgawm and scandal and tbbt

  5. truth (icki is on the radio cryn cause THEPINKSHIT Flippidy flipidy FLOP!!! December 29, 2014

    Really??? Wow!! But anyway I dont mean to interupt this post but Honey all that matters in life right is the ‘kii’ of nicki not selln 200k after all and only 4500 ACROSS THE GLOBE! * steps down from soap box and twists of post…PROUD!’*

  6. Blacksista December 29, 2014

    Game of Thrones is on demand for free so why download?

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