New Song: Omarion – ‘One In A Million’ (Aaliyah Cover)

Published: Thursday 12th May 2011 by Sam

What to do when your musical efforts have been shunned on mass? Why, of course, you cover an R&B classic. One by Aaliyah at that.

This, unfortunately, was the rationale of former B2K star Omarion, who today released his own rendition of the late diva’s ‘One In A Million’.

Ironically, his version was just that – yet for all the wrong reasons. Listen, at your risk, below. And yes, it’s as shocking as you think…

Criminal. Nasal. Nonsense.

Omari sounded like he recorded this abomination on his Blackberry while taking a dump. Lord knows he sure took one all over the song, and Aaliyah’s legacy while at it. Proving, yet again, that there are some things best left untouched. I mean, surely if more capable acts steer clear of such material, it’d register as a ‘No Go Zone’ to the Omarion’s of the world?

Supposedly paying homage, Mr Grandberry should done just that by not recording this rubbish in the first place. A mess.

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    He looks very…gay in that pic(not that there’s anything wrong with that, just sayin’).

  2. WHAT May 12, 2011

    Um okay

  3. Reno May 12, 2011

    How the hell can you dare touch a song by Aaliyah ……

  4. Brianne May 12, 2011

    This isn’t much of a cover. He just took the original recording, took Aaliyah’s vocals out, and put his in. Nothing original. It’s almost like decent karaoke.

  5. polliboy May 12, 2011

    no please…no!

  6. mobwife May 12, 2011

    This does not sound good at all! Omarion has a nice voice but this shows me NOTHING DAMN! JLS or 98 Degrees or his brother MH could have sang this crap!!

  7. WildChild May 12, 2011

    lmfao! I can’t!

  8. mobwife May 12, 2011

    “Listen, at your risk, below. And yes, it’s as shocking as you think…”

    OMG YES! I am shocked, amazed and horrified at this right here! I listened to the entire song to be fair in hopes it would improve by the end but it was just bad throughout!!

    Poor Omarion, I thought he would see a career resurgence of sorts after his stint on ABDC. I guess not!! 🙁

  9. MaZ May 12, 2011

    Old news! You’re late!

  10. VA STAND UP!! May 12, 2011

    SMH! I was wondering when you were going to post this! I just knew TGJ were gonna go innn on his ass and you didn’t hold back. This kinda makes me wish ‘you know who’ was still here so we could here his opinion too! I know he be completely honest! I miss ‘him’ so. *sigh*

    I have a feeling this post is gonna become a complete mess so let me hurry up & get my two cents in……..

    First of all, let me just say that I am NOT one of those people who thinks that just cause someone has died means their material can’t be touched. I noticed people get SUPER emotional and defensive when certain artist such as MJ or Aaliyah, songs get coverd. People always go off and be like ‘Oh hell no, how dare they’ blah, blah, blah! I think that is just stupid! Aaliyah was HUMAN and not above anyone else! She was very sweet down to earth & humble person and I am sure she would have been flattered. To have someone pay tribute by covering your song is an honor and a good way to keep their memory alive.

    That being said, if you are going to do a remake to a ‘classic’ song like this, I mean this is Aaliyah SIGNATURE song, she said so herself, you HAVE to do it justice! This right here…NO SIR!! Omarion you sounded a mess on this! Very nasally..and just NOT good! II’ve seen some pretty good covers on Youtube where people took the song and put a spin on it, like an acoustic cover, make the song their ‘own’ without butchering it. Omarion failed to do so. *sigh*

    I do like Omarion, I think he has a decent voice and he has made some really good r&b records, but he just didn’t do this song justice at all. I am sure people will be clownin him for years to come now. In fact, I think I am gonna go check his mentions on twitter just to see what people are saying and get a good laugh. *giggles*

  11. ~aMaZiNG.Lee~ May 12, 2011

    The f***?

  12. Topman May 12, 2011

    This is offensive.

  13. COOLIO May 12, 2011

    WHAT IN THE WORLD…….???????


    E.G: Everything you “doooOOOHHH / Everywhere you “goooOOOHHH / Lets go somewhereOOOHHH


    Anyways…….His voice isn’t THAT bad, but it just sounds RUSHED, NASALLY AND AIRY!


  14. mobwife May 12, 2011

    @VA STAND UP!!

