Randomness: Destiny’s Child’s Audition

Published: Tuesday 16th Mar 2010 by Sam

Peep this video of an early Destiny’s Child performing in the audition which would ultimately change each of their lives; their audition at age 15 for Columbia Records (who they’re still signed to).

Granted the fact this has been floating around for a while, it certainly makes for a compelling watch. For though solid as a collective, it really gives an insight to what each of the girls were working with in their unseasoned/untrained form. I don’t know about you guys, but a certain Ms. Rowland upstaged a certain Ms. Knowles by quite a margin. A point I feel necessary to mention solely due to how the group’s history played out.

Regardless of who sounded better, it’s quite inspiring to see the humble beginnings of what would become one of music’s biggest acts.

Your thoughts?

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  1. Brandy = DA TRUTH March 16, 2010

    Interesting video!

  2. Jermaine March 16, 2010

    kelly clearly did the best, but My “HONEY BEE” has grown soooooo much.

  3. antertain March 16, 2010

    Kelly was banging vocally on this. Her voice was fire.

    Because i was defending LeToya i did not mention how great Kelly’s vocals were on this track.

    Girls Tyme/DC audtion for Columbia Records

    LeToya & Latavia had the moves locked down..

    I gotta love my original DC ladies.
    Michelle was a blessed soul though BUT will my real DC please stand -up!!!

  4. Ghetto Fab March 16, 2010

    Poor Beyonce still had the stiff ass weave she has in her head today. Thank you Tacky Tina lmao

    Kelly’s vocals were the best hands down! The other two La whatever and Le whatever at least could dance lol. Their voices were decent too.

  5. Stoney-Brie March 16, 2010

    less interesting >> Beyonce has never been cute in her life..

  6. Meechy05 March 16, 2010

    Wow Bey and Kellz have grown so much

  7. Muni March 16, 2010

    Kelly was the best, you can see that the work then was put into Beyonce to better her voice but not Kelly. Now that Kelly is working gain with vocal coach her vocals have been improving in each performance. I am sure after this album she will be recognized just as KELLY ROWLAND.

  8. Observer March 16, 2010

    Did anyone see Beyonce mess up at 1:48??????????

  9. antertain March 16, 2010

    Yes messed up her moves so, she glanced at LeToya and then got back on point.

    Bee has defo grown loads but i somewhat miss her RnB vocals

    Harmonies were tight tooo.

    Once again gotta Salute Kelly

  10. KO March 16, 2010

    For the record Beyonce was the lead singer of DC BEFORE Matthew even got his hands on it.

    This still doesnt change the fact that Kelly has been sounding like a hot bowl of s*** since 2000

    Poor girl hit her vocal peak early 🙁

    While Beyonce was just getting started

  11. Blasian March 16, 2010




  12. Veebz March 16, 2010

    Kelly was showing em’ what she could do

  13. Freelandmeis March 16, 2010

    Beyonce was bopping around a mess. The vid just shows how big Kelly coulda been if she wasn’t so shy on stage.

  14. cool chick March 16, 2010

    lol awww @ bey. she is stll my fav

    Kelly was great, loves her

  15. Ms. CLaY March 16, 2010

    This was so cute! It is so 90’s-ish, when R&B was less pop and more, well, R&B! It had that great soul, s*** vibe with PERFECT HARMONIES!

    I seen a few videos when they were younger and Kelly ALWAYS sounded better than Beyonce to me! Kelly’s voice was more natural, refined, and controlled! I think Beyonce is a very, very, very hardworker and that’s why her voice is really great now and I mean singing lead for almost a decade would also help someones voice progress as well. Of course, I think Beyonce was the lead because her father was their manager but also because she had a better stage presence than Kelly.

    I definitely think Kelly should have had wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy more leads than she had throughout DC’s career.

    I actually want to see more videos of them back in the day now! That was awesome! I miss the [90’s R&B] COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!

  16. honey d March 16, 2010


    Thats her REAL hair sweetie… stop hating cuz you got your lacefront from the Shell station on the corner and its starting to mildew..

    *rolls eyes*

  17. tricky March 16, 2010

    Typical, giving Kelly shine when it doesn’t even matter. She’s sounded like trash since 2000. Not because she was slept on but because she peaked at her teenage years. deal with it and stop rooting for the underDOG.

