2016 Year In Review: Nate Parker’s Historic Film ‘Birth of A Nation’ A Major Flop

Published: Wednesday 14th Dec 2016 by Rashad

Scribbled in history books for some good and not-so-good reasons, 2016 brought with it some of modern music’s most memorable moments.

As the year draws to a close, TGJ is reflecting on 31 moments that rocked – and to some degree shaped – the Urban and Pop musical landscape as we know it.

Now, we reflect on how the year’s most anticipated film – Nate Parker’s ‘Birth of a Nation’ – became one of the year’s biggest flops:

With critical acclaim ringing from every corner of the globe by the end of 2015, FOX Searchlight pumped $17 million into what seemed like a sure moneymaker at the box office in 2016:  Nate Parker‘s ‘Birth of a Nation.’  A historical film based on the Nat Turner-led slave revolt of 1831, buzz for the flick neared feverish pitch when (seemingly out of nowhere) the actor was slammed with resurfaced reports of an alleged rape incident that happened during his time at Pennsylvania State University 17 years prior.

Though he was found innocent at the time of trial for the incident, the effects of its damage on his public profile was only heightened when he shunned reporters’ questions about it.  His attempts to redirect focus onto his film failed, a feat evidenced by the movie’s $7 million intake at box offices the weekend of its premiere.  As of time reported, the project has yet to cross the $17 million threshold in box office revenue.

And, while many are sure the star will rebound from the negative press, it’s disheartening all of this had to happen during what could and should have been the biggest accomplishment of his professional acting career.

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  1. Ughhhh December 14, 2016

    Well being a r***** doesn’t help.

    • SMH December 14, 2016

      He’s not a r*****. He was fully exonerated of all charges because the accuser couldn’t back up her story. Try research instead of ignorance.

      • Ughhhh December 14, 2016

        Exonerated and innocent are two different things. Lack of evidence and not committing the act at are two different things.

      • Nope December 14, 2016

        He was found not guilty because the two engaged in sexual contact earlier, something that most likely wouldn’t happen today based on shifting cultural understandings about r*** and sexual assault. He was not “exonerated.”

    • oopsUPsideDaHead December 14, 2016

      and you still listen to R KELLY

  2. SMH December 14, 2016

    This movie was deliberately sabotaged by the white mainstream establishment, so it’s not a flop. If it wasn’t the old r*** case, they would have found something else to tarnish ot’s reputation.

    • #JACKIE December 14, 2016


    • Patrick December 15, 2016

      Really? Then why was “The Help” such a huge success? Quite blaming white people for all your problems or you will forever be a victim.

      • Alex December 15, 2016

        Do you even know the history of the original birth of a nation? The one made in the 1930’s with black-faced actors. That movie is the reason the KKK started the burning cross rituals. It was a movie devoted to racists and made fun of killing blacks.

        Fast forward to today, we are remaking it, and telling our story as black Kings and Queens in this country. They didn’t want their story to become ours.

        It’s really not that hard to understand why “The Help” an image of Mammy (historically controlled the black slaves and catered to Whites) was glorified and this movie was not.

        Educate yourselves.

  3. SMH December 14, 2016


  4. RealNegro December 14, 2016

    The movie was only shown at select theatres…….

  5. Kiii December 14, 2016

    This movie flopped because it was historically inaccurate. They should’ve done some better research before writing and making this film

  6. BEYOU December 14, 2016

    This movie was a flop because they industry is still run by old racist white people. Who controls what’s goes mainstream and not. I saw the movie it was Dope.

    • chris December 14, 2016

      it’s not about the color. there are many movies out there good story but flop hard.

      I think you’re the one who see the colors

    • Lauren December 15, 2016

      Sure… The “establishment” must have slipped up when they gave best picture Oscar to 12 Years a S**** and paid Mr Parker the most money ever for a film at Sundance…but then they changed their minds about making money… Wake up! The movie tanked because what Mr Parker and his co-writer did was disgusting and unforgivable. Please remember his own buddy testified that he turned down Parker’s invite because his victim was passed out! His unrepentant press tour on the heels of finding out that the poor tormented woman killed herself was the nail in his film’s coffin. He should’ve never made such an important story with that stink in his closet.

  7. jonny December 14, 2016

    black movies ain’t selling it ..

    go to mojo and check the numbers.

    • Lauren December 15, 2016

      12 Years a S**** made $187 million

      • Jan December 16, 2016

        Yeah ‘s****’

  8. Thando December 14, 2016

    Filthy r*****!

  9. Thando December 15, 2016

    New York Times recently reported that he showed a female (who’s name is known to investigators) student trainer the top half of his penis. This in relation to Penn State’s WOEFUL mishandling of child molestation claims against Sedunstky (who’s now in jail for 30 to 60 years for f****** boys). This woman says he was so forceful that she asked her boyfriend to walk her home at night. He is getting EXACTLY what he deserves, f****** r*****. Oh, he also dabbles in a bit of homophobia too. He says he’s never play a gay role because he want to protect the Black man (even though he’s married to a white woman). This person got a VERY good deal compared to what his victim got, he has a family his victim got s*** shamed, called a racist, depression, drug addiction, full on psychosis, her child was removed from her by child protective service and she eventually killed herself (an early grave). Sometimes its not institutional racism, its just good old Karma, and Karma is a relentless B****. F*** you Nate Parker.

    • Patrick December 15, 2016

      Yasss, shut em down with facts. Well done.

  10. Lauren December 15, 2016

    Exactly…he needs to go away and stay there! Can’t see him in any films with romance in them or as a protagonist. His career is hopefully done and I wanted so much to see this movie! I hung on every word of his interviews…he was so articulate and doing something worthy and then…. The sight of him makes me wretch.

  11. We Nowqd Redv dimnobut it ash trjoan ivy blobukz Need UK timely Ukuno eremxil December 19, 2016


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