    LOL….IKR! I wish they would kiss and make up already! 🙂 And where is the weekly Billboard Review go? Was that his brain child that left when he did? Come now I really liked that brief review of the charts and all the necessay shade!! 🙂

    Anyway, this was just bad! I’m shocked and amazed at this one! What was he thinking?

  15. #DiamondPrincess Trina’ May 12, 2011

    This Is A Shame

  16. VA STAND UP!! May 12, 2011

    May 12, 2011 at 10:27 pm
    “Listen, at your risk, below. And yes, it’s as shocking as you think…”

    OMG YES! I am shocked, amazed and horrified at this right here! I listened to the entire song to be fair in hopes it would improve by the end but it was just bad throughout!!

    Poor Omarion, I thought he would see a career resurgence of sorts after his stint on ABDC. I guess not!!


    LMAO! I forgot he was on that show. How long was he on there?? He should have kept doing that cause Lord knows his career isn’t exactly popping off anymore. He needed a steady pay check SMH!

  17. Part Of The Blanco Family May 12, 2011

    Wow.. sum1 finally pays homage to a legend and they get attacked. see what u have done Nicki MInaj.. smh.
    Omarion is talented.. we all love him deep down. DO NOT ACT like u didnt cop B2K’S albums,dont front like ICEBOX was not on heavy rotation.. dont act like TOUCH wasnt on rotation…
    i dno why ppl pick up and drop artists like this. its horrible..
    I dont care if this sounds awful. HE DID IT OUTTA RESPECT. its not like he put it on his album

  18. The Naked Truth May 12, 2011


  19. Part Of The Blanco Family May 12, 2011

    @TheNakedTruth DEAD. the way u just did that

  20. noodles May 12, 2011

    Is it really that bad? I’m afraid to listen to it now….

  21. Hatemeidontgiveafuck May 12, 2011

    The dream’s tribute was way worse. Its in a mixtape yall stop reaching. Aaliyah was a decent artist but nothing special. During her time she wasn’t even that big of an artist in the first place. Most just jumped on the bang wagon because she died. Omarion isn’t that great of a singer but neither is Chris brown because they both sing through their nose and I’m pretty sure if it was him you stans would be in love with it. When they both sound the same. He is paying tribute not releasing it as a single. Lets hear you all sing it.

  22. noodles May 12, 2011

    Oh it’s like not horrible. It’s not good. It’s like on a scale of being decent it’s a 5-7.



    I agree with @Va Stand Up. I don’t mind when people touch classics but it has to be good. This isn’t terrible like the way We Are The World 2 song was(yes it was for a good cause but that song was a hot ass mess) but it wasn’t good either.

  23. TTSUP3R May 12, 2011

    Why this dude gone and touched a song that should’ve never been touched? Aaliyah’s name and voice is synonymous with this track. LEAVE IT ALONE OMARION! GET UR OWN!

  24. noodles May 12, 2011

    May 12, 2011 at 11:15 pm
    The dream’s tribute was way worse. Its in a mixtape yall stop reaching. Aaliyah was a decent artist but nothing special. During her time she wasn’t even that big of an artist in the first place. Most just jumped on the bang wagon because she died. Omarion isn’t that great of a singer but neither is Chris brown because they both sing through their nose and I’m pretty sure if it was him you stans would be in love with it. When they both sound the same. He is paying tribute not releasing it as a single. Lets hear you all sing it.
    Don’t throw shade. I absolutely hate when Chris is brought into things that he is NOT involved in! Does he own this site or something? Is this ChrisBrownWeb? S*** I know I saw some Chris fans posting but I find it amusing every post I comment on somewhere Chris is mentioned. Sam you mine as well remain this site after Chris, Gaga, Bey, and Rih because that’s all people mention I swear!

    And if Chris sounds a hot mess Imma say he does. So don’t say “you stans would have loved it” I don’t see what we have to do with Omarion remaking a song. Goodbye.

  25. noodles May 12, 2011

    I thought this was gonna be like Oh Lord Kill Me Now Awful but it was just not good…nothing to go off about lol. I was scared to listen to it at first.

  26. VA STAND UP!! May 12, 2011

    Well…in defense of Omarion (don’t ask me why) this is a hell of a lot better than the Dream’s remake! That was much worse than this.