  18. Blasian March 16, 2010


  19. Ms. CLaY March 16, 2010


    No one is arguing that Kelly is gonna be bigger than Beyonce. My point was that Kelly’s voice was way better than Beyonce’s back then! Now I do think Beyonce could out sing Kelly now-a-days just because of Beyonce’s hardwork, experience, and power. And also NOW Beyonce has better control but back then Kelly had ultimate control of her voice even at her young age.

  20. chaseKILLS March 16, 2010

    LaTavia got a little line in too chiming in with Kelly “don’t be afraid”… the original is the best?

  21. Amy March 16, 2010

    Lol at the hater who said that was a weave. Um…that was clearly her hair, they all were rocking their real hair in this video except Kelly. Btw this video is rather old cute none the less.

  22. Amy March 16, 2010

    Also *Dead* at the other hater who said “Beyonce aint never been cute…” you must be one of them ugly low self esteem broads…

  23. Aunt Jackie March 16, 2010

    I’m surprised, Kelly actually did do the best and they were all so cute! I miss Destiny’s Child.

    It’s funny to me that Beyonce already knew how to control the stage at that age.

    Awww, where are the good girl groups? Everything looks so ‘packaged’ now.

  24. BJ March 16, 2010


    Clearly Kelly had the better voice but im sure because Beyonce had her dad and the better looks, they pushed her to the front.

    To be honest Beyonce voiced was kinda shaky and didnt really have a set tone to it!
    LeToya probably could have sang her part and almost sound identical….

    Nevertheless, Its interesting to see where they are now and how the music industry tore them apart, you probably could have never told them, that by time their 30, 3 of them would be solo artist and out of the 3 one would be on her way to becoming an icon.

  25. here to laugh March 16, 2010

    Awwww this is cute! It does seem like Kelly definitely has the stronger voice, but Beyonce has the advantage on stage presence. Just my opinion.
    This video makes me miss the ORIGINAL Destiny’s Child! I think Michelle is talented, but im still DC4 over DC3 anyday!

  26. Jace March 16, 2010

    i don’t think this one audition video defines Kelly or Beyonce’s vocal ability during that time. Only a fool could question B’s vocal prowess, I’ve seen many videos of her at ages much younger than this and she’s singing and harmonizing with incredible ability thats continued through today…Seen her perform in a very intimate, private setting and was one of the best performances i’ve ever witnessed…I’ve seen Kelly perform live and heard her sound incredible, but yet seen her perform live sounding like she was just hit by a car…the consistency with Kelly is the issue…I’m def rooting for her, in hopes that she finds the success that she deserves….

  27. Meechy05 March 16, 2010

    Lol @ BJ but Effie is well on her way wait till that single drops Deena will Be History!!!

  28. caroline March 16, 2010


  29. MACartist March 16, 2010

    ok, kelly upstaged her then, but know who has the better vocal range. Honey BEY of course. thank you and good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Oh Please March 16, 2010

    Kelly had a better voice than Beyonce then and she still has a better voice than Beyonce now. However, while Beyonce has enough confidence for every other artist in the industry,Kelly STILL has moments when she seems to be unsure of what her voice can do and for some unknown reason still holds back. Her tone and timbre is 10x better than Beyonce’s but Beyonce’s confidence and control is slightly better than Kelly’s. I also agree with Jace. Kelly can perform awesomely when she wants to but she has also had performances that leave you wondering why people pay this chick to sing. She’s inconsistent. Hope all that changes with her next album because I do think Kelly is a rare talent and capable of so much more than she lets on.

  31. JAY March 16, 2010

    Letoya and Latavia were the better dancers and singers.

    Because Beyonce sounded like a WOUNDED CAT

    The people at the label were clearly feeling Latavia and Letoya they were liking everything they did. Their were reactions when beyonce tried to shine.

    Kelly got off key to many damn times. The only thing that were holding them together is definitely Letoya and Latavia.

    They are the ones that made them sound good nothing and no one else.

    So now we know who are the two tone deaf ones are Beyonce and Kelly.

    Truth always come to light!!!!!!!!

  32. wow March 16, 2010

    To bad Kelly doesnt sound this good anymore and she sounds like crack live and Beyonce will slay her in every aspect of life live now. who are the other two?

