Joss Stone Attacks Christina Milian

Published: Thursday 29th Mar 2007 by Sam
British soul singer Joss Stone has launched a scathing attack on Christina Milian in the upcoming GIANT magazine issue. EUR WEB reports:

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While Stone had some harsh criticism for today’s crop of R&B singers, her most scathing words were saved specifically for singer-actress Christina Milian, who just so happens to be the ex-girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend, Beau Dozier.

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Stone describes most singers today as “just highly paid strippers.” When told she may have just insulted a large swath of singers, she cocked her head to the side, flashed an innocent smile and said, “What? It’s not like I’m not telling the truth.”

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When Christina Milian’s name came up in conversation, Stone, according to writer Aliya S. King, “doesn’t bother to hide her disdain for the woman who Dozier, now Stone’s ex-boyfriend, once dated.”

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Stone told King: “I could tell you some stories about her… ,” then launched into a “profanity-laced tirade against the pop star.”

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King writes: “After I point to my tape recorder, reminding her that she’s on record, Stone doesn’t quit. Instead, she continues to go off on Milian and, even worse, Milian’s mother. ‘I’m just honest,’ Stone concludes with a shrug.”

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“Christina has never met Joss,” Milan’s publicist responds. “She can’t imagine what this is all about.”

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Ain’t this funny? How does she manage to to call out anybody else when she, herself, has a shady background?. Wasn’t it just a few short weeks ago that Joss came under fire in the ‘F*cking for Tracks’ exposé? What she doesn’t seem to understand is that she can call all these R&B chicks ‘hoes’ all she likes but at least they’re ‘hoes’ for all to see! She, on the other hand, is a ‘hoe’ behind closed doors and that’s worse. She needs to sit down.

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  1. Anonymous March 29, 2007

    hoooooooooooooo. btich. no christina is amazin and joss is f****** for tracks.

  2. Anonymous March 29, 2007

    Stone has some nerve,not only did she start that beef with Dallas herself,by slating him on,she has also based her whole album promo on slating her ex Beau.She has attacked Paris and Britney in recent weeks..all while she herself decided to more or less show the photographers what was up her skirt a few days ago
    Also,the bit about she could ”tell us a few things about Christina and her mother” hmm,thts rich coming from Stoner,who’s family consists of HER,a self confessed dope head,who f**** for armed robbing crackhead brother..a mother who was having numerous affairs behind her husbands back,and eventually ran off with Stone’s then drummer..a kid brother who was so wasted he got kicked out stone’s gig [and he is underage to be drinking]
    read all about the stoners here

    OH and stoners cd is only a hit,cos it was on sale at most outlets for HALF PRICE

  3. Anonymous March 29, 2007

    ALL of these gotdammed “artists” are fulla dog crap these days. They have no fukking class, no REAL gotdammed talent, they have no wisdom and DEFINITELY have NO GRATITUDE.

    Any REAL PERSON (or ARTIST) would be TOO BUSY showcasing their TALENT, living their life and being GRATEFUL for the “talent” and “success” that God has blessed them with, rather than doing “interviews” about who’s “fukking for tracks” and other negative B.S.

  4. Anonymous March 29, 2007

    Joss is useless she should stay in the US and shouldn’t come back

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