    Is it just me or does listening to a remake, a horrible one at that, make you wanna go listen to the original song and reminisce? I’ve been listening to the original ‘One In a Million’ all day. *sigh*

    RIP Aaliyah *tears*

  27. Christian May 12, 2011

    Omarion needs to be pushed down the d@mn stairs. WTF!!!!

    And the high parts doesn’t even sound like it. It sounded more like Marques Houston. Just NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

  28. nikki May 12, 2011

    I can past the vocals, I just can’t get past him doing this record…This was one of her classics and it shouldn’t have been touched. He should have chosen another Aaliyah song

  29. Christian May 12, 2011

    @ VA STAND UP – Yes this disaster just made me listen to the original version. Lol

  30. Teflon Boy May 12, 2011


    I agree. Some songs should not be touched but I’m not gonna clown either Omarion nor Dream for attempting a One In A Million cover…, they did it out of their love and appreciation for Aaliyah so that alone earns my blessing.

  31. True Blue May 12, 2011

    A YouTube comment: “he sounds like he got a d*** in his mouth”.

  32. the kiddz May 12, 2011

    Tragic. At least he has a nice ass.

  33. Trisha May 12, 2011

    Omg! People can’t wait to say “Aaliyah wasn’t even that big of an artist.” Says who? you?! I’m sorry but if you have only heard the songs she released as singles and have never owned an Aaliyah album then you really don’t know the things that her voice was capable of. Listen to her remake of Donny Hathaway’s Giving Up and you’ll see what I mean. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but they can’t wait to drag Aaliyah’s name thru the mud and basically down play the achievements she made. GTFOHWTBS No, she wasn’t this mega star but the year of 2001 she was getting there. Had she not passed away those Matrix sequels would have put her on the map. People can say whatever they want to about Aaliyah but the fact remains that she was a force to be reckoned with.

  34. TIMMI May 12, 2011

    THIS BITCHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOT THE LYRICS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    “Your love is a one in a million, it goes on and on and on. You give me a really good feeling. It goes on and on and on.”

    NOOOO! It’s “Your love is a one in a million, it goes on and on and on. You give me a really good feeling. All day long.” On EACH chorus.

    Paying homage? MY ASSS!!!

  35. VA STAND UP!! May 12, 2011

    May 12, 2011 at 11:15 pm
    The dream’s tribute was way worse. Its in a mixtape yall stop reaching. Aaliyah was a decent artist but nothing special. During her time she wasn’t even that big of an artist in the first place. Most just jumped on the bang wagon because she died. Omarion isn’t that great of a singer but neither is Chris brown because they both sing through their nose and I’m pretty sure if it was him you stans would be in love with it. When they both sound the same. He is paying tribute not releasing it as a single. Lets hear you all sing it.


    I figured some simple ass fool, like yourself, would try to bring Chris into this! Where the hell do you see CB’s name in this post?!?! I don’t co-sign everything Chris does and I am VERY vocal about what he does that I don’t like! I am a stan who keeps it REAL! If he had done a remake and butchered it, (don’t bring up ‘She Ain’t You’ cause that was a sample NOT a remake) I would have been honest. But Chris didn’t do this, OMARION did and that’s who we are talking about!! People aren’t hating cause it’s Omarion, it just isn’t a good remake! Leave Chris out of it!

    Chris doesn’t have a deep voice, and he can sound nasally at times but he is a better singer than Omarion! He has better vocal range and does NOT sing through his nose! His voice has matured over the years and he has shown growth, especially on the r&b records on his mixtapes (Too Freaky, No B*******, Deuces, S*** Got Damn, Glow In the Dark) and most recently on the ‘Celebration’ remix with Tank & Trey! All you have to do is listen to his first album and his most recent and you can hear the change! The haters will never admit it though.

    Furthermore, we are not singers so what sense would it make for us to sing it?? This is a damn BLOG and this was posted for us to give our opinions! This is TGJ and they are VERY opinionated blog site as well as any fool who comments, like yourself! Omarion has been in this industry for many years and he should be used to getting criticized by now! If he doesn’t want to be critiqued than he shouldn’t release music at all!

    FYI: Chris >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Omarion in EVERY way imaginable!

    Now keep it cute and don’t get your ass dragged!

  36. VA STAND UP!! May 13, 2011

    May 12, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    Don’t throw shade. I absolutely hate when Chris is brought into things that he is NOT involved in! Does he own this site or something? Is this ChrisBrownWeb? S*** I know I saw some Chris fans posting but I find it amusing every post I comment on somewhere Chris is mentioned. Sam you mine as well remain this site after Chris, Gaga, Bey, and Rih because that’s all people mention I swear!

