Idris Elba Slams Cardi B’s Conspiracy Theory About Celebrities & Coronavirus / She Responds

Published: Tuesday 24th Mar 2020 by Rashad

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, rapstress Cardi B has made headlines for expressing her concerns.  Chief among said worries is that celebrities are being paid to tell the public they have been infected by the disease – a feat, she argues, only sensationalizes the phenomenon and increases fears among commonfolk.

A week after nabbing headlines for announcing his coronavirus-positive status, actor Idris Elba took personal offense to B’s conspiracy theory and responded by branding her opinion, ‘bullsh*t.’

That’s not all he said.  Look inside for his clap back:

“I think the negativity around ‘test shaming’ is counterproductive,” Elba said. “I don’t see what people get out of that. Also this idea that someone like myself is going to be paid to say I’ve got coronavirus, that’s, like, absolute bulls—, such stupidness.”

The 47-year-old and his wife are just two of many celebrities who have come forward to reveal they’ve been stricken by the disease.

As of time reported, over 400,000 cases have been confirmed around the globe overall.

[main photo source:  Getty Images]

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  1. eric March 24, 2020

    I didn’t want to hear from Idris when he made the announcement and I don’t want to hear from him now. I’ll put it that way.

    • Gworl Bye March 25, 2020

      Youre just as dumb as that dumb b*tch Dummi B.

      • Brodie Brim March 25, 2020

        Lmao at you wanting her to be dumb so bad and thinking you had it in the bag. FAIL ????

  2. PinotNoir March 24, 2020

    She kinda has a point.

    • E Jai March 24, 2020

      Ikr I was thinking the same thing.

    • Only Facts March 24, 2020


    • Juju March 24, 2020

      Cardi B 2020! That US will be filled with dollar bills and poles

      • PinotNoir March 24, 2020

        @Juju: poles, as in people from Poland? ?

    • Gworl Bye March 25, 2020

      Of course you idiots think this moron has a point. You also think she’s a good rapper lmao.

      • Brodie Brim March 25, 2020

        But she clearly does have a point! I see ya bum ass mad cause Auntie Spandex aka P*** supporter still got dragged for loving her s** offender so called Husband!

        I’ll be mad too if I talk all this ish and can’t keep my fav on charts for 3 weeks.

  3. Beyonce Knows March 24, 2020

    That’s her fault for listening to Don Cheeto. She knew who he was since the 2016 elections.

  4. Only Facts March 24, 2020

    I agree with everything Cardi said. Idris, STFU and focus on getting better. We all know your decision making skills aren’t the best even when you’re well, seeing as you dating fix-a-flat booty, K Michelle. Moral of the story is nothing about C******* is adding up and it’s clear celebrities are getting access to tests with or without showing symptoms, and regular people have symptoms and are being refused tests. It’s the ultimate haves v. have nots.

    So Idris, you’re s*** AF, but STFU

    • RacismIsDead March 24, 2020

      HAHAHA you are a moron.

    • PinotNoir March 24, 2020

      Did he confirm dating K?

    • FAF March 25, 2020

      Cardi b ass is full of god knows what And now her face is as well

    • Gworl Bye March 25, 2020

      Cardi’s fans are CLEARLY just as stupid as she is.

      • Kix March 25, 2020

        I’m not a Cardi b fan and I agree with her.

  5. J March 24, 2020

    Full disclosure, I live close to the medical district in my city and I’ve been dealing with it. It started off with me as sinuses, it moved around and my shoulders eventually got achy, and my throat felt enlarged. I felt like i was coming down with something so I immediately started working out. Anywho it has led to chest pains and eventually I felt my lungs less open than before. Anywho I feel better now, it does come in two waves but the key is to keep active and clean. Stay away from anyone coughing or sneezing and feeling sick – no matter how much you love them. The v**** is real y’all but you really don’t have to believe me. Whatever your health issues are please take care of them. It basically strips your immune system down and you end up with pneumonia if you aren’t careful. Cardi needs to take precaution and watch what she is saying. Stay healthy y’all! ?

