Doja Cat Issues Statement After Going Viral For Problematic Chatroom Videos

Published: Monday 25th May 2020 by Sam

Doja Cat has broken her silence.

As widely reported, the rising star saw her light dimmed by leaked clips of her participating in a chatroom with alleged racists. She also was targeted for some of her own verbiage during said videos too.

The narrative snowballed and saw many weigh-in with other alleged intel.

All of which trended in earnest on Twitter.

Now, Doja herself has issued a statement on the matter. Her words below…

What’s your take on the matter? As ever, what are…

Your thoughts?

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  1. Justme May 25, 2020

    Girl you should’ve just not said anything about it.. show through your actions not a generic statement.. this new culture will still play her music regardless of her past.

    • Only Facts May 25, 2020

      Nah, radio has pulled say so as of this morning I can confirm. My roommate works for a station here in LA

      • Rekt May 25, 2020

        Lies it’s playing on the radio as I type this in San Fran. Cali

      • Only Facts May 25, 2020


      • Bogus May 25, 2020

        It literally came on the radio yesterday in LA. You keep posting that you live in LA I really doubt you do but if you do I would love to meet up with you and discuss this site and it’s comment section

      • Bogus May 25, 2020

        They’re literally playing it right now on 102.7 KIIS FM 🙃

  2. Charli+Cheer+Up May 25, 2020

    Give her a chance! I mean ma girl Charlie blurted out the N-word (allegedly) and got cancelled too. But that didn’t stop Lizzo from doing a collab with her did it? Besides Doja Cat is wut Trashelia Skanks wishes she was. She still helping black artists like Ari Lennox and Nicki Minaj instead of racial trash talks on Twitter.

    • Only Facts May 25, 2020

      STFU. We’re not giving a racist homophobic evil person a chance b*tch!! Charli been cancelled too, so stop.

      • Erica May 25, 2020

        Only facts You are obsessed h O e go lay down. I have never seen someone so eager to make people dislike somebody. I still support her & will keep supporting her you dog smelling h o e

      • Only Facts May 25, 2020

        Then you’re racist and homophobic trash too just like your fave ☺️🥴

  3. Glazba May 25, 2020

    Very nicely written. People make a big fuss over NOTHING. Bye.

    • Clarks0o0ñ May 25, 2020

      This is not an apology

  4. Clarks0o0ñ May 25, 2020

    I was expecting a silly cheeky IDGAF statement .

    Damn, shìt is getting real. 🤣🤣
    Someone really likes their music career and is trying to save it.

  5. Clarks0o0ñ May 25, 2020

    Yikes, a new video has surfaced of doja talking shìt about 4C hair .
    Saying she hates 4C hair.

    It keeps getting worse for this girl.

    • NawNaw May 25, 2020

      What is 4C hair?

      • Clarks0o0ñ May 25, 2020

        A texture of Black people’s hair that isnt straight.

  6. Adonis May 25, 2020

    She recognises as a white woman. She is with a WHITE man, visited white supremacist chat rooms, I bet she’s into “Raceplay” too 😂

    • Only Facts May 25, 2020

      She’s a dirty dog. I wonder what she said and did for Dr. Luke to sign her bald head, racist, homophobic a*ss

      • DojaCat Say So May 25, 2020

        And you fave f******* career is dead

      • Only Facts May 25, 2020

        Really? Get say so go pulled from radio this morning? 🤣 I see you just be eating a panini for the holiday because you are PRESSED!!!

      • Only Facts May 25, 2020

        ** Really? But say so got pulled from radio this morning? 🤣 I see you must be eating a panini for the holiday because you are PRESSED!!!

      • Adonis May 25, 2020

        She played the s**** girl in dr Luke’s fetish kinky s e x game while he spat in her face and did her anally, as his ninja s**** girl 😂

      • Only Facts May 25, 2020

        😂 except I’m sure he made her call herself something other than “ninja” 🙄

  7. NawNaw May 25, 2020

    How about address you allegedly jumping Kim Petras once you found out she was trans you b*tch!! More is coming out watch! Evil woman! YOU CANT TRUST SOMEONE WHO USED TO WEAR HER WIGS LIKE A SOMBRERO!!

