jordin sparks

Peep a glammed up Jordin Sparks on the video set of Australian Idol Guy Sebastian’s ‘The Art of Love’, which was shot earlier this week. Ms. Sparks, who features on the song, looks stunning.

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What do you think of the pics?

The video for Rihanna’s ‘Wait Your Turn’ single premiered moments ago. Getting straight to the point, the Anthony Mandler directed video is a recession-budget bore. Seriously though, what is the hype about with this chick?

Disclaimer: For those who stay posing the question ‘why do you post about her then..?’; like her or loathe her, there is obviously mass interest in Ms. Fenty, hence her featuring here. It’s kinda-sorta common logic 😉

That said, I really, really struggle to understand how – when matched up against her industry contemporaries (see: Beyonce, Lady GaGa and co) – Ms. Fenty seems like anything other than severely out of her league. I mean really there is no competition at all…

What do you think of the video?

Continuing along the promotional trail for her debut LP ‘Overcome’, 2009 break out  Alexandra Burke stopped by The Paul O’ Grady Show early this evening to perform album cut ‘The Silence’.

One word. Amazing!

Vocally in another league, Alexandra continues to show why her name will be one that long outlives any talent show. Absolutely fantastic. Here’s hoping this becomes a single ASAP!

What do you think of the performance?

lady gaga a

‘It chick’ of the moment, Lady GaGa donned yet another of her trademark wacky outfits while attending the 13th Annual Accessories Council Excellence (ACE) Awards at Cipriani in New York last night. The ‘Just Dance’ singer was presented with the Stylemaker Award by famed designer Marc Jacobs.

Though Halloween passed a few days ago, surely I’m right in saying EVERYDAY is Halloween when GaGa steps out. Gotta love it!

gaga lord



In a recent interview with  ‘Glamour Magazine’, singer Rihanna discusses several issues in her life including domestic violence, her style and her upcoming album, ‘Rated R’. The starlet will be honored by ‘Glamour’ with the title of ‘Glamour Woman of the Year’ next week at a ceremony in New York City. Peep excerpts from the interview below:

On the leaked photo of her battered face:
It was humiliating; that is not a photo you would show to anybody. I felt completely taken advantage of. I felt like people were making it into a fun topic on the Internet, and it’s my life. I was disappointed, especially when I found out the photo was [supposedly leaked by] two women.

On the aftermath:
It has taught me so much. I felt like I went to sleep as Rihanna and woke up as Britney Spears. That was the level of media chaos that happened the next day. It was like, What, there are helicopters circling my house? There are 100 people in my cul-de-sac? What do you mean, I can’t go back home?

My friends and family have been extremely supportive, and everyone has been there for me. But at some point you are there alone. It’s a lonely place to be—no one can understand. That’s when you get close to God.

On domestic violence:

Domestic violence is a big secret. No kid goes around and lets people know their parents fight. Teenage girls can’t tell their parents that their boyfriend beat them up. You don’t dare let your neighbor know that you fight. It’s one of the things we [women] will hide, because it’s embarrassing. My story was broadcast all over the world for people to see, and they have followed every step of my recovery. The positive thing that has come out of my situation is that people can learn from that. I want to give as much insight as I can to young women, because I feel like I represent a voice that really isn’t heard. Now I can help speak for those women.

On her image change:

In the first two years of my career, there were a lot of restraints on what I could do. I couldn’t wear certain colors of lipstick, like bright pink, dark pink or red; [my lips] had to be natural. Eventually, I stopped communicating with certain people at the label, and did exactly what I wanted to do. And that was to cut my hair, dye it black, change my clothes, change my sound. Really to just express myself.

On her new album ‘Rated R’:

I was involved in a lot of the writing. I put everything I’ve wanted to say for the past eight months into my music. The songs are really personal. It’s rock ‘n’ roll, but it’s really hip-hop: If Lil’ Wayne and Kings of Leon like my album, then I’ll feel good. I would not change anything about it. Even if people don’t love it, I made exactly the piece of art that I wanted to make. It’s super fearless—which is exactly how I feel right now. I am in a really good place.

