With Mario gearing up for the release of his new album ‘Go!’ (due November 27th), the R&B singer is cranking up the promotion for the CD – this time dropping by AOL Sessions to perform current single ‘Crying Out For Me’. I’ve liked the track for the longest time and am rooting for Mario with this CD, but the performance just wasn’t good enough. A few off-notes in the middle I could let slide, but the way he messed up the end with the bad adlibbing didn’t do him any favours.

What do you think of the performance?

Nicole Scherzinger’s record label Interscope have confirmed that the release of the singer’s debut solo album has been delayed until 2008. At time of writing, no reason has been given for the push back. {Source}
This really comes as no surprise. Both singles ‘Whatever You Like’ and ‘Baby Love’ were complete and utter garbage – failing miserably on the charts on both sides of the Atlantic. Nicole’s team are reportedly ‘rethinking’ their next move – with more studio time not being ruled out. I say she should scap the entire album and start afresh. Better still, go back to the Pussycat Dolls and hope we forget this whole mess (her album) ever happened.

Any thoughts?
The hype surrounding Jay-Z’s forthcoming ‘American Gangster’ tour appears to be more than I initially thought – a lot more. The rap mogul’s label issued a press release today stating that tickets for the tour stops in Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angeles sold out in less than 60 seconds. {Source}
Word has it the album is pretty good too. I guess all of this will silence those calling for Jay to retire.

Your thoughts?
Whilst her Destiny’s Child band mates are touring and promoting their solo records, Michelle Williams has been hard at work on her latest solo effort. Check out the most recent blog post she posted on her official MySpace:

What’s crackin everybody!!! Today is my off day from the Color Purple!!!! And I few from San Francisco last night to LA where I’m the studio recording!! It’s a hot song called CURIOSITY!!!! I thought I should give some info on what I’m doin today!!! Rodney Jerkins produced the track!!! I really appreciate the love and support from everyone here on myspace!!!! To all my bay area friends….I hope to see you at the show The Color Purple!!!

Anyhoo….I have something to get off my chest!!!! Now I know that I shouldn’t be on the gossip blogs but I do go on there to see what’s goin on in the industry and what consumers are buying into!! I read some thing that said Michelle has vanished into nowhere!!!! That is so not true!!! I’ve been working!!! It’s just that the things that I’ve been involved in don’t get the publicity that they should!!! I’ve been doing my acting thing…and I’m having the time of my life!!! Just bcuz I’m not in US Weekly everyday and the paparazzi isnt following me around (which I’m happy about bcuz I have a life) doesnt mean that I’m less of an artsist or my profile isnt great!!! To me…it aint about the cameras and the best clothes…..it’s about my happiness and me doing what I wanna do when I want to do it!!!!! I’m happy that I can make my own choices and do things that don’t have the bright lights attached to it!!!! Michelle Williams is doin’ her thang!!! LOLLLL

My album comes out in May 2008 and I do have a tentative title for it!!!! I’ll tell you guys verrrrrrrrrry soon!!! Why May???? Bcuz I’m in the Color Purple until March 2008!!! I’ve given the show a year of my life!!

One more thing!!! I want a new look!!!! What do you guys think I should do with my hair??

I know that was kinda long, but it was a pretty interesting read IMO. She always comes across very personable and well-grounded. Having enjoyed her gospel efforts, I’m anticipating her new CD; hearing that Rodney ‘Darkchild’ Jerkins is working on the project makes it all the more promising too.

Are you checking for Michelle’s album?

As reported last week, Keyshia Cole appeared on the Tyra Banks show to promote her new album ‘Just Like You’. Here’s the performance she gave of current single ‘Shoulda Let You Go’ on the show – which hit the net shortly after the first post. I’ve had the song in heavy rotation for a while and am glad to see Keyshia doing it justice live. As with the track, though, the random rapper (Amina) could really doesn’t need to feature.

What do you think of the performance?

Check out the video for Twista’s latest single ‘Pimp Like Me’. The track is the 2nd single to be lifted from the Chi-Town rapper’s forthcoming album ‘Adrenaline Rush 2007’. I’m kinda liking the song, but the video is a mess. Apart from being the ‘same ol’, same ol’, it’s cheap-looking. I guess the label weren’t looking to shell out much money on this vid after the last single ‘Give It Up’ tanked completely. ‘Adrenaline Rush 2007’ is available now.

What do you think of the video?

With all the controversy and hysteria surrounding Britney Spears as of late, today’s date has been firmly etched into the music calender as either the beginning of Spears’ comeback or possibly the end of her career. The singer’s fourth studio album ‘Blackout’ finally hit stores across the globe today.

Having heard the album in it’s entirety, I have to admit that I was pretty impressed – the CD is a solid Pop/R&B/Dance fusion. Saying that, what are your thoughts on the album? Will you buying /’obtaining’ (lol) it anytime soon? Drop your view in the ‘comment’ section…
Your thoughts?

Our friends over at Real Talk NY caught up with R&B star Ciara at one of the stops on her 5 city 22nd birthday tour. The singer spoke on recording the follow-up to her Platinum-selling LP ‘Ciara: The Evolution’ as well as her futures goals and ambitions.

It’s a pretty interesting interview and she comes across really well. Considering I felt ‘The Evolution’ could have been much better than it was, I’m hoping she comes hard with her next project; I really see her as one of the few artists out now who has the potential to be great.

What do you think of the interview?

To be honest I was kinda surprised to see that John is still cranking out singles from his sophomore album ‘Once Again’ ; I thought it was done with. Like the entire album, I’m not really feeling ‘Another Again’ and it’s accompanying video – finding it be pretty much a snooze fest. Whereas John’s debut LP was one of my favourites from 2005, the follow-up was a collection of songs that could easily pass for elevator music. Here’s hoping he delivers with his future efforts.

What do you think of the song / video?

It seems there’s no end to the album push back’s – the latest on the list being rapper Ja Rule. Check out the report below via Murder Inc Online:

MurderIncOnline can reveal that Ja Rule’s highly anticipated new album ‘The Mirror’ has been pushed back to 2008 with no confirmed release date. We contacted Irv Gotti to ask him the reason behind this set back and he told us that they have received ‘Sample clearance issues’ so therefor they had to push it back.

“Highly anticipated”? Ok then….So, would I be wrong in assuming that the poor performance of the album’s two singles had something to do with the delay? What I’m yet to understand is why it’s mainly the artists whose albums aren’t going to sell anyway that keep pushing their albums back. As cut-throat as it may sound, they should just release it and if it flops then keep it moving. SMH…

Your thoughts?
With Snoop Dogg set to release his new album ‘Ego Trippin” early nex year, the set’s first single ‘Sexual Eruption’ has surfaced. To be honest, I can’t say I’m liking this one all that much. IMO Snoop has yet to recapture that ‘something’ that made his 2004 effort ‘Rhythm and Gangsta’ such a hit-spawning CD. For the record, it isn’t T-Pain on the song’s hook.

Hit or Miss?

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A very revealing Keyshia Cole appears on the cover of the December issue of VIBE magazine. Though the pic is overly airbrushed, she doesn’t look bad – at all. Keyshia’s new album ‘Just Like You’ is in stores now.

What do you think of the cover?