    • Paulo May 25, 2020

      ok I need to know the tea on this

  8. qʇsǝppɐq May 25, 2020

    I’m supporting Doja. I f**** with Doja. #DOJA ❤️

    • Only Facts May 25, 2020

      Then you’re racist and homophobic. You are who you surround yourself with and who you support. ☕️

      • DojaCat Say So May 25, 2020

        Normanly is racist just like you

      • Only Facts May 25, 2020

        You’re pressed 🥴🥴🥴🥴

  9. Queen Nicki Minaj May 25, 2020

    Go Doja! Whomani Stan’s must be really jealous 😂

    • Jigglypuff May 26, 2020

      A spastic barb detected

  10. DojaCat Say So May 25, 2020

    Doja don’t mind the noisy naysayers, they just mad cuz you successful now🔥👑

    • Only Facts May 25, 2020

      Yet say so got pulled from radio 🤣🤣🤣 she’s blacklisted now. Funny, since she doesn’t want to be associated with anything black

  11. Only Facts May 25, 2020

    On this Memorial Day, let’s take a moment to remember when Doja cat had a career. RIP Doja’s career (November 2019 – May 2020). Only one hit. Another Iggy Azalea. Shame.

    • I-G-G-Y May 25, 2020

      Gurl u tried it. Iggy mainstream career survived 2014 until 2017. After that, she switch to being indie. Fancy was her first huge hit on her album and Problem her collab with Ariana

      • Only Facts May 25, 2020

        Survived until 2017? 🤣🤣🤣

    • Popped May 25, 2020

      She still has her career, you never had 1

  12. Rekt May 25, 2020

    All this fuss and their is no hard core facts that she did anything racist. cancel culture is on it’s way out

    • Only Facts May 25, 2020

      Are you serious? The song she references in her “apology” makes fun of Black people who get killed by cops. How is that not racist??? I swear some of y’all on here are dumb AF.

      • Rih May 25, 2020

        In what part of that song did she make fun of black people getting killed by the cops? Or are you just going by what people said on Twitter?

      • Only Facts May 25, 2020

        She says the word d-indu. Look it up. It’s used as a derogatory word to describe black people who lose their lives to police

      • Bogus May 25, 2020

        And like she said she tried to flip the term for the song. Anybody with reading comprehension can see that from the lyrics. “How much money can a ***** make if they do all the things that you wish to”? When I first heard that on the song I knew she wasn’t making fun of black people

  13. Only Facts May 25, 2020

    Some of y’all are so stupid and it shows. Doja is acknowledging that she made the song where she says the word “d-indu” over and over. This is a derogatory term used to describe a person of color that loses their life to police. And she’s taking all for the idiots some of you are who don’t read and understand what the f*cl she’s saying. There’s also nowhere in her statement where she says she is sorry. Idiots.

    • Rih May 25, 2020

      I’ve listened to the song and still don’t hear where she was making fun of police brutality, you need to stop over exaggerating. I’ve listened to plenty of rap songs with Derogatory terms but y’all celebrate those calling you n word this and that

      • Only Facts May 25, 2020

        The word “dindu” is a word white peoples use to make fun of Black people who die from police brutality. She says it all over the song. Are you that dumb?

      • Truth May 25, 2020

        She said dindu in what context in the song tho?she was actually speaking out against police brutality in the song if you would take the time to listen to what she’s saying in the song and stop being fake out raged, where was all this energy when cardi b called black women roaches?

  14. May 25, 2020

    nuff respect, as she said she will be walking the walk.

  15. ERIC May 25, 2020

    She’s racist for trying to flip the meaning of the word “dindu”, but it’s acceptable for us to flip a couple letters of the n-word in everyday language? If it’s good for you, it’s good for her.

    • Only Facts May 25, 2020

      When you combine the word dindu ing with her chats with racist white incels and also her message that leaked that said she wishes she wasn’t black!!! Then yes! She’s racist! Y’all are some birdbrains on this site, it’s sad

  16. YoLo May 25, 2020

    Cardi b has said much worse about black woman and they didn’t cancel her, Doja will be just fine

  17. The key May 25, 2020

    Looked through everything that was put out about this girl being racist, I don’t see it, she was trolling more then anything

    • Lucy May 25, 2020

      Stop coming up with excuses for a racist self hater Chile. She literally wrote on her Twitter “ imagine waking up and being white, life would have value”.
      #not my Kkkween

    • Lucy May 25, 2020

      There’s literally a video of her on tinychat showing her boobs and using the n word around white incel men.
      #Not my kkkween

  18. Kessy May 25, 2020

    Getting canceled on the internet means nothing these days, people are wasting their time on stupid stuff like this.

  19. Lucy May 25, 2020

    Gurl just embrace your wedwenching self and give up music completely for ya white massa

    • Justmeeeee May 25, 2020

      Thank you….
      I only tolerated Say- So because of Nicki

      This tragic Mulatto BUM can get the hell on.

      Good bye
      Good riddance

  20. MP4 JUICE June 7, 2024

    I’m not surprised by this, I’ve noticed a lot of celebrity’s saying one thing and doing another. It’s sad that Doja Cat feels the need to/or is pressured to continue perpetuating that toxic behavior.

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