To celebrate Rihanna’s ‘Last Girl On Earth’ tour touching down in London, we will be giving away a pair of tickets to the Tuesday 11th May concert date at the 02 Arena at 3PM (UK GMT) TODAY on our TWITTER compliments of @We_R_NokiaMusic.
Simply embed this widget (example below) on your social networking page (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, blog etc) and tweet us (@thatgrapejuice) with a twitpic/tweetphoto OR link to where you have embeded it, along with with the hashtag #RihannaTour before 4pm (UK GMT).
Example – @thatgrapejuice {Insert pic URL} #RihannaTour
To grab the widget click the ‘Share’ button. You can either copy and paste the embed code onto your blog or click to share it through Twitter, Facebook or MySpace.