OG Chijindu Spills ‘Basketball Wives’ Secrets In New Interview / Takes On Shaunie O’Neal & Evelyn Lozada

Published: Saturday 7th Dec 2019 by David

OG Chijindu is ready to talk.

Weeks after ‘Basketball Wives’ latest reunion aired, the Nigerian athlete has given her first interview about the ongoing featurism and colourism scandal the show is facing.

In it, she holds nothing back and revealed that fans only got to see a tiny piece of the abuse she endured because scenes which saw her cast mates antagonise her by comparing her to animals were omitted to protect the interests of Shaunie O’Neal and her posse.

Watch below….

OG revealed that Shaunie, the show’s leader, is yet to reach out to her despite suggesting she intended to do so during a televised interview about the drama and hinted that she may be returning to the platform for another season if it is renewed.


She also surprised viewers when she shared that her relationship with the series is much deeper than the time she spent as one of its stars because she was invited to join its LA branch almost a decade ago.

Hit this link to find out the support OG has received from the general has given VH1 reason to reevaluate its relationship with O’Neal and her gang.


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  1. Drinkmyjuice December 7, 2019

    We not sittin through an hour interview. Do your job tgj and give up the transcript of the important parts or atleast the time stamps.

  2. Jasmine Evangelista December 7, 2019

    What a stupid show.. Cancel the whole franchise and spare is losers like this one here

  3. Jasmine Monet Evangelista December 7, 2019

    Comment Removed: Repetition of behavior will result in a permanent ban.

  4. Lol December 7, 2019

    She’s literally the least interesting person on the show. She was fired so let’s move on.

  5. Toi December 7, 2019

    So, I’ve watched every season of BBW and OG is my least favorite cast member to date. I wish she would go away already. She always looks a hot mess (from hair to lashes to clothes) and has no storyline other than creating basic conflict. And that colorism gimmick is already played out (she was just desperately trying to keep her job and they played right into that crap). The truth is that if she left the show today, we wouldn’t care or even notice. #byeGirlbye #overOG #getAstylist

    • Regina December 8, 2019

      She is very smart and interesting. She brings a very necessary diversity to an otherwise repetitive boring and not surprising at all show. The same people doing the same things over and over again.

  6. Kay Harvey December 7, 2019

    I hope they don’t bring her back look a hot mess from head to toe. She and Jennifer are my two least favorite

  7. Shell December 7, 2019

    Just remove her off the show please

  8. Glenda December 7, 2019

    I totally agree.

  9. Katrina December 7, 2019

    Preach, teach and educate OG, love this sister.

  10. Regina December 8, 2019

    She is very smart and interesting. She brings a very necessary diversity to an otherwise repetitive boring and not surprising at all show. The same people doing the same things over and over again.

  11. Penny Williams December 8, 2019

    Why be on a show if you are treated badly. If’ the show is renew and she goes back what she is saying does not add up.

    • Regina Jones December 8, 2019

      I agree with you Penney

  12. Regina Jones December 8, 2019

    My opinion only. But I didn’t care for OG from the beginning. She’s shown agression from the beginning. As for colorism. OG must be color blind. Shaunie was married to the darkest man I know. Then take a look at the cast. 3 if them are certainly not as fair skinned as Shaunie. OG give it a break. Your beginning to act like Trump. Anything to get your way.

    • Haterealitytv December 8, 2019

      Lol. Shaunie acts like trump. She said her viewers are to invested. & She was my favorite, until she didn’t call out Evil-lyn. 1 throwing a drink into another woman’s face, 2. climbing on tables to attack other females. 3. Running behind CeCe to confront her until OG knocked her on her ass. Sorry she said that’s fake news. I don’t like none of them. So lets say what all the women did, instead of picking on the 1’s they don’t like…smh…

  13. Geegee December 8, 2019

    Since retirement I enjoy watching this show. But when its using race/colorism it becomes a problem.

