After a long silence, Eddie Murphy has finally spoken out – via his publicist – on the situation with Mel B and their daughter Angel. Check the statement below:

Eddie Murphy always has and will continue to honor his responsibilities as a father. Mr. Murphy and Ms. Brown dated very briefly and never made any plans of ANY sort. He acknowledges paternity of the child Angel, and has paid child support to Ms. Brown as well as covering the expenses of her pregnancy. Mr. Murphy views this as a private matter and as such, will not be making any further comments about it.”


Even if he is being genuine, this comes a little late – his image has already taken a major blow. Could the timing of this be to deflect attention from Mel’s recent showing with Eddie’s ex? LOL at him calling it a ‘private matter’. It wasn’t so ‘private’ when he publicly dumped Mel on TV.

Your thoughts?

R&B superstar Beyonce stopped by MTV’s TRL earlier this week. Amongst other things, the singer addressed her well publicized fall, her love for ‘Umbrella’ and her tour ‘The Beyonce Experience’. Granted Beyonce is a major star, it’s still funny to see grown men cry like little….{insert expletive} over her. I like her as much as the next person but by no means would I place her on the level of, say, Michael Jackson – whose fans still cry and feignt over him to this day. I immediately thought they were actors planted in the audience (I’m not hating). If genuine, I guess it’s a testament to her ever-rising level of popularity.

What do you think of the interview?

It has been reported that the on-off (and then on again) wedding between Usher and fiancee Tameka Foster took place this past Friday in the singer’s lawyer’s office. Usher’s mother Jonetta Patton – who is said to be strongly against the couple’s union – attended the ‘quiet’ ceremony. The, somewhat, controversial couple were set to exchange vows last week, however the wedding was called off with no reason given.
Now that Tameka is a permanent fixture in Usher’s life, it’ll be interesting to see how things Pan out with his career, as he’s rubbed a lot of people the wrong way in the name of this relationship.

What do you think of Usher & Tameka’s marrying?

Anyone watch this show? I was addicted to the first season and had been wondering if the show would return since it had been so long since it was last on. The all-new 20 episode season will premiere in October. I’ll definitely be checking for this one.

Will you be tuning into The Boondocks?

50 Cent stopped by BET’s 106 & Park yesterday to debut two of his new videos ‘I Gets Money’ and ‘Ayo Technology’. The G-Unit front man was also interviewed on the show; speaking on the fact that his album is dropping on the same day as Kanye’s ‘Graduation’, 50 said ‘I don’t have competition’. Considering none of 50’s singles are burning up the airwaves, I’m surprised he’s so confident about the album. It’ll sure be interesting to see who comes out on top. Anyway check out the vids of his appearance:

What do you think of the interview?

With the release of Chris Brown’s sophomore CD ‘Exclusive’ rapidly approaching (August 28th), yet another track from the set has surfaced. Featuring T-Pain, ‘Kiss Kiss’ is an ‘ok’ mid-tempo track -although it sounds kinda repetitive. Neither Chris or T-Pain take the track anywhere either. I’ve felt a lot Chris’ new material to be real hit and miss; if he’s to avoid the ‘sophomore slump’ the album really needs to deliver – which I’m not sure if it will.


Hit or Miss?

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US cable network Black Entertainment Television (BET) is to launch in the UK – it has officially been announced. The network’s owner Viacom has outlined plans for the station – which will operate as a 24-hour general entertainment channel – to debut in Britain towards the end of this year. As well as US programming such as College Hill, 106 & Park, the annual BET Awards and Lil’ Kim — Countdown to Lockdown, BET UK will feature homegrown content also. {Source}
It’s about time! LOL. For real though, I’m so pleased that BET is returning to the UK. I say ‘returning’ as I remember the channel used to be broadcast here in the mid-90’s (when I was little) but disappeared. Urban TV networks over here are few and far between, with MTV Base being the main one, so BET will be a welcome addition.
Any thoughts?
R&B star Kelly Rowland performed a mini-concert as part of the Early Show Concert Series in Dallas yesterday. Though she performed a number of songs, the televised performances were of new single ‘Comeback’, ‘Bad Habit’ and ‘Like This’. Check Out the performances:


