Brandy – ‘Right Here (Departed)’ Video

Published: Wednesday 3rd Sep 2008 by Sam

Brandy’s long awaited comeback video for new single ‘Right Here (Departed)’premiered literally within the hour on Yahoo Music. Though the clip is pretty simplistic, it does the song awesome justice. I’ve said it many a time, but can’t say it enough “Welcome back Ms. Norwood!”.

Whst do you think of the video?

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  1. America’s Future September 3, 2008

    I wish she had danced like she did in Talk about out love…but the vid was cool

  2. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    I love it !!

    Very Simpel but VERY Touching .. VERY !!

    Love it .. Can’t wait for a Live Performance ..

  3. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    Why did they change her logo so it’s hard to tell if it is Brandi or Brandy???

  4. Luís! September 3, 2008

    A round of applause for Brandy!
    GREAT song and really good video!

  5. Soufian September 3, 2008

    OMG IM IN LOVE WITH THIS!! IT’s so strong!! love the song as well

    go brandy love you baby

  6. anderson September 3, 2008

    A round of applause is right. Brandy IS BACK. Don’t forget to watch her on Access Granted tonight.

    I can’t stop watching this video, it is amazing.

  7. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    Her teeth look kinda weird.
    other than that, it’s a great video.

  8. Miranda Priestly @ Runaway Mag. September 3, 2008

    welcome back Brandi! good job on the vid..

  9. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    Well, I’m not really impressed with the video, but seeing her is kind of like a breathe of fresh air, so go ahead brandy!

  10. CJ September 3, 2008

    It’s ok I mean it’s really nothin special to me kinda BORING…..just my own personal opinion.

  11. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    Did not like that mole on her face, normally I don’t think its so prominently featured, plus the vid sucks for a first single, I predict human will sell 200,000 total.

  12. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    i loved it, im not liking her hair, i wished she would have left it short, but I like how she came out with a song that actually talks about something, not just some random song thats meant to be a hit. cant wait for the album and wish her the best.

  13. chuck tha great September 3, 2008

    Brandy U R so great! I must say that I am very unhappy with the singles ive been hearing lately!! I wanna hear some I wanna be down and have u ever.Ive alwayz been a big fan of urz but u r really letting me down….. please choose a better second single!1 much love to ya!

  14. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    Simple but good. I am just happy she is back. Can’t wait to hear the album!

  15. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    nice…. i liked it….. im glad the artists of “our” time are coming back into the spotlight

  16. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    I don’t like the video. I think the video should’ve been illustrated a whole lot better than what it was. The lyrics are beautiful so the video should have reflected them better. Some visual effects would have been a nice touch.

    And why is the person a few posts above me predicting sales already? The album hasn’t even leaked yet, so you haven’t even heard her new material in it’s entirety and you’re already predicting her to fail. Hate doesn’t apply to every post, but it definitely applied to that one. SMH.

  17. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    ummm i used 2 love brandy
    but this is garbage..her look..this video..and this song…im really upset @ this s*** lol

    I dont think shell ever be as ood as she used 2 be

  18. Nick September 3, 2008

    I LOVE IT !!! I do wish she had more of a dance breakdown towards the middle, BUT, its NICE! cnt wait 2 see it on tv & hope it does well/LUV HER!

  19. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    The video is okay but I’m still not impressed with the song. She looked good tho

  20. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    I love this video. It’s simple but says a whole lot. Like She doesn’t need hella ish going on to prove a point or relay a message.

  21. TJ September 3, 2008

    YES!! I loved the vid, she was like a black angel. I do wish there would’ve been a dance breakdown tho, but the video was still great. Totally went with the feel of the song. All U HATERS FALL BACK!!

  22. Anonymous September 3, 2008


  23. Ant from cleveland to Cali September 3, 2008

    same sound…she not going to make it again…brandy needed to work with kanye west again a different sound i would like to hear from brandy beside that computer shi**…on brandy last cd the two of the hottest songs on that cd was the ones kanye west produce…dont get me wrong i luv brandy every cd she came out with was wonderful too me…but if u listen to some of rodney jerkins other produce songs they sound so different and better than that garbage he give brandy…when can i hear brandy real voice again…but she looks beatiful in her video love her it time for a change

  24. tia September 3, 2008

    Man this vid reminds me of this “almost doesnt count” video days with her…..i missed her,with the last album she was trying to fit in when she knows damn well that whenever she just does her it works out… was pretty simple,probably because of the budget but she looked so pretty (love her lashes) and who was that lady??…..anywho like you said sam b-rocka welcome back!

  25. MzJGaines September 3, 2008

    This is a really strong song and I’m loving it. I’m glad she’s back . . . she still has a really nice voice.

  26. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    Love the song but hate the boring video

  27. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    i love brandy and the musical content in the vocal arrangement….superb….i am such a fan ….glad she has moved on from her old label and i think she rocks ….cannot wait for the album to drop ….much love brandy

  28. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    The song neither the video moved me. Both to me are kind of boring. I think she could have done better.

  29. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    She looks like pocahontas in this video! But I like the video very simple! I love this song. I smile a hit Brandy!