    And if Chris sounds a hot mess Imma say he does. So don’t say “you stans would have loved it” I don’t see what we have to do with Omarion remaking a song. Goodbye.


    PREAH! I get so sick of people always having to bring Chris into some mess! No one even mentioned his damn name! People always got find an opportunity to shade Chris and his fans! Get off of his and our d*** already! S***!

    Hell we are two of the most honest CB stans in here and we didn’t even go in on O like that so WTF is that fool talking about?! It wasn’t horrible, it just wasn’t good. It was better than Dream’s cover, but still NOT good!

    CB has yet to take a classic song of any artist and butcher it (again don’t bring up ‘She Ain’t You’ cause he only sampled the beat and DID NOT remake a song) Omarion is on his second ‘classic’ remake and again it underwhelmed! His Jodeci remake was not poppin either, so he deserves the criticism.

  37. Dave May 13, 2011

    It’s really not that bad as people make it out to be. I feel like everyone is gonna do that everytime someone “touches” her songs. Sure it doesn’t hold a candle to hers, & at parts he overdoes it & he doesn’t have the same buttery smooth flawless delivery she has, but it’s ‘his’ “cover.” He can’t be another Aaliyah, not is her trying to. I don’t think he made it to be the “next big thing” or “oh look at me, I slayed this.” I think it was simply paying his respects which should be appreciated. He’s showing how amazing & appreciated she was & continuing on her legacy. But, I can understand people’s criticism about it, but I feel like people push it a bit due to the love they have for Aaliyah.

  38. VA STAND UP!! May 13, 2011

    Part Of The Blanco Family
    May 12, 2011 at 10:57 pm
    Wow.. sum1 finally pays homage to a legend and they get attacked. see what u have done Nicki MInaj.. smh.
    Omarion is talented.. we all love him deep down. DO NOT ACT like u didnt cop B2K’S albums,dont front like ICEBOX was not on heavy rotation.. dont act like TOUCH wasnt on rotation…
    i dno why ppl pick up and drop artists like this. its horrible..
    I dont care if this sounds awful. HE DID IT OUTTA RESPECT. its not like he put it on his album

    Actually, NO I was NEVER a fan of B2k (HATED THEM) and I didn’t purchase any of there albums. I was never into the whole ‘boy band’ thing and by the time they came out I was in HS and kinda felt too old to even be thinking about them. So NO, I do not love him ‘deep down inside’. *rolls eyes*

    However I did like ‘Ice Box’ and ‘Speedin’ was my s***, but I never purchased an album of his either. He never really held my attention . But I do give him credit & I have enjoyed several of his r&b joints, but he is just not the type of artist that I would purchase and entire album for.

    I respect him for trying to pay tribute, but he didn’t do the song justice. You have to be careful when you remake a ‘classic’ of a deceased artist.

  39. ole skool May 13, 2011

    its ok…but because Sam says its bad u all agree…think for urselves

  40. Trae May 13, 2011

    This is just one of those songs that you NEVER touch. The way Aaliyah sang this song can’t be duplicated.

  41. Remey May 13, 2011

    Why do artists think they are paying “homage” by covering legends? What makes this particular cover even worse is the fact that it is only “mixtape ” worthy! Aaliyah’s fans are no doubt upset, but Omarion has displeased everyone because he believes he’s “the one” to cover this legendary song. It’s like when Lil Wayne was in the We Are the World remix. Somethings and some people should be left alone and left out.

  42. lol May 13, 2011

    I agree wioth Va stan up

  43. thetruth May 13, 2011

    to the f!cktard that said ppl jumped on a bandwagon cause an artist passed is sh!t on the bottom of a shoe. trust that no one on the charts now will pass and there been interest in their forgotten catalogue. aaliyah was chill, whether you liked her or not; the shock was she was a nice person to everyone whom crossed paths with her. your own ideas of her success is diluted, and the very artist I’m sure you think is dope & stan for respects her. i don’t expect everyone to have taste, great at that or to be believers but the girl was slick; never loud, attention-seeking, or boastful but importantly humble about everything she touched.

  44. Big Ro May 13, 2011

    Omarion man stick to what you know best- BOMB!

