Wendy Williams: Police Called After Husband & Son Fight In Parking Lot

Published: Wednesday 22nd May 2019 by Sam

Wendy Williams‘ private life continues to be a hot topic. Because, while the talk show maven insisted her divorced from estranged husband Kevin Hunter is going “pleasantly,” police were called today after her ex and 18-year-old got into a physical altercation.

A tale of two Kevin’s awaits after the jump…

Per TMZ:

The incident went down at a store parking lot near the family home in New Jersey. Sources tell us Kevin Jr. to the home … he was there to pick something up. Wendy left and was coming back a short time later to pick him up.

He did not know his dad was in the house, but we’re told everything was cool between them and they ended up going to a store together just after midnight.

Sources say they got into an argument in parking lot, over Kevin’s demand for spousal support. Kevin Sr. then launched and claimed Wendy was “brainwashing” their son against him.

Our sources say it got physical when Kevin Sr. allegedly put his son in a headlock, and we’re told Kevin Jr. punched him in the nose to break the hold. 

Moments after the story broke, Kevin Sr – who allegedly fathered a child out of wedlock with his mistress – issued a statement, saying:

“I love my son very much and I will not be pursuing this matter legally. Things are not always how they appear.”

The drama.

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  1. olusheyi banjo May 22, 2019


  2. Bey Best May 22, 2019

    Lies. Where is the paperwork to seek divorce. Wendy got y’all fooled…lol

  3. eric May 22, 2019

    With writing like that, who can trust anything from TMZ? What is “Sources tell us Kevin Jr. to the home” and “Kevin Sr. then launched and claimed…”?????

  4. Divab May 22, 2019

    I really hope Wendy is divorcing her ex and not allowing him to still manipulate her or their son. Wendy do seem so much focused and ?. With the ex having a side baby and he’s demanding all and everything that he thinks he’s entitled to, I hope the Judge will stick it to him and all the dirty things he’s done will come back 10 times a 1000 and bit him where it hurts to even he can’t figure his doings have caught him. I hope the judge gives him what he already has and make him somehow have to pay spousal support to Wendy if nothing but a dollar per month. Everything should work in Wendy ‘s favor with him truly with his head between his tail

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