Terry Crews Joins Transgender/ Transracial Debate

Published: Wednesday 3rd May 2017 by David

Terry Crews has a question.

Why is it considered perfectly fine to be transgender, but deemed totally unacceptable to be TRANSRACIAL?

Posed on Instagram hours ago, the question sparked a debate on the true meaning of self-identification on social media as society still struggles to understand the world view of Rachel Dolezal, the Caucasian woman who believes that she is Black.

Why is it considered perfectly fine to be transgender, but deemed totally unacceptable to be TRANSRACIAL?

A post shared by Terry Crews (@terrycrews) on

Do you have an answer to his question?

Weigh in below…

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  1. Sense May 3, 2017

    That’s because, and I’m sorry to say it, the LGBT community isn’t really interested in self identification unless it benefits them. Here’s why. When gay guys find out that a straight guy sleeps with men on the low their first instinct is to spread “the tea” and put his business out. If they were TRULY for self identification they wouldn’t refer to the man as anything other than he wants to be referred to as which is a straight man. If you believe that an entire man can become an entire woman because of cosmetic surgery and horomoes why do you struggle to accept and label straight people who dabble in both ponds “bisexual” even when they choose to identify as straight? Isn’t that an act of violence?

    • Cough Cough May 3, 2017

      You’re lumping a whole sum of ppl into one “gossiping” category. You clearly only know, flamboyant and societally “stereotypical” gay men or better yet you probably don’t know any because ur speaking very specifically about a culture of men that includes multimillionaire across the world.

    • Enough Already May 3, 2017

      this has nothing to do with the question at hand.

    • SMH May 3, 2017

      Ironic your screen name is sense, because your comment makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    • JJ May 3, 2017

      First, if a man is sleeping with men on the low, he would be considered either “bisexual” or “gay” mainly by HETEROSEXUAL PEOPLE, with all types of stigma attached. His self-identification will be largely determined and chosen for him by the oppressive hetero-scoiety at large, not gay men. Second, “on the low” behavior or any dishonest behavior by a man that identifies as “straight” is ultimately disrespecting any partner he will be with if he is withholding info about other sexual partners. Third, it’s never O.K. to “out” someone but you’re stereotyping all gay men with that idea that their 1st instinct is to “out” the straight man – not true b/c there would be a lot more “straight” men getting outed if that were the case. Homophobia and horrible stigmas about homosexuality are the reasons for that fear in the first place, which has nothing to do with gay men and everything to do with the oppressive hetero-scoiety at large. Fourth, there are many women that do detective work to “out” men that sleep with dudes on the side or “gossip” about the sexualities of men that may be “suspect” or otherwise. Have you ever watched RHOA? (See the Kim Fields’ husband messiness). If I’m not mistaken, it’s mainly women and straight men that stigmatize bisexual men or men that sleep with men (MSM) as being solely “gay,” with all types of other nasty offensive language. Also, if you spoke to many single women that date, I’m sure many of them would either be opposed to dating a bisexual man or very apprehensive to the idea.

      • ❤️ May 4, 2017

        You know very well that outing and labelling “straight” men is a very common thing within the LGBT community. You also know that men who dabble with both guys and girls are instantly labelled as gay and liars by openly gay men so stop pretending. We all know how it works and why there are so many men “straight” guys going through hell because SOME gay guys who impersonate girls online tricked them into sharing nudes which they then post online. You may not want to accept this but some portions of the LGBT community set out to pigeon hole and control straight men just as much as straight men do to women.

  2. Jasmine May 3, 2017

    It is not considered “perfectly fine to be transgender because a man cannot transform into a woman or vice versa. Trans = crazy / delusional. Transracial is believing you are a different race than what your born so that is also crazy / delusional.

    • Fifi May 3, 2017

      So why is Caitlyn a hero and Rachel a pariah.

      • FoxyBagz May 3, 2017

        T R U T H☝?

      • SMH May 3, 2017

        BRUCE isn’t a hero to nobody.

      • Jasmine May 3, 2017

        Bruce is no hero. He is just a self-absorbed, crazy / delusional person that thought he could transform into a woman but he will always be a man. No such thing as transforming into another gender no matter how much plastic surgery you get so the whole concept of trans… anything is ridiculous. You are what you are, not what you delude yourself into thinking you are.

  3. Luke Lizard May 3, 2017

    It’s fine for anyone to define their own identity unless it’s to exploit an existing culture for personal gain at the expense of others.

  4. Fashion Icon May 3, 2017

    In the world where everybody can be who they want and are encouraged to do so, it should not be a problem to be transracial ! She is not the only one doing it tbh, most of us know a white person that wish to be black and black that wish to be white !
    Let’s be clear if we are gonna accept transgenderism we should accept transracialism too, because it’s the same concept = feeling that you don’t belong in the body you are born with so you attend some transformations in order to look close or exactly to your wishes !
    So let’s stop the hypocrisy for a minute !

    • Your Mother May 3, 2017

      You better WORK

  5. Kwinzy May 3, 2017

    I honestly think transracialism isn’t as accepted because it’s something new. Before Rachel, everybody deemed white people who acted like they’re black as wiggers or wack. People were ignorant to understand how and mostly WHY white people would even want to embody a black person’s mind, body and soul. A lot of it has to do with our own negative self image. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Rachel reinforced black is beautiful. She made the world think. See y’all can laugh it up but at the end of the day you’re a hypocrite if you believe in transgenderism and not transracialism. The only reason why people don’t rate Rachel is because they FEEL she’s being fake. But would y’all see trans as being fake?

    • Linear May 3, 2017

      “But would y’all see trans as being fake?”

