Candace Owens Promises Legal Action After Cardi B Spat: ‘I Am 100% Suing for that Nonsense’

Published: Wednesday 17th Mar 2021 by Rashad

While many have praised Cardi B‘s sexually charged 2021 GRAMMY performance of ‘WAP’ as ‘female empowerment,’ others – including members of the Parents Television Council (click here to read) – blasted the Megan Thee Stallion-assisted song’s inaugural live rendition as ‘unfit’ for families with children to watch.

Among those up in arms from the ‘Up’ performer’s jaw-dropping performance was social and political commentator/author Candace Owens, whose criticism of the showing led to a heated exchange with Cardi on Twitter Tuesday (March 16).

More inside:

As seen above, Owens was spotted on FOX News’ ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ sharing her thoughts about the ‘corrosive’ GRAMMY performance – an outing she called ‘the destruction of American values and American principles.’  Once the author-turned-outspoken TV personality learned Cardi was aware of her weigh-in, she took to Twitter to personally address the GRAMMY winner.

The mention ignited a string of back-and-forth insults between the ladies that culminated with Cardi sharing an old report that suggested Owens’ husband committed infidelity with her brother.


By the end of the lengthy exchange, a fiery Owens threatened legal action.


Longtime fans of Cardi know she’s no stranger to bumping heads with conservative TV personalities/FOX news affiliates.  Just last year and the year prior the Rap diva publicly sparred with Tomi Lahren – even threatening to ‘dog walk’ the controversial commentator.

Click here to revisit that.

[photo source:  Getty Images/Twitter]

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  1. Chica March 17, 2021

    Good for Cardi. That women has no right to talk about young black girls. She herself is the biggest risk to young black girls. Teaching them about self hate and rejection of culture. Can she not just buy herself a bottle of bleach and p*** off.

  2. #TheTruth March 17, 2021

    There’s one thing she said that is true : too many things are done under the « empowerment » etiquette and they try to shut down any sort or criticism claiming people wouldn’t say anything about a guy.

    If guys were up on stage talking about their d*** I would find it as tasteless and cheap and vulgar.

    It would have been smarter and quite funny if they had found a way to change around the lyrics and play around with a metaphor.

    It’s not fair to expect from artists to be role models and keep it PG friendly because kids come in the picture. That’s where parenting is important.
    But they should have done something different for the Grammys. They only care about buzz and they don’t give a rat a$$ about empowerment.

  3. Isma March 17, 2021

    Ok but you’re both toxic people for black girls so..

    • Keith March 17, 2021

      ^^^THIS right here…

  4. Joe March 17, 2021

    Like that b**** is any better? Sounds like cardi hit a nerve and now shes mad mad. I agree the performance was not Grammy friendly but like really?…that lady is really trying here.

  5. NICKINATION March 17, 2021

    Dumb h0z your both nickis sons !

  6. Shayla Queen 👑 March 17, 2021

    We love you, Candace! You are the DEFINITION of a STRONG BLACK WOMAN. Educated, classy and beautiful.

    • Queen 👸 Missy March 17, 2021

      😂😂😂 Coondace doesn’t even like black people.

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 17, 2021

        No, she’s tired of black people being held back.

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 17, 2021

        Usually by themselves.

      • I.sed_what_I.sed March 17, 2021

        Shayla, you sound dumb asf. Please withdraw yourself from this comment section, and you aren’t a queen more like a lowly kitchen maid.

  7. Jay March 17, 2021

    This “ho empowerment” nonsense gotta stop. There are young girls that are gonna grow up to push the envelope even further. Happened with every generation. The white executives are aware of the psychological influence these personalities have.

    • eric March 17, 2021

      “The white executives are aware of the psychological influence these personalities have.” Exactly that! It’s why they get the support that they do.

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 17, 2021

        Agreed. And this is part of the Democrats’ plan of keeping the black community down under the guise of bringing them up. Why else do you think they’d have someone as illiterate as Cardi B interview Joe Biden? At the PEAK of WAP’s popularity? Don’t get me wrong, I do like a lot about Cardi and her music but it doesn’t mean I’m going to view her as some type of Angel of God 🙄

    • J March 17, 2021

      What did ya’ll think would happen when one of the richest women in entertainment got on by sucking Ray J’s d***??? Too late to cry now!

