The BRITS Awards To Axe Best Gender Awards After Sam Smith Reveals That They Are Non-Binary

Published: Wednesday 25th Sep 2019 by David

The BRIT Awards is to do away with “best gender” categories to accommodate the needs of artists like Sam Smith.

Full story below…

After Smith announced that they see themselves as non-binary, the awards show’s organisers revealed that they intend to support artists in the same boat by erasing categories based on genders…much to the delight of some…and the horror of those who feel the move will marginalise women.

A source told ‘The Sun’:

Bosses are listening to changes happening in the industry. The categories will evolve in the coming years.

The male and female categories will still be in place next February but changes are being planned for the following year. Organisers will be consulting labels and artists alike to work out what is best for the future of the Brits ceremony.


The news inspired these responses…



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  1. Clarkson September 25, 2019

    Yes let’s do the same at the Olympics. No mens category and women’s category.

    Men and women should be in the categories, competing against one and other.

    I dont think any woman will ever win any medal if they competed against men in the same category

  2. DIABETES UNBOTHERED September 25, 2019


    Sam Smith revealed that “THEY” are half GENDER RETARDED and Half AUTISTIC not “non binary”.

  3. Danny Bey September 25, 2019

    This is so stupid and aggy.

  4. Oh plz September 25, 2019

    This is pure foolery, bofoonery, and fuckery. Does the madness know no end??

  5. pat September 25, 2019

    how about we all identify as white males and have the same privilege immediately

    • Are You Kidding Me? September 25, 2019

      Genius observation.

    • SMH September 26, 2019

      Spot on.

  6. Are You Kidding Me? September 25, 2019

    I have a genuine question about this trans/nonbinary thing.

    If a White woman says she feels Black, we call her crazy and racist.

    If a man says they feel like a woman, we call them trans.

    Why not just create new categories for people who identify as trans and non-binary, etc? It would shine a light on acts otherwise overlooked.

    I say this as a Black man who would feel some kind of way if a non-Black person won an award for Black people. So I definitely understand how getting rid of it, would offend many.

    If I ever believed in a “gay agenda”, there definitely seems to be some nonsense afoot with this gender nonsense. And I say this as a gay man.

    • SMH September 26, 2019

      Absolutely, 1000% agree to everything you said, and I’m a gay man as well. This new LGBTQRDXYZ-what-the-hell-ever generation is an absolute f*cking mess.

      • Are You Kidding Me? September 26, 2019

        People don’t normally agree with me. 🙂

  7. #TheTruth September 26, 2019

    This is absolute BS.
    He needs to get over his oversized ego. The whole pronoun thing is ridiculous.
    Yes there are male and female artists, not everyone out there is lost in between.
    And if he is, it doesn’t mean people are disrespecting him if he is nominated as a male artist. After all, that’s what he is to the world.
    So stop whining already.

  8. ~The Arcade~ September 26, 2019

    Stupidity at its finest. But I digress lol

  9. Tyty September 26, 2019

    Sam has turned into a serious attention seeking weirdo since his debut.

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