    You need to go back in to the studio and record some original music bru! Keep Aaliyah’s songs out of your radar! She’s a true legend and artist that is missed dearly! When this girl died I went thru it bad.


  45. James May 13, 2011

    I didn’t hate it seeing as it was a tribute, but you really don’t touch an Aaliyah song. She was way too much of an amazing artist to be messed with in that way.

  46. jeremydante May 13, 2011

    disrespecting the memory of aaliyah; what the f*** is these artists thinking?

  47. The Truth May 13, 2011

    Omarion took a risk and its a #Fail

  48. Unbiased Truth May 13, 2011

    That’s the problem with these blogs. I’ve read every comment,then listened to the song. It’s not that bad. I mean it’s omarion that’s been his style for years. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. But to attack a person because they don’t see eye to eye with you is childish. Now getting on the aaliyah subject. First off she seemed to be a sweet person. Aaliyah stans calm down though. Not everybody thought she was great. Alot of the urban heads might but to each his own. Numbers don’t lie her last studio album didn’t start doing great until after her death. Even though to me it was one of the best albums of that year. Living or in death you can’t change someone’s opinion . I respect her but she did nothing legendary…well except dying in what others thought to be in her prime. In all honesty her music career would’ve done the same as monica’s and brandy’s. But I’m sure she wouldve morphed in a movie star. So people get over it. Stop exaggerating there were better singers while she was living better dancers and now there are still better singers and dancers. Its ok to want to keep an artist alive but to try to make them seem like they were huge and everybody was checking for them is wrong and totally not fair to the artist legacy.

    P.S this is just my point of view. You don’t have to like it. Let the hate comments begin I won’t even respond. Why? There is no need. You bloggers are hateful and rude enough

  49. MARQUESTQ May 13, 2011

    Hope she hunts his ass in his sleep for this nonsense

  50. noodles May 13, 2011

    May 13, 2011 at 12:04 am
    May 12, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    Don’t throw shade. I absolutely hate when Chris is brought into things that he is NOT involved in! Does he own this site or something? Is this ChrisBrownWeb? S*** I know I saw some Chris fans posting but I find it amusing every post I comment on somewhere Chris is mentioned. Sam you mine as well remain this site after Chris, Gaga, Bey, and Rih because that’s all people mention I swear!

    And if Chris sounds a hot mess Imma say he does. So don’t say “you stans would have loved it” I don’t see what we have to do with Omarion remaking a song. Goodbye.


    PREAH! I get so sick of people always having to bring Chris into some mess! No one even mentioned his damn name! People always got find an opportunity to shade Chris and his fans! Get off of his and our d*** already! S***!

    Hell we are two of the most honest CB stans in here and we didn’t even go in on O like that so WTF is that fool talking about?! It wasn’t horrible, it just wasn’t good. It was better than Dream’s cover, but still NOT good!

    CB has yet to take a classic song of any artist and butcher it (again don’t bring up ‘She Ain’t You’ cause he only sampled the beat and DID NOT remake a song) Omarion is on his second ‘classic’ remake and again it underwhelmed! His Jodeci remake was not poppin either, so he deserves the criticism.
    Girl you just don’t know how sick I am of people! It’s like if people even see regular stans of other artist they bring that said artist into the post for no damn reason trying to throw shade! I’m not on a freggin Chris post! We are talking about Omarion! The f*** does Chris stans have to do with liking anything? I saw the obvious shade. Because that person could have mentioned any other singer. Please keep it cute!

    And it is not my fault Aaliyah stans have been dragging Omarion all day. I sensed some shade from that person throwing shade. Talking about “it’s not like he released it as a single” yes trick She Ain’t You is a sample and a single. You mad because MJ Stans didn’t drag Chris? It is not Chris’ fault Omarion didn’t do a good remake. Shoot Chris even promoted Omarion’s mixtape, trynna help a brother out lol. And yes I see us as reals stans. If something isn’t good I’m going to say it, to anyone.

    It’s honest opinions. In my opinion it wasn’t like god awful. It just wasn’t good *shrugs*

  51. Dijon May 13, 2011

    WTF why would you dare redo that song Aaliyah is the one and only that can do that song f*** outta here

  52. ヅ•·.·´¯`·.·•-ΛALEXISR-♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ★ ☆ ✰ T.I.P.•·.·´¯`·.·•ヅ May 13, 2011

    Ok I’m not gonna say it was terrible but he should have left it alone.