  33. tricky March 16, 2010

    That’s true, no matter how much Sam keeps on trying to push Kelly’s deserving for fame, she still comes the fool when posing like a horse (wannabe diva pose) or a broke penniless mannequin (i can do angles too pose)

  34. BEYDABESS (DA REAL ONE) March 16, 2010




  35. Ashley March 16, 2010

    Kelly killed this…Bey was ok….but Kelly;showed them how it was done.

  36. KC March 16, 2010

    I miss the DC4 days. Clearly know matter what people say, each girl had there part that made the group special only to be messed up by greed and power over the years. Sad that it came to just a one girl show cause each of them had something . Never liked DC3 so.

  37. JAY March 16, 2010


  38. JAY March 16, 2010


  39. Tiffany March 16, 2010

    I always thought that Kelly was a better sing than Beyonce. I think that Kelly can sing anything with her voice, Beyonce can sing but I personally like Kelly’s voice way more.

  40. Amy March 16, 2010

    Anybody who says LaTavia can sing better than anyone in that group is a fool (she sounds like T-Boz for goodness sake) and if Beyonce had voice lessons, so did Kelly. No excuse for her “sucking”. Especially when LeToya was off the scene and came back and slayed her (btw that is LeToya’s hair haters, Kelly’s the only one wearing weave). Every opportunity Bey got, kelly had 1st. Be it marriage or movies and she flopped on all of them, so they just gave up on her(can you blame ’em?). Any who I’ve seen other videos on YouTube when they were a bit younger and Beyonce slayed her, they go back and forth with each other, but now kelly officially just sucks. The End.

  41. Ghetto Fab March 16, 2010

    @Honey D

    REAL HAIR MY ASS b**** I can see Beystealing’s tracks all the way from my computer screen. All them h*** got weaves in they head so I don’t know what the talk is about. Tacky Tina had them all weaved up from the moment she stepped foot in there. Thats what she specializes in. Tina’s house of Tacky weaves/wigs and clothing. I’m sure thats one thing All those ex DC chicks don’t miss. Luckily for Beystealin that’s her mama lol. So she’ll get first dibbs. lmao

  42. ashantifan March 16, 2010

    Their harmonzies were on point. Bee and Kelly both did good. So did Letoya and Latavia.

  43. S*** March 16, 2010

    Bey’s Voice was Pre-Mature then which is why she could never have gone solo at that tender age.Her voice has been growing & growing ever since it has pretty much reached its Peek in 2005 & its still growing. Kelly is a year older than Bey so ofcourse Kelly could at times out-sing Bey back then but how the tables have turned. Kelly could never do that Now. Beyonce has surpassed Kelly since then & now is Far superior vocalist.

    I think its Cute to do voice comparisons Between them though because ironically they do have similar sultry vocals & I believe they’re both Sapranos or maybe Kelly is an Alto IDK. Beyonce’s voice is Fuller, lighter, more Pure & has more range While Kelly’s is much darker & Raspier. There’s a reason why Bey sung Lead, Beyonce’s Voice was more Powerful & Dynamic.

  44. S*** March 16, 2010

    Kelly Stans, Dont get Mad Cuz Kelly’s Voice peeked at 16/17 when Beyonce’s Voice was only in infant stage getting Bigger & Better. Lets see Kelly try to take a Crack at Ave Maria, Thats like asking Rihanna to sing “And I’m Telling You” or “I will always love You”, LOL Could you imagine??, Her voice would Crack Worse than Broken Glass…

  45. YES March 16, 2010

    I wouldn’t say anyone upstaged anyone. Beyonce and Kelly certainly supported each other vocally and it was clear that there was no room for anyone else to be lead in competition with their strong vocals. Matthew put extreme focus on the talent of his daughters and the other two were there for show.

  46. S*** March 16, 2010

    LOL, DEAD @ Who Are The other Two??

    Sam I think you should just keep your opinions to yourself, you have the worst taste, You Called Graffiti & Memoirs a good Album?- I rest my Case

  47. Ben March 16, 2010

    Wow, humble beginnings, yes. I actually miss this Beyonce.

  48. Amy March 16, 2010

    @Ghetto Flab
    Just because you only have an inch and a half of hair that hasn’t grown since lawd knows when, don’t mean everyone else don’t have REAL long hair. Your synthetic wearing ass wouldn’t know what real hair looks like anyway. ALL of them ( well Letoya, Beyonce, & Latavia) actually had long hair, there’s pics and video all over the place to prove it. If you took off your hater shades you’d be able to see that.