    • Only Facts March 24, 2020

      Oh my goodness! I’m glad you’re doing better! Thank you for sharing your story and letting us know what to look for since everyone is reacting to C******* differently. Stay safe and get well!

      • J March 24, 2020

        You’re welcome. I hate that everyone is bickering about this when now is the time to stick together and support each other. I am doing better now, key is to get up and not let it kill you! Mental health is key! Don’t forget that. You know yourself better than any doctor can tell you. Use common sense and cut back on anything that destroys your body from within.

    • PinotNoir March 24, 2020

      Or could it just be sinusitis + pharyngitis? Because Corvid-19 would have you shaking with fever, coughing your lungs out, and intubated to a breathing machine. Fear has made people forget they can get a cold, the regular flu, and ENT infections these remaining weeks of winter! I caught me a sinus infection 2 days ago, went to the doc, bought an antibiotic and, God willing, feel on the up’n up in my self isolation. Not every respiratory infection is the C***** in the C***** pandemic. But if I die, thx 4 the Lols y’all. ?

      • J March 24, 2020

        I never get sick. So I notice when s*** is off in my body. And do your research, this is mainly the SARS v****. It’s respiratory and also attacks your weaknesses. The main reason why so many people died in Italy was because they were old and many were smokers. I have been to Italy and there was a lot more cigarette smoke than over in the States. That s*** will kill you. Protect your lungs and heart and pay attention to your body, you get alarm signals if you tap in. And you have every right not to believe me, I didn’t write this post to scare anyone into believing me, I just want to make sure ya’ll are taking care of yourselves out there.

  6. Randall Jae March 24, 2020

    You tell em’ Cardi and you celebs talking out the side of your neck STFU

  7. RacismIsDead March 24, 2020

    Cardi B is a moron.

    • PinotNoir March 24, 2020

      Why would a symptom-free individual in self isolation get tested and deprive another WITH symptoms?

      • Gworl Bye March 25, 2020

        Because its the responsible thing to do idiot. One person getting tested is not depriving anyone of anything. Moron.

      • Kix March 25, 2020

        People getting tested without symptoms is actually having a negative impact sunce there aren’t enough tests.

  8. Lou-Andrew Rodriguez March 25, 2020

    Didn’t she make a song about clout and she’s the one doing the most? Bye Cardi

  9. Dee March 25, 2020

    What she’s saying is all the way true.

    • Gworl Bye March 25, 2020

      Another moron.

      • PinotNoir March 26, 2020

        I see you have Angelina Jolie’s logic. She had her b****** and ovaries removed bcuz her mother had died of breast cancer. And you want perfectly healthy people, practicing socially distancing, to get tested WHILE THE PREZ SAYS THERE AREN’T ENOUGH TESTS TO GO AROUND? ?

  10. Rosy March 25, 2020

    She so ignorant and dumb you simple black people always coming up with theories do u think someone would say they have a v**** for a cheque Cardi is ignorant

    • PinotNoir March 25, 2020

      Cardi can be paranoid (with her Saturn in Scorpio). But she’s always been a hilarious conspiracy theorist. ?

  11. Gworl Bye March 25, 2020

    This ignorant ass moronic rat needs to sit down and STFU and stop running her mouth like she’s intelligent or something. and all you morons in here saying that “she’s right” or “she has a point” need to sit your ignorant asses down too. It says alot about how stupid this generation is by the fact that they’re letting this moron be their voice in a serious situation like this. Stick to stripping Dummi, you’re not a doctor so STFU.

    • PinotNoir March 25, 2020

      You can educate vs. cry moron.

  12. Mr RCW March 25, 2020

    She needs to shut her mouth already…if it ain’t ghetto ratchet she has zero clue

  13. Claude Remains March 25, 2020

    Unfortunately, after reading all these comments I can understand why people think Americans are as dumb as f***!!!!

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