      Eh. Was that a real question? Yes, I do see Trans as being fake. Both Rachel Dolezal and Bruce Jenner look in the mirror and see something that is not there. And neither should be encouraged or applauded for their self-delusion. Society is currently in a tragic place where some would rather coddle peoples feelings instead of telling the truth. If they’re bent on seeing themselves in a not-true way, then that’s on them, but no one should be applauding them for trying to spin a falsity into truth, or giving them validation for lies.

  6. Matthew Charlery-Smith May 3, 2017

    He’s right. The truth is you can’t be either. In actual fact a mixed person may resemble one ethnicity or another during different stages of their life taking on the associated physicalities of a said ethnic group (mixed babies often have light hair, eyes and European type noses and mouths then have darker/African/Asian features later on). This doesn’t mean they’re “transitioning” race as their DNA remains the same, their body is just expressing these genes. But when does a person take on physical traits of the opposite gender? Is there an explosion of men growing wombs, ovaries and having menstration cycles or women waking up with testicles and having their voices break?

    Leftwing ideologies have ruined society and these atheists claim its Christians who know nothing about science. All Black Liberals like Whoopi Goldberg are so disappointing saying “Let Dolezal be Black if she wants!” Really, Whoopi? Would you have said the same if both of you were going for the same Colour Purple role and she got it over you? How dare anyone cheapen our Black identity to fake tan and wigs. Get your identity in God, people; the world is full of deception.

  7. ThirdEye May 3, 2017

    Two main reasons:

    1) Caitlyn transitioned into a white woman. Therefore, white women were the gatekeepers of accepting his transition. And they did, with open arms. This population is more progressive than most. This population also controls most of popular media, so his acceptance was placed on a worldwide pedestal. By contrast, Rachel tried to transition into a black women. Therefore, black women were the gatekeepers of accepting her transition. And uh … nah.

    2) Race has more pain and prejudice attached to it than gender. Many have been bullied and ostracized for their gender, but a whole lot more have been tortured for their race. So naturally, race will be more aggressively protected.

    • ThatMessJuice.Flop May 3, 2017

      I really like your thinking. On point and answers the question actually.

    • SMH May 3, 2017

      Only logical comment on this post.

    • Jasmine May 3, 2017

      @ThirdEye I disagree because your comments are based on assuming what everyone thinks.

      1) Caitlyn DID NOT “transition into a white woman” and “everyone” is NOT “accepting of his transition.” Transitioning is IMPOSSIBLE. Period. Bruce is not a woman. He is just a confused / delusional man who supposedly cut off his penis and got breast implants. His DNA and genetic composition has not changed and he is still biologically a man.

      2) Race is not protected and you cannot “transition” into another race just like you cannot “transition” into another gender. Crazy people think like that but REALITY is the overlying factor that cannot be avoided. If you are born caucasian you cannot transition into being black but you can delude yourself into thinking you are something you are not. Furthermore, you cannot pass your delusions onto someone else. If biology and society perceives you as a man and you cut off your male parts you are still a man. Same thing goes with society seeing a black person as black no matter how many times you bleach your skin and society sees caucasian people as caucasian no matter if they get dread locks or not.

    • Caleb May 4, 2017

      White people are “more progressive than most”?! What kind of delusion is this?! Who do you think put Trump and his right wing freakshow into office?

  8. Ask4yall May 3, 2017

    About we stop caring about what who don’t like us and accept the ones that like us. There is a big world out there and it’s ok to keep our dreams to ourselves until our dreams become successful because at the end of the day we all have wish we had something or we thought we had but we just can’t seem to be able to say it out loud. People feel like they are untitled to have a definition to someone else’s life and if they can’t then it’s a problem. Stop putting so much pressure into things that don’t concern you. From Monday to Thursday I go to work I feel black but on Friday I feel white. Huh I just realized that I am both a transgender and transracial oh wait am I allowed to be both. It’s nobody’s business but mine. Lol kidding lol

  9. SMH May 3, 2017

    This whole world needs to just end already.

    • JanStan May 3, 2017

      Lol. my only disagreement would be that the human race should end already. It would better for the earth itself.

  10. Meteorite May 3, 2017

    Well as a woman, I’m a conflicted by transgenderism. I mean I want everyone to be happy with who they are but at the same time I’m offended. You get surgery and take some pills and then you get the perks of being a woman without never really enduring the labours of being a woman, (PMS, Child Birth, Dealing With An OBGYN, A Woman’s Choice To Chose, etc.)
    And then being transracial doesn’t make sense to me either because that sets a dangerous precedent of people hopping back between races to fit their own personal agenda.
    I just..I don’t know.

    • Jasmine May 3, 2017

      Most people think the same way. These transgender people think they can transform from a man into a woman but that is not biologically possible. I say let them do what they want but they will never be able to pass their craziness over to society’s perceptions of them as a whole. Most people think transgenders are freaks, crazy people, and wannabes. They will never get the same treatment as women do when it comes to important things like finding love from a straight man instead of another freak or having the ability to give birth.

  11. Cbeylive May 3, 2017

    Please let’s not act like straight people won’t say a man is gay when he is bisexual or that lesbians just want d***, or that somebody that doesn’t dress like their gender is something other than their gender

  12. Bam Bam May 3, 2017

    How do you feel black, white, Hispanic, or Asian. It makes no sense there is no uplift all difference between people of difference between people of different races. No race is a monolithic. Darius Rucker is just as black as Lil Wayne. The black kid who listens to heavy metal music, and skateboards is just as black as a black kid who plays football and listens to trap music. When you say you feel like another race it’s racist because not all people are alike. You are just creating a caricature of what you think that race is.

    • Bam Bam May 3, 2017

      *there is no biological difference between people of different races.

  13. Caleb May 4, 2017

    I wonder if Transgender people feel society deems it “perfectly acceptable” to be Transgender?

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