  49. cure2krvZu March 16, 2010

    I think that kelly was so pressured to sound like beyonce so their harmonies would mesh better and she somehow lost her own distinct singing voice in that… And then Beyonce being the manager’s child (well at least the one he claimed) she got the vocal training, I really do Matthew had it all figured out he was the Curtis/Barry Gordy in this tale everything he did was to prep his “favorite” daughter for stardom.

  50. Khalil March 16, 2010

    Kelly was excellent!

  51. True March 16, 2010

    All of these young ladies are clearly talented. The truth is that Beyonce has a stage presence that cannot be denied. I will not say that she has a better voice than Kelly though. Beyonce has a lighter, more marketable voice…. Just like Diana Ross. With her singing lead, it was easier for DC to crossover. SORRY Bey stans but there are so many things that can be taught vocally but, SOUL is not one of them. It is natural and does not come off as that slight growl that she does.

  52. Ghetto Fab March 16, 2010

    @ AMY

    B**** PLEASE! Ain’t no shade over here. Don’t worry about what my hair looks like. I stand by my statement. All them h*** is weaved up. Tacky Tina “hooked” it up lol. Thats why they all bald headed now. Lacefronts wherever they go. Tacky Tina and Beystealing go to sleep in them wigs lmao! Then she got the nerve to be on L’Oreal commercials selling some got damn SHAMPOO with her wiged up sister. What the hell she shampooing the damn WIGS?? lmao Get a hold of yourselves folks you’re only embarassing yourselves. The family that shampoos they wigs together stays together.

  53. jammy March 17, 2010

    I’m sorry little girls but all them girls had weave, Especially BEYONCE!!! (Not completely sure about Letoya and Latavia). That chick never had long hair, i don’t know if you all have been spending all your time in the river of denial.

    @S*** Also, Kelly did not peak at 2000. Her voice just isn’t consistent! She has hit some great notes and had some great musical moments after the year 2000. Lately, she has finally been consistent so iI am interested to see what her next LP will have to offer.

    Also b****, beyonce has said that kelly can hit notes that she wishes she could hit. I won’t deny Beyonce’s voice! I think she has some of the best control in the game, but it doesn’t make her 1000x better than anyone!

  54. Amy March 17, 2010

    @ghetto flab & jamnny= same person different e mail
    W**** go comb that synthetic s*** on top of you head and build some self esteem instead of hating on pretty girls with REAL long hair. Something you never had and never will. With you only having a inch of hair I can see why you might find it hard to believe that there are people out their who’s hair actually grows pass their ears. Poor you.

  55. Jammy March 17, 2010


    Bitc h we are not the same person! THank you very much. TO say that is beyonce’s real hair is a joke! I know there are plenty of beautiful women out there with long hair. Her hair isn’t very long. Simple as that. Go shut up and accept her hair isn’t that long. I am not a low self esteem person, just stating what seems more realistic about beyonce.


  56. Sade March 17, 2010

    Go Kelly! For all the haters, sit down and read a book. Hating will get you NOWHERE!

  57. chica March 17, 2010

    Well Beyonce was never the best singer in the group. However the group was geared up to make her into a star at the expense of the other members. Everything was made to be about Beyonce in that group. If Beyonce had had the same investment as say Kelly or one of the other girls she would not be where she is today.

