Ray J Takes Vocal Classes After VERZUZ Drama, Declares He Wants “RayDemption”

Published: Thursday 30th Jun 2022 by Sam

For many of those watching VERZUZ last week, the ‘One Wish’ was that Ray J and comrades would sing in key during the now infamous spar.

Indeed, as witnessed by shocked onlookers, Ray, Bobby V, Pleasure P, and Sammie struggled in earnest with their respective takes on the 2005 hit.

Taking matters into his own hands, the 41-year-old father of two hit up his own dad – renowned vocal coach Willie Norwood – to help him out.

Check out the scenes below…

Here’s hoping the next showing is better than…

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  1. Baddie Bey June 30, 2022

    You know what, I can respect him for this. He put his ego and pride to the side since he knew he was wrong. Hopefully Papa Norwood whips him back into shape vocally.

    • Shayla Queen™ 👑 June 30, 2022

      What’s the point? No one was or is checking for a 40+ year old never-has-been anyway.

  2. Shayla Queen™ 👑 June 30, 2022

    He really acts and moves like a woman. It’s crazy.

    • LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ June 30, 2022

      Coming from a ugly ass transvestite lol

  3. marilyn monh-O-E ® 👠(#1 DIVA) June 30, 2022

    This man is just a powerful tool💅🏾 Diva only used him for f u c k 🍆

  4. True Tea June 30, 2022

    KARMA for f*cking Kim K and making her a thing for an entire decade. This is Ray J’s contribution toward the culture. The gag is…she SURPASSED you, lol

    Only person who should be apologizing is KIm K for USING your d*ck as a stepping stone while your career nosedive, along w/ ur talent. (or lack of)

    You sounded like an American Idol reject hunty.

  5. Normila June 30, 2022

    Had his vocal coach dad all his 40 years of living and only went to him for lessons NOW? I swear this clown has low-key contributed to tarnishing his sister’s brand (besides lying about being a baby mama, Bey going solo, and the manslaughter that is).

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