    He tried. I dunno.


  53. queenbey will always s*** on ur fave and leave them no option but 2 pout May 13, 2011

    Wat da f*** is wrong wit dis dude thinkin he can keep f***** up everybody song???? His ass should be arrested!!!!

  54. Put That On Everythang May 13, 2011

    Some people shouldn’t be allowed to remake songs, but this goes to show how incredible an artist that Aaliyah was. My favorite remake was by Aaliyah At Your Best is my jam

  55. VA STAND UP!! May 13, 2011

    May 13, 2011 at 1:34 am
    May 13, 2011 at 12:04 am
    May 12, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    Girl you just don’t know how sick I am of people! It’s like if people even see regular stans of other artist they bring that said artist into the post for no damn reason trying to throw shade! I’m not on a freggin Chris post! We are talking about Omarion! The f*** does Chris stans have to do with liking anything? I saw the obvious shade. Because that person could have mentioned any other singer. Please keep it cute!

    And it is not my fault Aaliyah stans have been dragging Omarion all day. I sensed some shade from that person throwing shade. Talking about “it’s not like he released it as a single” yes trick She Ain’t You is a sample and a single. You mad because MJ Stans didn’t drag Chris? It is not Chris’ fault Omarion didn’t do a good remake. Shoot Chris even promoted Omarion’s mixtape, trynna help a brother out lol. And yes I see us as reals stans. If something isn’t good I’m going to say it, to anyone.

    It’s honest opinions. In my opinion it wasn’t like god awful. It just wasn’t good *shrugs*


    Exactly! That mofo got me started! I had to go listen to “One In A Million’ to calm myself down (Aaliyah’s voice has that effect. Lol) and then I started listening to all her old classics like ‘4 Page Letter’ & ‘I Care 4 U’. Then I got all emotional and s***. Lol! Man I miss that girl so much, hell, I miss the whole 90’s era! Music was in a really good place back then! *sighs*

    And yes Chris really represents for his friends. He is such a good loyal friend! That’s why I go so hard for him *grins*

  56. GiGi May 13, 2011

    It aint as bad as Sam said it would be! some parts where questionable..The Dream on the other hand woulda had Double A turnin’ in her grave.
    R.I.P leelee

  57. KEEM May 13, 2011

    wtf? no n**** shut the f*** up now motha fuckas wanna come back doin rnb covers n s*** no shut the f*** up this is wrong! do ya own new rnb song and leave this baby girls classic alone n****!! people now is lookin for that good rnb to come back n original at that not a cover thats already been certified a classic by a late great!!

  58. kody3x May 13, 2011

    @va standup @noodles i see yall holding teambreezy down LEGGO chris brown voice

  59. RosaRubbel May 13, 2011

    YOU SHOULD NEVER TOUCH A CLASSIC! *Pulls out a knife

  60. Kavion May 13, 2011

    Even if it’s bad, it’s the thought. I’m sure Aaliyah’s still smiling down.

  61. JD1904 May 13, 2011

    why dont people understand you just dont touch this songggg at all please leave it alone and let HER sinf it

  62. The Model M&M May 13, 2011

    I will admit that I love Aaliyah but I actually did not get heavy into her until after she died. I was 10 years old when that happened so I think she was great but I do not think it was wrong for Omarion to cover the song because he did not do it to play her or anything. He really did it to pay respect to her. I honestly do not even think it sounds bad at all. I actually like it for what it is. Of course hers will never be topped but for what it is I think he sounds good especially on the bridge with the falsetto notes. I did not even know he could hit those. But for real Aaliyah would be proud of him if she were alive so people get over it!!!

  63. Jay May 13, 2011

    Sam you are gay and so you just exaggerate everything. RELAX.. It’s not a mess but it definitely does nothing for me.

  64. bam bam May 13, 2011

    Gotta go listen to the original….Not that bad but still shouldnt be touched and I have a sneaking suspicion that some foolishness like this will take place at this years BET Awards since its the ten year anniversary…..

  65. MISHKA May 13, 2011

    The cover is okay. People (and Sam) are tripping as if that song won Grammy for Song of the Year or something. Cool it down.

  66. VA STAND UP!! May 13, 2011

    Now THIS is a cover that did Aaliyah justice!! This is what I am talking about by paying tribute but at the same time making a song your own! This girl nailed it! Kudos to her!!

