Ever note-perfect, never looking a mess and seemingly ‘errrrrwhere’, many look at Ms. Knowles as some kind of robot/machine (an idea I believe she plays on with that Sasha Fierce glove). Bey speaks about being having to slow her roll for the first time in the magazine too:
“Years ago, I was definitely headed for a breakdown,” she continues. “Just way too much work—my life was my career and I had no other life. It started when I was 15 and I hadn’t learned the importance of balance, making sure I took a day off. I didn’t know what ‘no’ was, what boundaries were. At this point, I know that after a certain amount of time I have to go home. I know what I like now. It just takes life experience to get a good balance. When you’re young, you don’t know what relaxes you.”
I’m really liking the fact Ms. Knowles is shedding her wooden ‘media-trained’ personality this go round in favour of what seems to be really her. More power to her.
Your thoughts?