Suge Knight Faces 28 Years In Prison

Published: Friday 21st Sep 2018 by David

Suge Knight has learned that he may spend the next three decades of his life behind bars.

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The Hip-Hop kingmaker plead no contest to the voluntary manslaughter in the hit-and-run death of the business and family man Terry Carter.

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Now the 53-year-old is bracing himself to spend 28 years behind bars after agreeing to a plea deal (22 years for voluntary manslaughter and six because it’s a third strike violation).

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He is to be sentenced on October 4th.

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ABC reports…

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Knight’s attorneys have said he was acting in self-defense and was fleeing armed attackers when he ran over Carter and Sloan. Sloan has denied he was carrying a gun during the confrontation.

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  1. Detruth September 21, 2018

    Wow I thought he had already won this case. He always gets off!

  2. DanYiel Iman September 21, 2018

    Hopefully his abusive ass is there for all 28 year’s, his victim has passed away as should HE!!

  3. i hate whhyte and bllackk bitchezz they both not sht September 21, 2018

    kill, yourself…you will not make it out alive….kill youself suge

    • i hate whhyte and bllackk bitchezz they both not sht September 21, 2018

      i agree with kim kard they need to reform prison. my case fked up.. but the police have cleared me of all charges..but if i was in jail i wouldnt have had the chance to gather my documents and my evidence…to show i was innocent.

  4. S.U.P.E.R.S.T.A.R.!. September 21, 2018

    It’s better than life.

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