Bad Habit

Like This

More vids:


No, No, No


Aside from a few vocal snags, Kelly did her thing – I especially liked the ‘Comeback’ and ‘Bad Habit’ performances. In other, somewhat puzzling, Kelly news, ‘Ghetto’ from her ‘Ms. Kelly’ CD is going for adds at Urban radio. I’m kinda baffled as to why, when ‘Comeback’ has been confirmed as the official next US single (with a video already shot too). My only guess would be that the label want to put out as much possible from the album – video or not?

What do you think of the performances?

Singer Lauryn Hill was recently interviewed by TV Maniacs, following a concert in France. The reclusive star, spoke on a number of issues including her comeback, the current state of the music industry as well as The Fugees situation.

It’s a pretty interesting interview. She wasn’t as ‘out of it’ as many would have you believe; yet I couldn’t help but notice that she rarely looked at the interviewer or into camera. Whatever it is that she’s going through, I hope she can overcome it. Having said that, she did have a few valid points.

What do you think about the interview?

The video for 50 Cent’s latest single ‘Ayo Technology’ (ft. Justin Timberlake) debuted lasted night. The track is definitely one of the better singles 50 has released from the project so far (which isn’t saying much). The Minority Report-themed video is pretty good too – although it was kinda underwhelming. With ‘Ayo Technology’ serving as the third or fourth single from 50’s upcoming ‘Curtis’ CD (I’m losing count) , the performance of this release will likely determine the success of the album. ‘Curtis’ drops September 11th.

What do you think of the video?

After parting ways in 2005, Grammy Award winning group Destiny’s Child may be set to reform. In a recent interview, the group’s manager (Beyonce’s father) Matthew Knowles strongly hinted at the possibility of another Destiny’s Child album:

Matthew: “But she’s (Beyonce) a hard troop and all of the Destiny’s Child ladies are. I’m proud of her and all of the ladies. I’m using this word “Destiny’s Child” cause that could be the day so Destiny’s Child album is coming soon. I don’t know, did I just said it?”

Click here to listen to the interview


This really doesn’t surprise me. It’s a given that the girls would record again somewhere down the line – they’re still in their prime. I felt their last CD, ‘Destiny’s Fulfilled’, was one of their best efforts and for that reason I’ll be checking for their new project whenever it surfaces. One small tidbit: It’s great to hear Matthew promoting Solange’s upcoming album, yet I couldn’t help but notice that he never mentioned a thing about Kelly’s CD. I’m starting to wonder if there’s truth to the rumours of Kelly severing ties with Matthew’s management company? Just thinking aloud…

Do you want to see a Destiny’s Child Reunion?
Melanie Brown has taken her spat with Eddie Murphy further – this time holding a press conference to announce plans of legal action against the actor. The Spice Girl has enlisted the services of celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred. Check out extracts of the report:

Allred said she’s [Brown] filed a paternity suit against Murphy to legally establish that he is the father of their nearly 4-month-old daughter, Angel Iris Murphy Brown.

“Murphy was promising to do the right thing, but to date he has not done the right thing,” said Allred. “Mr. Murphy can have all the babies he chooses to have, but his responsibility needs to be to his own children. [Brown] is seeking sole physical and legal custody.”

Still, Allred said Brown would be happy to arrange for Murphy to see his daughter regularly “like millions of parents do.”

“He bought a big diamond ring for his new fianceé,” added Allred, referring to Murphy’s recent engagement to girlfriend Tracey Edmonds. “It is nice to be generous to others, but what about his own baby?”

We all know Eddie’s a coward for how he’s handled the whole situation, but Mel seems to be milking it –using every media opportunity to call him out. Still, I can see why; Eddie publicly dissed her and deserves the same in return.

Your thoughts?