R&B star Ciara posted this Twitter video moments ago updating her fans on what she’s been up to as of late. During the clip, Ms. Harris breaks out into song, giving an interesting rendition of Estelle’s 2008 smash ‘American Boy’. She did g-o-o-d. Go CiCi!
Your thoughts?
Ciara Cuts 'Hair'
Ciara has switched up her look quite dramatically, as these new shots show. The 23 year old performer is rocking a short do, one which I feel suits her really well. Some may remember, she sported a similar look in one of the scenes in the ‘Promise’ video.
Tidbit: I am finding it quite funny reading on some of the other blogs about how CiCi chopped off her hair LOL. Like next to all the females artists now, she wears weaves – this being one of them, along with the one before this, the one before that, and so on. She looks awesome all the same.

Ciara Cuts 'Hair'

What do you think of the pics?

The video for Ciara’s latest single (internationally) ‘Work’ made its world premiere here on the UK’s 4 Music channel a few moments ago. Directed by none other than Melina, the construction site based clip is, to put it simply, hot, hot, hot…Ms. Harris did the damn thing. As ever the choreography brought something fresh and unique to the table and CiCi’s swagger was in full force. My girl’s Dutty Wine at the end was off the charts (Gwan my gyal!!! LOL). Great video, which should hopefully pump some life into the criminally underrated ‘Fantasy Ride’ project.

Tidbit: Missed our awesome interview with Ciara from earlier this month? Click here to check it out.

What do you think of the video?

Ciara Covers Rap-UpR&B star Ciara features on the cover of the Summer 2009 issue of Rap-Up magazine. She looks great!
In other Ciara news, the video for her brand new single ‘Work’ makes its world premiere here in the UK tomorrow on 4 Music at 7.00pm.
What do you think of the cover?

Check out the official trailer for Ciara’s new DVD movie ‘Mama I Want To Sing’, which also stars Patti Labelle, Hill Harper, and Lynn Whitfield. Say what you want about Ms. Harris, but she sounds pretty good, and her acting doesn’t look bad either. The movie STILL is without a solid release, though.

Your thoughts?

That Grape Juice Interviews Ciara
That Grape Juice was fortunate enough to catch up with R&B superstar Ciara not once, but twice over the last month (in early May and just last week). In these candid interviews, parts 1 and 2 of which you can read / watch below, the 23 year old talks everything from her new album ‘Fantasy Ride’ and its sales, to sexing up her image, to collaborating with Janet Jackson, her thoughts on Keri Hilson, Beyonce and so much more. As ever, we ask the questions you really want answers to! Read, watch and enjoy 🙂 *Special thanks to Leon, Jamell and Sean!*

Interview by: Sam – That Grape Juice // Transcription: Bisi Kade



Part 1

Sam: Hey Ciara!

Ciara: Hi Sam!

Sam: How are you?

Ciara: I’m great thank you. I’m in a wonderful space right now.

Sam: That’s awesome. So you visited the UK last week, and did a lot of media appearances. One in particular was a radio interview where you learnt UK’s very own ‘Migrate Skank’, which made a huge buzz on the net. What differentiates your UK fans from your other worldwide fan base?

Ciara: It’s literally it being two different parts of the world, I think the UK has its own unique style and we, as Americans, have our own style as well. It’s just like when you go to Japan, it’s different (compared to) when you go to the States, because of culturally differences. My fans are from various parts of the world, but I can definitely say the energy of my fans in the UK is amazing. It’s just so fun here. It’s just one of those things that when you go over to the UK I’m always like “wow… the support is amazing”.

Sam: Did you visit any attractions when you were over here?

Ciara: (thinking) When I was there I really didn’t get a chance to do a whole lot. I did go to TopShop and stuff like that, but my schedule was so hectic that I couldn’t to as many places as I would like to.

Sam: Ok, so after a few push-back’s your third studio album ‘Fantasy Ride’ has finally hit stores across the globe this week: Tell us about the process you went through to develop your artistry with this album?

Ciara: Making this album I just really wanted to take my time, and I can definitely say this is the most fun I’ve had recording a record since my first album. What happened to me was: I put out one single (‘Go Girl’) and it was kind of like a warm-up exercise and just me really trying something new. I put out that record kind of early because my whole album wasn’t completed…. Something I’ve done before. I did that when I made my first album; I put out ‘Goodies’ out as the single on the radio and I recorded ‘1,2 Step’ and ‘Oh’ whilst ‘Goodies’ during that time. That’s what the process was for this record. But I really do think that I enjoyed myself and as I continued to record after the first time I moved the date back, things continued to get better. It was just important for me to make sure I really had everything in place the way I wanted it to be. Technically there was really one push back. I wanted to make sure I didn’t mention a date until I knew exactly what I wanted it to be.

Sam: The title indicates the record being somewhat of a concept CD; tell about what inspired the title?