  58. Oh Please March 17, 2010

    @ S#!T

    If you actually believe that Beyonce has a lighter,more pure voice than Kelly you must be smoking one serious crack pipe. Kelly has one of the purest tones in the industry. Beyonce has said it herself; and I quote, “Kelly has one of the most beautiful tones I’ve ever heard. It doesn’t matter if she sings ‘La La La’ because when she opens her mouth her tone is that of an angel.” Beyonce has also said in an interview, and I quote, “Kelly is so fierce on stage. She’s fearless. She’s not scared of anything. She commands the audience. Her voice is so big and beautiful and clear. I’m amazed.” Beyonce has also said in an article, and I quote, “Kelly really can do things with her voice I wish I could do. Alot of the time Kelly holds back. Did you know she scats?” Beyonce has praised Kelly for her skills as a vocalist, has admitted that in some areas Kelly is more advanced but has also called Kelly out about being vocally timid and limiting herself. Both girls have their strengths and both have their shortcomings. The fact is Beyonce has had way more opportunities to showcase her abilities. She was Destinys Child’s 1st lead while Kelly was 2nd lead. As a solo artist, Beyonce has had multiple performance platforms. She’s been able to tour and perform nearly every song in her repertoire. The only songs we’ve heard Kelly perform are “Dilemma”, “Like This”, the DC Medley, and “When Love Takes Over” (which she performs amazingly but has run into the ground). Kelly has never gotten the same opportunities that Beyonce has. The playing field between the two of them has never been equal. BUT, Kelly has a new manager now, a new label, a new album and a new lease on her career. The naysayers are about to have to pick their faces up off the floor because Kelly is coming for that @$$! Kelly may not be the most popular ex-member of DC but she is and has always been the one with the best voice. Even Beyonce knows that, so why don’t you fools know?

  59. Meechy05 March 17, 2010

    Tell em @ oh please! !! They will be eating their words when April gets here hurry up April damn. …hating is a petpeeve of mine,its so useless step yo cookies up Ms.Kelly will shut these naysayers down ” In Medea’s voice ” down…….

  60. AalexisR (The Bahamas) March 17, 2010

    Kelly still has more potential and talent but it is what it is. She wasn’t set up to be consistent, so she hasn’t been. She’ll get there.

  61. mia March 17, 2010

    Beyonce fans are funny especially that idiot Blasian. You guys are ALWAYS bashing other female artist and it is no problem but the minute someone throws shade at Beyonce then all of a sudden they are hating!!!!!

  62. Janee March 17, 2010

    So, no one is going to say anything about them being 15 and singing about having someone “wide open”

  63. Amy March 17, 2010

    H** like I said just because you only have an inch of hair doesn’t mean long hair don’t exist and it’s clear even with your hater filled vision that that’s their real hair, don’t be mad because yours can’t pass your ears. There is a difference between FACT and in your case hopeful wishing. Fact is them girls are rocking their REAL hair. Hopeful wishing is you wanting them to be bald, like your self.

    @the rest of the haters/kelly “stans”
    You fools can blame Mathew day in and day out the fact is no one is interested in hearing kelly sing, so no one bought her record including you. Mathew is not the reason kelly’s album flopped, Mathew is not the reason kelly can’t sing live, mathew is not the reason kelly can’t hold a man, and Mathew is not the reason kelly is an all around flop and failure. And you can say “well she’s big over seas” (some people beg to differ), but that doesn’t mean s*** since kellys home place is the U.S. Now who would want to flop in their own home? No one does, but that’s what kelly is and even if kelly did “out sing” Beyonce in this (yeah right) ONE particular video, the fact still remains that in the PRESENT of 2010 kelly rowland sucks at so called singing and LeToya & Beyonce slay her live and on record. Hell even Michelle slays kelly she just don’t get enough props, but one things for sure kelly is NOT going to “happen”, especially with them weak ass performances, so you can stay pressed kelly stans.

  64. Ms. CLaY March 17, 2010

    Why are people saying that isn’t Beyonce’s hair?? Clearly anyone with an eye for what real/fake hair looks like can see that it is all of their hair except for Kelly because she has braids! I mean come on, now I despise Beyonce’s wig/weaves but it’s obvious that is her hair in this video. I guess people are looking at it from their “I-don’t-like-Beyonce” perspective. Smh.

  65. Oh Please March 17, 2010

    Damn Amy,

    What’s with all the hostility? I mean did Kelly skin your puppy? You’re so buisy trying to convince everyone that Kelly can’t sing (LIE) or that she’s only outsung Beyonce once (EVEN BIGGER LIE). She has no skills huh? Well, the fact that her career spans more than a decade, has garnered countless awards and accolades as well as acknowledgement and commendations from producers that have worked with her and music legends such as Patti Labelle and Micheal Jackson says a hell of alot more than your senseless rant. Tell ya’ what, why don’t you upload a video of yourself singing one of Kelly’s songs better than she can; or better yet, performing better than she does. Maybe then the rest of us will take what you have to say seriously. Do that and we’ll see. Until then, SHUT UP YOU MEGA HATER. Kelly aint thinkin’ about you. She’s too buisy SLAYING in her own lane.

