Report: Sony To Release Controversial ‘The Interview’ Film…For Free

Seth Rogen;James Franco

From the inception and announcement of ‘The Interview’ – the James Franco & Seth Rogen film depicting the assassination of N. Korea leader Kim Jong-Un, it has been consumed in a firestorm of controversy.

After hackers threatened to bomb theaters showing the film, Sony was forced to pull it from view all together and followed with plans of sending it straight to DVD – a move that earned a thumbs down from President Obama.

Now, with the real life Olivia Pope on deck, the multimedia giant has concocted a new strategy for getting the movie in the hands of viewers.  Thanks to a U2-style roll out, find out how you can view the controversial flick…for free:

Via NY Post:

“Sony’s current plan for “The Interview’’ is to release the controversial comedy for free on Crackle, the streaming service it owns, sources said Sunday.

Sony pointed out the cancellation came after theater chains and other streaming sites refused to show the film.”

No official news on release date as of time reporting.

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  1. Beysus December 23, 2014

    A free film… What’s wrong with that? *grabs popcorn*

  2. AmbeRussell December 23, 2014

    Though it maybe going against our freedom of speech, not everything that u want to say should be said. Half of America would be up in flames if a movie came out and President Obama was killed and it was in a comedy. That is 1thing about Americans, we don’t like it when ppl bully, but we are the 1st to get revenge on actions we did to other nations.

    • OMG Logic!!! December 23, 2014

      We’ve already had Hollywood movies with Presidential assassinations. Get your film education girl.

      1st Amendment over everything. Why do you think those crazy Churches are allowed to protest military funerals?

      • AmbeRussell December 23, 2014

        Were they with actual presidents while in their term in a comedic fashion?

  3. SMH December 23, 2014

    Why does anyone even give a shiit about this stupid ass movie?

  4. LOL December 23, 2014


  5. @RealMattPhoenix December 24, 2014

    Messing with the Koreans though..

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