  30. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    im putting this video on my ipod NOW
    so worth buying
    i love that she changed
    she looks like an angel

  31. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    who the hell said she should work with kanye again???

    first of all kanye songs from his latest album are good but none have been hits and i dont think hes a good producer

  32. South September 3, 2008

    the video helped me understand exactly what the song is about. i liked it.

    cept for the part where she looked cross eyed.

  33. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    i think the video could’ve used a little bit more pizzazz, but it’s still very nice.

  34. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    this song is not about dancing dumb ass people!!!

  35. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    I would like to see her perform the song live. The song is nice and more promo would be great.

  36. Anonymous September 3, 2008


    I actually have to give it up to Brandy for this one, it was interesting and unique. Made me like the song more too, and to me thats a goal for making a video if someone already thinks the song is OK.

    Yes the new logo does make it look like “Brandi” but she wanted an obiv. change… So thats prob why.

    It’s a unique tocuhing kind of video, but I think she should have had some white people in it to reach a broader appeal-meaning ppl she was helping out. [And I am mixed/black So Im not a racist.]

    Good job B-Rocka
    Lets see how well the single does!



  37. Anonymous September 3, 2008

    LOL what minute mark did she look cross eyed, THATS FUNNY AS HELL!!!!


  38. Anonymous September 4, 2008

    jus love

  39. Anonymous September 4, 2008

    I really like it, cant wait to see more of brandy

  40. Anonymous September 4, 2008

    she looks amazing! she doesnt even change her outfit at all…but for some reason it doesnt bother me at all!!!

  41. Steve September 4, 2008

    I don’t get why people are praising this video, it’s very boring and linear.

    Love the song but the video looks very “low-budget” which is a shame.

    If you watch this video on mute, you’ll probably appreciate how bland it is.

  42. sugabrown September 4, 2008

    This vid kind of goes with the song..

    I like that it has a simple theme to it but some of the actions in the video could of emphasised the lyrics to give it that umph needed…

    However u can’t blow budget on one video and i think this is just the start…

    Hope “Throw It All Away” is second single THAT SONG IS A BANGER!!!! Real Brandy hotness…..

    (Btw is it me being picky or did it look like Brandy wasn’t that keen on kissing the womans forehead lol)….

    GOO B-Rocka can’t wait for the album

  43. Anonymous September 4, 2008


  44. Anonymous September 4, 2008

    Oopsss sorry for the long e’s outside the comment box area

  45. AaronMichael September 4, 2008

    The song is koo, the video was alright. It didn’t really move me much and from what they said the concept of the video was, It could have offered more in terms of creating the illusion of some sort of tragedy.

  46. Anonymous September 4, 2008

    I LIKE IT ALOT, IT’S SIMPLE BUT SWEET. You can see the message she trying to send. NICE JOB BRANDY AND X

  47. Anonymous September 4, 2008

    I have to say she looks much better and she has upgraded well done brandy

  48. Diamond September 4, 2008

    beautiful song…Luv It!!

  49. Anonymous September 4, 2008

    wow thats all to say wel luvs it !!!!!

  50. Anonymous September 4, 2008

    nice song but video could have been better
    still cute though

  51. KoopaTroopa September 4, 2008

    well…when ur on a budget thats what ya get…

  52. SamIsA… September 4, 2008

    Huh, I can see what she was trying to do, but I didn’t really work, not for me. I see the concept, but I’m not feeling it, you know?

    But, the video is beautiful, boring, but beautiful. Her vocals have improved incredibly and you can really tell it in the video, more than the single itself.

    Ray J’s and Darkchild’s appearance were pointless. Maybe it would have been more effect if Brandy’s spirit was visiting Ray, but then again, that would call for Ray to act… :/ Er, nerermind.

    Anyway, with that being said, I love B-Rocka to death and will be buying (not bootlegging) her new CD.

  53. Anonymous September 5, 2008

    For those of you who say your not feelin the video, you obviously don’t truly understand the concept of it. Brandy’s video conveys the exact message of the song, and it doesn’t need a bunch of ridiculous props, dance moves and flashing lights for it to be considered well-crafted. Sometimes plain and simple is the best of beauty, and that goes a long way….don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on the people who don’t like it, cuz everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but alot of these artists of today try to do those same kind of videos, and they have all this ridiculous crap-like props and concepts that don’t even matter in their videos, and their message never gets across, and viewers get tired of it very fast. In this video, Brandy is basically an angel that has crossed over and that has came back to earth to tell her loved ones that everything is going to be alright, and is singing to them to re-assure them her promise. All I’m saying is when you understand the meaning of the video, you’ll find it much easier to enjoy.

  54. Anonymous September 5, 2008

    i said itonce & will say it again B-ROCKA all day

  55. Anonymous September 5, 2008

    she looks great.
    like the song.
    but could she only aford two peole for the video? and was it shockingly boring with very linted movement, or was it just me. i expected beter. But wow she looks great!!

  56. Eternally12 September 5, 2008

    awwwww i loved it!!!!!!! BRANDY IS BACK!!!

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