      • DesignerBabies March 17, 2021

        Ooooh Child, you hit that nerve!!!

    • Nah March 17, 2021

      But who’s really to blame here? The execs for financing the foolishness or the artists who sell their souls and communities to these evil entities? No one is forced to be rapper and perpetuate a cycle of idiocy.

  8. Nah March 17, 2021

    Candace is an idiot! If she wants her brand of trolling to be taken seriously, she shouldn’t be going back and forth on Twitter with an adult entertainer who has unapologetically questionable values and an intentionally provocative persona. But the truth is Candace is no better and has no real substance either.

  9. 1988 March 17, 2021

    Isn’t it funny how Dua Lipa came out and basically stripped n***, humped the floor, threw her legs up but Cardi was the raunchy one? Since no flavor, no booty bump Dua SLEEPA is brief and flat she is excused.

    I see.

    • Shayla Queen 👑 March 17, 2021

      She wasn’t rubbing vaginas on stage with another woman, simulating s** acts. You are dumb as f***.

    • Shayla Queen 👑 March 17, 2021

      She also didn’t perform a song about her p**** dripping with so much wet that you need to “bring and bucket and a mop.” You dumb w***** of Satan.

      • 1988 March 17, 2021

        Rolling Stone listed WAP as their No. 1 song of 2020. It will probably get a Grammy nomination. Of course it went No. 1 on the Hot 100 where Dua SLEEPAs overrated recycled songs will never be. Up is in contention for No. 1 this week. So Cardi humped the floor but Dua should have kept her flat a$$ off the floor. It won’t even help it to No. 1.

        You are just mad I read your disgusting 🤢 a$$ comments today and you will feel my wrath Stankla Nobody’s Queen.

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 17, 2021

        Why do you blacks always presume you’ve “read” anyone? Oh, because you’re dumb ass says so? H***, you couldn’t even READ a 5 year old’s bedtime story so sit it ALL the way down.

      • 1988 March 17, 2021

        Go get your G.E.D Stanklashanaynay. 🙂


        I grew on Janet, I can’t co-sign this mess. ❤️

      • Rachel March 20, 2021

        You must like the song because you show know the lyrics 🤣🤣😜

  10. SoNotSorry March 17, 2021

    Candace is right, sorry Cardi but facts are facts.

  11. 1988 March 17, 2021

    Candace is mad she came for a pit bull and got bitten. Cardi B. is not the one to come for. She will whoop that a$$ and have the room smelling like expensive New York perfumes while you are wondering what stopped your punches from landing. Haha

    • Shayla Queen 👑 March 17, 2021

      And end up in prison, same old story. What progression for the black community 🙄

      • 1988 March 17, 2021

        Cardi B. is going Up. ❤️

      • Shayla Queen 👑 March 17, 2021

        Not if beats on anyone 🤣

  12. I.sed_what_I.sed March 17, 2021

    Everyone in these comments is dumb. Y’all are mad at Cardi B and Candace Owens when whoever said she could even perform WAP at the Grammy’s is at fault. If they didn’t want anyone to see it, they shouldn’t have let it be performed. Now sit back and watch the show.

  13. I.sed_what_I.sed March 17, 2021

    Shayla, you sound dumb asf. Please withdraw yourself from this comment section, and you aren’t a queen more like a lowly kitchen maid.

  14. Krichan March 19, 2021

    Anyone who denies systematic racism after using the NAACP to fight for her in a case that she felt like she was being subjected to racism is THE BIGGEST THREAT to young black girls. How can you possibly care when you are complacent in a system that constantly hurts women and children of color. The only reason why you are “in” is because you’re doing their bidding. But honestly no matter how much you love trump you will always and forever be the black girl puppet. And to think that you actually believe that entertainment was developed for the sole purpose of being a role model to future generations . Smh its EnTERTAINMENT not education its purpose is to entertain not educate. People put to much emphasis on these artists. Like lets be honest Cardi isn’t the FIRST artist who reclaimed her sexuality. Music has always been raunchy and its our choice to listen to it. Don’t like it don’t listen to it

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