I have grown up a lot since my last album. It [represents] exactly where I am at right now.

It’s encouraging to see that she is brave enough to discuss the occurrences of the recent months with such honesty and integrity without sounding bitter.  I am quite thankful that she kept her life on track. I gained more respect for after reading this and understand her a lot more as a person.

Tidbit: Does anyone else think that her comments about becoming Britney Spears could also apply to her music as well? Just a thought…

Sam’s 2 pence: A good read, though I don’t believe that ‘I took control of my image’ malarky for a single second.



Check out X-Factor star Alexandra Burke’s high fashion photoshoot for the current issue of Wonderland magazine.  The sizzling photo’s below are a bit hit and miss, but she looks great for the most part….

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What do you think of the pics?

R&B songstress Alicia Keys performed a Yahoo Music set comprised of her past hits and new gems from upcoming LP ‘The Element of Freedom’ at New York University’s Skirball Center recently. Peep her awesome performance of new single ‘Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart’ above, as well as several others after the jump…


Check out Mya’s performance during the 7th Week of competition on ‘Dancing With The Stars.’ The sultry singer danced the Foxtrot with her partner Dmitry and basically floored the judges (with the exception of Len Goodman, the token hater). I hope she has space on her mantle next to her Grammy Award (bet you forgot she had one!) because that trophy is as good as hers! Go team!

Your thoughts?

leona lewis performs 021109

Last evening Leona Lewis took the stage at the Hackney Empire in London to perform material from her upcoming album. I love the drama in her eyes.

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Also on the performance circuit was Lil’ Kim, who offered a different kind of show while performing at Club Zenith in Holland. Long live Kim!

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What do you think of the pics?

Diva Mariah Carey paid a visit to The Jay Leno Show a few hours ago to promote her latest projects. In the light-hearted interview, the 39 year old songstress spoke on her new album ‘Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel’ (which is tumbling down the charts, with just 275, 000 copies sold), her role in the critically-acclaimed movie ‘Precious’, her perfume and more.

While she came across quite well, I was rather surprised that she didn’t perform anything from the album. I mean you’d think she and her team would understand the fact that ‘Memoirs’ is on course to flop harder than ‘Glitter’; and no I’m not being a cow, I’m just saying…

In other Mariah news, fan-favourite ‘H.A.T.E U’ has now been confirmed as her next single, this despite a video having already been shot for ‘I Want To Know What Love Is’ as well as the many promo performances she done for the song. Word has it Mariah and her team were unimpressed with the final edit of the Hype Williams directed video, hence the hold up. Is it me, or is this project becoming more of a mess with each passing day?

Your thoughts?

Amerie In Love and War

Today marks the US release of Amerie’s 4th studio album ‘In Love & War’.

With it being 3 years since the release of her criminally underrated ‘Because I Love It’ LP, the 29 year old will no doubt be hoping this new body of work will give her the recognition she deserves.

That said, though we are loving the album here at That Grape Juice, her label Def Jam don’t seem to be! One needn’t look further than the  next-to-no promotion for the record, as well as the fact she has yet to perform on any televised show. It’s such a shame, as in an industry in much need of legitimate talent, it can be staring someone like Amerie right in the face, yet shun it in favour of lesser talented acts. I can only hope she gets the recognition she deserves in due course.

We here at That Grape Juice want to know if you’ll be buying ‘In Love & War’? Have you got/heard it already? Hit or Miss?

Your thoughts?

R&B star Monica stopped by the Mo’Nique Show this week to promote her new BET reality series ‘Still Standing’. As well giving a  rousing performance of her song of the same, she spoke about a range of things including her time in the industry, how she’s sustained, her children and much more. Ms. Arnold comes across real humble and intelligent here, two qualities which are oft absent in many an artist. Refreshing.

Peep the interview after the jump…
