When he isn’t making moves for the New York Giants he athlete Odell Beckham can be found bringing the laughs for ‘Lenovo‘ in a skit named ‘A Lesson in Fantasy Commish Leadership.’
There, the 23-year-old star is taught a thing or two about being a fantasy league commissioner at the prestigious Fantasy Online College and showcases his gift of the bilingual gab.
Watch and learn below…
There’s more.
A new Nfl star? Rihanna must be salivating. #Thirsty
You must not remember that all Rih did was make that man her #mcm ONE TIME….and after that he became thirsty and desperate like NONE OTHER. She had be other choice but to pay his crazy, s***, big booty ass absolute dust because HIS OBSESSION with her was unhealthy and embarrassing. I won’t lie, though. His lips were EVERYTHING too!
He Cute
Too bad he wants fish not sausage.
My throat is READY!!
And your diploma. Is that ready?
Where’s Player on the charts?
Effortless shade!
Lmao @T For Tinaslay u childish 4 that lmao
He speaks about Drake like he is in love with him. I wouldn’t mind them hooking up and serving up a hot ass sextape, though. I would get my LIFE from seeing that tape.