  66. GLYNNIEE March 17, 2010

    LOOOOOOOOL @ GHETTOFAB… soooo true…. 4 real!!!
    the performance was really good.. and kelly hmmmmmmmmmmm Ms Kelly did her thang!!!

  67. Marcus March 17, 2010

    Beyonce has grown so much since then because she didn’t give me any chills at all during this. Kelly took the STAGE and made SURE that they was gettin’ signed! Alright now Kelz! LOL

  68. luvsong March 17, 2010

    kelly’s tone was more natural and showed her rang, where as B. stayed in the same rang throughout the song… but she gettin her runs in lol

  69. I WONDER March 18, 2010

    Who’s better? Isn’t that just merely a matter of personal opinion?

  70. jammy! March 19, 2010


    B****, I am a dude, i don’t want hair that is very long. THat was my opinion i wasn’t trying to purposely be “jealous” or “throw shade” at any of them. I am a Beyonce fan, and I just didn’t believe that was ALL HER REAL HAIR!!!!!! So STFU you dumb h** in thinking that I am jealous of anything. B****, I ain’t bald and I am not trying to purposely hate anyone. It was my damn opinion. SO quit talking smack lil girl, and btw Kelly has a lot of talent, so stop being jealous of someone who actually has a Career versus your stank ass trying to shut me up, when you are trying to do the same thing to kelly fans! the fact you are hating on a girl with talent, versus me trying to say that I don’t think Beyonce’s hair is 100% hers shows where the real hating is at. Your trying to knock a girl down career wise, while all i am trying to say is i think that there might have been a weave in beyonce’s hair!!! I know plenty of black women who have nice long hair b itch, so please don’t think I spend time being jealous of beyonce’s hair!!! *snaps*

  71. Curtis March 27, 2010

    I have seen this video SO MANY TIMES. Kelly even back then had a nice chest/head transition. Beyonce, you could tell was a little nervous but getting into it did a great job. On the Kelly vs Beyonce vocal debate, Kelly does have a pure light airy pretty tone, where Bey’s tone is fuller(even on the video you can hear it), with a bit more color and dynamics even back then. Lot’s of Melismatic Phrasing too(vocal runs). And was/is the better belter too. Bey consistently belts above D over Tenor C and her signature note is the F over Tenor C, Kelly is more Tenor C to E-Flat(That is a note) over Tenor C and uses head voice more. Kelly probably need more work on perfecting her vocal stylings. Someone said that DC was built off Beyonce’s strengths, I agree with that. So Kelly would need an overhaul of her stylings to set herself apart. Not to mention work on her confidence. But she can sing. No doubt. DC would have not been DC without those two, even when Toya and Tavia left, they were able to keep going because of those two. So Kelly and Bey fans shouldn’t fight over who is better especially when it is a preference thing anyway.

  72. Curtis March 27, 2010

    And another thing, both of them got vocal training. In fact, here is a quote from DC4’s vocal teacher, right around the whole DC4 split controversy was happening: Brewer is wistful when he recalls how he taught the girls not just to sing, but to understand the technical and physiological concepts underlying the musical instrument that is the human voice. Even now, reeling with disappointment over what he sees as a change in her character, Brewer marvels at Beyoncé’s natural gifts. “Beyonce was the only one that came with this phenomenal voice. Kelly’s voice was little more than air. With LeToya, I thought ‘she will take a longer time to learn to sing in a pop or R&B style’ because she had a very naturally high placed voice. I had to teach her to sing in her “chest” voice.”

    “I taught Beyonce how to instruct – so she could teach the chords she composed to the others. I taught them how to hear cords, how to sing in tune. Their background vocals are very tight, as you’ll notice, because they were taught to sing “in vowel” – everybody understands the same placement for “ee” or “ah” – they place each phrase in the same part of the mouth. Each girl’s technique is the same. When they sing “ah’ they do it the same way, so that’s why it’s tight.” He seems proudest of the time he spent with Beyoncé separately, and he still regards her as a rare talent. He sounds like a proud papa when he describes how he taught her to build chords. “She learned very, very well. She was a very bright girl.”

    And he was working with them around the time of this video and this coming from someone who was defending TAVIA and TOYA at the time so this was from an unbias, objective place. That’s not to knock Kelly, because not everyone like fuller voices and just because a singer has a fuller voice don’t make them better.

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