Drake‘s efforts to promote his new LP ‘VIEWS‘ haven’t gone unnoticed by Ellen DeGeneres.
How she responded? By inviting him to discuss the set on her talk show, doing so with a little help from ‘Suicide Squad’ player Jared Leto.
Video In-Article Ad (Desktop)Hit the play button to catch Beyonce’s latest rival in articulate action after the jump…
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Fun times!
Video In-Article Ad (Desktop)His appearance on the show served as one of many scheduled to sustain ‘Views‘ reign.
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This blog is stupid calling “Beyonce lates Rival” Drake he’s enjoying been the biggest Artist at the moment and Beyonce knows her primetime is gone so stop Comparing!
I’ve always liked Drake. But, lets not confuse a simultaneous release with Beyonce as saying he’s in the same playing field as Beyonce.
Beyonce is her own worst enemy as it relates to album sales. If she returned to traditional promotional campaigns, she could be selling much more than she is now. I personally believe she uses the none-traditional promotion as a ploy. She needs a formal manager who has control over her album roll outs, at the least.
But, Drake will continue the traditional promotion trail. Hopefully he can continue to sell well into the end of the year. Drake tends to have a 6 month album roll out and fizzle out. He’s a rap artist!
” Beyonce’s latest rival ” ?????
Man I love Drake, he is so good looking. His complexion is to die for.
Lol Drake got scared