  67. mariela May 13, 2011

    wanna to cry when i watch the video.. I MIIS YOU AaLIYAH

  68. Aloys May 13, 2011

    Well to be absolutely honest.. It damn right doesn’t come close in comparison to the original but it was never going to.. That’s normally the case with most covers artists do.. With that said it is Omarion, u can’t get him for sounding the way he does, his voice hasn’t changed since he’s been the lead singer In B2K which I remember them having an abundance of fans,
    This song however would have done his career justice had he put it out on either Aaliyah b-day or the memorial day, mayb it’s for his album in august, I don’t know I’m guessing but, I think people more over need to slay him less or for the right reasons and that is he should never attempted a song like this, it’s actually extremely complicated to sing, and best sung by a woman!!

  69. meds May 13, 2011

    this is a nice tribute to baby girl. i hate all these conservatives comments. please!

  70. SipDatBoyz May 13, 2011

    lol i sometimes like to disagree with sam..but truly he aint sound thattt bad…NAW im jus f***** wit u.. WTF IS THIS! lol omarion STOP!

  71. Kerry Johnson May 13, 2011

    I miss Aaliyah,come back to me baby
    Aailyah & Rihanna true queens of music!!!!
    THE END!!!

  72. Quiana May 13, 2011

    Oh lord why did he do this mess what in the world, smh omari just stop.

  73. aaliyahlover May 13, 2011

    y’all need to shut up. Whether she was “big” or not does not change the fact that omarion ruined a classic. And your right. Numbers DONT lie but haters do. If your gonna tell a story, tell the complete side. When Aaliyah was alive she already had TWO multiplatinum albums, a string of movie deals, countless hits and her last album was ALREADY GOLD when she was ALIVE. She wasnt that great to YOU, but your opinion doesnt speak for the rest of the people that she touched in this world (obviously Omarion was one of them). I mean, obviously Aaliyah did something right. 10 years later and blogs are still talking about her and the comments of her discussion here proves it. Aaliyah was the s***. get over it.

  74. ILOVEMINAJ May 13, 2011


  75. Yellow Gorillah May 13, 2011

    Why is everyone MAD!

    It was not even that bad =/

    I know nobody will ever beat the original

    And may god forgive those who are dragging Aalyahs name as they do not know what they are doing. As I always said Aaliyah dies WAAY to early but her music still lives on Omarion covering this song just shows she has influence and is respected by many in the industry I’m not even mad at him…

  76. noodles May 13, 2011

    @Va Stand Up
    Lol. Aaliyah was wonderful 😀

    Me personally the song wasn’t even terrible so Idk why people are going off but that one person tried me with the shade. Bye girl fly girl.

  77. Robier May 13, 2011

    young lady…… NO

  78. jonathan May 15, 2011

    he should just go and kill himself i mean really alliyah is turmimg in her grave right now she should get up and slap the s*** out of him

  79. Daniel May 15, 2011

    its not even bad. i dont know what you guys are talking about.
    of course its not as good as the original. but its still a decent cover.

  80. rick May 17, 2011

    I’m a big Aaliyah fan and I think Omarion did a decent job if you judge it on his own personal singing ability. Maybe his falsetto doesn’t hold up strong in the bridge, but his heart is in it 100% and I think that’s what Aaliyah would love the most about his cover.

  81. Prince May 18, 2011

    Erm…. Well at least it’s tons better than The Dream’s version……………….

  82. Dre May 19, 2011

    Thats messed up that anybody would try to screw with a song from Aaliyah. She would kick your a** if she could probly!!!

  83. KIM May 30, 2011

    Yall Trippin, at least he is still showing some love to the queen above!! yall really didn’t get the message pFFFF!!!

  84. Sinthy April 7, 2012

    I have absolutely nothing against the publisher of this article, but I do not believe that Omarion’s cover to Aaliyah’s song “One in a Million” was as unprofessional as you’ve described.
    Really, this article is very, very, VERY opinionated. And it seems like it has done all the thinking for the commenters.

    I do have to agree that it is quite tactless to do a cover of a well-known and respected artist that has passed in an attempt to revive one’s (Unfortunate) dwindling carrer, and I agree that it is the wrong way to revive it. But, who’s saying that this is the reason that he decided to do a cover for Aaliyah?

    Omarion cannot be THAT selfish. I believe that he has the talent to come back strong one day. Just, now is not the time.

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