  14. Anon Hilda December 8, 2019

    WOW! Was that interview from OG informative. To say OG needs to move on by some shows the lack of concern for what she and others go through everyday and social media had posted many many things from Evilyn and Shannis2face and this is OG first interview. Unless you have walked in her shoes you just don’t know. I’ve seemed and experience it all in the work place, colorism and racism to the point I had to bring and won a lawsuit, who would think someone would think that fingerwaves was ghetto black when stars as far back as the 20’s wore them. Just an example of racism and colorism. I say BRAVO to OG who has the position and means to bring it to the forefront and not be silence, those other women of color on the show know and are afraid to speak up because of the $ because they are afraid of Shannir2face and her powers, they know what she did to others “thanks for your services” is a boss firing line, not you are no longer my friend line. Shannir2face needs to get off the show or not be in production or both.

  15. Haterealitytv December 8, 2019

    Lol. Shaunie acts like trump. She said her viewers are to invested. & She was my favorite, until she didn’t call out Evil-lyn. 1 throwing a drink into another woman’s face, 2. climbing on tables to attack other females. 3. Running behind CeCe to confront her until OG knocked her on her ass. Sorry she said that’s fake news. I don’t like none of them. So lets say what all the women did, instead of picking on the 1’s they don’t like…smh…

  16. Illbdat December 8, 2019

    OG is MESSY BOOTS!! I have to admit i liked her in the beginning but her TRUE COLOR, (no pun intended) came out REAL QUICK!!!


  17. Debra December 8, 2019

    Remember Jackie brought OG on the show beause of Everlyn, but if OG is being mistreated on the show then why come back to a show that you are being mistreated! So why do an interview about the women on the show in a very negative way, but you are returning back talking s*** about the cast, a normal person would say.f that show and move on for which you are not! Is it for the money that you will put everything aside? Or is it because you need attention in order to become a reality star for fame! So OG stop talking trash about the show and the cast, because to me you.would do every and anything to get back on this show! It wasn’t colorism, you made that up so you would come back! Because it has to be proven that it wasn’t what you had said about your color! Just be real with yourself and you are to old to play that type of game!

  18. Steve Longsleeve December 9, 2019

    Black women are so masculine. I can’t tell if this person is man or woman.

    • Missy December 9, 2019

      Right lol

  19. Faye December 9, 2019

    The entire world has heard all you’ve had to say about your time with BBW toe-g! Enough already. You really have to admit you are no raving beauty. Matter of fact your face is hurting!

  20. Missy December 9, 2019

    Im so tired of people talking about this colorism ****. I think they separated her from everyone because they was scared because they know how slick they get with their mouth and that OG could punch them in it and have it wired shut lol. They name call each other and other former ladies so why now is it called colorism. Ohh so now u cant name call wow. Thats what u do when your made at someone. So what about when the stylists called that one girl fat during her make over did that mean she was dissin all fat people? No it just ment at the time of arguments u say what ever to hurt their feelings or whatever will make a good cap about the other person

  21. patricia showers December 10, 2019

    Is there anyone on the show that is a current basketball wife? These ladies are being paid a lot of money to portray a horrible image of black women. You better believe the lighter that skin is, the longer you will last, no matter what you do on the show. The make up is becoming lighter and lighter for those ladies that are not quite light enough. To make all of that tolerable, every once in a while, let’s add a real black girl. Why? Because mostly black women tune into this mess. OG is a victim of colorism as well as Jennifer, the darker two ladies. “Colorism” is being treated differently and unfairly because of your skin tone among your own race! It’s usually, inside our own families: that’s a pretty little black baby to a dark skin baby verses; that baby is so pretty. You’re a pretty girl to be so dark. Dark guys are meaner than light skinned guys. OG just had some knowledge, perhaps, they didn’t think she had. I’m a coffee complexion. All of my sisters are lighter than me. So I heard a lot of this growing up. Please consider your part in hurting another beautiful black sister or brother. Judge each other from the inside out if you must judge at all.

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