Ciara: ‘Fantasy Ride’ is about me taking my fans on a fantasy through music and taking my fans many different places they have never been before, as well as doing some of the unexpected things. And that’s what this album is about; it really is a fantasy ride, if you want to party, I have that record on there. If you feeling more sensual, that record is on there, if you just want to groove out and relax that record is on there. It’s just the perfect combination of R&B, Hip-Hop and Pop fused in one. It really is just a fantasy ride for me too, because I am adding more elements to things I’ve already done. I wanted to make sure I gave my fans things of what they have always known from me. But I also wanted to make sure I added more to it and really some unexpected things for them.

Sam: We can’t shy away from the fact that several tracks from the album which made the finally cut from the record found their way on to the internet several months prior to the album’s release, what is your take on this?

That Grape Juice Interviews CiaraCiara: Initially it was definitely frustrating. Because not only did I put a lot of hard work in to it, but it’s also not a cheap process making a record [laughs]. But most importantly presentation is everything and it’s definitely unfortunate when you put so much hard work in to something and you know what you want it to be. And before you know it, it actually gets put out for the public before it’s even completed. So people are able to get opinions on something that’s not even the proper version of it. That part of it is really frustrating and it’s kind of like who would do something like that? I feel like that’s so wrong. At the end of the day I have to find the positives in it, when I do my shows earlier my fans knew some of the songs. One thing I do believe is that my diehard fans will still rock with you no matter what. Once you get to hear the entire album in its entirety, it just feels like nothing that you heard – even if you heard the tracks earlier, you’re hearing the correct version and it really does feel good. I believe your diehard fans will rock with you no matter what.

Sam: As we speak now, the first week sales of the album are being collated, how important are sales to you?

Ciara: Sales are a part of what matters, it’s not everything, it doesn’t make or break you to me. I’ve experienced before… my first album was really low and when it was all said and done I was almost at 5 million records sold. How you start is part of it, but how you finish it is what really matters. Like Akon has probably sold 60,000 units his first weekend and now he’s sold a hell of a lot… it’s all about timing, it’s all about promoting, it’s all about a lot of different things. You can’t get lost in all that. Another example is the Jonas Brothers; they are at 1.3 million or 1.2 million records, but they’re one of the hugest bands in the world. So sales aren’t part of it, there’s so much more to it, like being able to connect to your fans is important. One of the most important thing to me is touring; to me it’s more than everything to me, honestly. Everything is changing nowadays; Virgin Megastores just got closed, Uptown Records got shut down, now Virgin is collapsing. It just goes to show you where music is going and it is a different day. Sales aren’t everything and it don’t make or break you, it’s a fraction of what counts overall.

Sam: Many fans are keen to know why ‘Go Girl’ didn’t make it onto the album, as the track is a favourite among fans and the video is arguably one of the best Ms. Harris has served up since hitting the scene.

Ciara: That record was actually on the Japan version (of ‘Fantasy Ride’), and I put it on there because that was a market that actually got that record in such a great way. It was the top 5 record for me there on that actual version. And of course you can always go to iTunes to get the record, but I just wanted to put out the records that was doing when I kept recording. It was kind of hard because you’re only given a certain amounts of slots per record and ‘Go Girl’ was one of those ones I wanted to put in there. But the other records for me were ones I really wanted there, and ‘Go Girl’ kind of came at the end of list. But my fans can still have access to it, you can go to iTunes to get. I didn’t get rid of the record that was one of the records that I loved to rock with, but when you tell me I have 13 slots to fill up I’m like… you know.

Sam: I really love the album. I think it’s your best record to date. ‘Tell Me What Your Name Is’ is my personal favourite track. If you had to pick one track as your favourite from the album what would it be and why?

Ciara: ‘High Price’. I love ‘High Price’ because it’s so strong and powerful and I love taking that risk by singing operatic on it. The track goes so hard to me and it has such great energy, it’s one of those records that make a huge statement. That’s one of the records I really love, it’s kind of hard to pick my most favourite but that’s one of the ones that I definitely really love.

Sam: One of the tracks I know the fans are really gravitating towards is the song called ‘Like A Surgeon’…

That Grape Juice Interviews CiaraCiara: Yeah I love that record…

Sam: …Would it be possible for ‘That Grape Juice’ readers as well as your fans to have a very short acapella of the track?

Ciara: [Laughs] No… [Laughs] You have to call me in 3 hours when I’m warmed up. I’m in LA so I’m on West Coast time, I just woke up, I’m just cranking everything up and I don’t know what would come out right now so you would really have me out there. That’s cool… on the next interview for sure.

Sam: Oh ok (laughs). A lot of fans are keen to find out what the next singles is likely to be.

Ciara: I can’t tell you just yet, I have an idea but I want to wait before I say it so I don’t want to say the wrong thing. And it is exactly what it’s going to be.

Sam: How involved are you in the process of picking the next single along with the label?

Ciara: I’m always very vocal and at this point it really is a teamwork effort. I shoot up my ideas and we all do a teamwork effort together and we go for it.

Sam: Honestly speaking, what’s your take on the Keri Hilson ‘Turnin’ Me On (Remix)’. It has caused major head-waves as we all know. Are you two still cool?

Ciara: I’ll be honest with you, it’s kind of one of those things where I don’t really like to spend that much energy on stuff like that. And when it comes to beefs and dramas I just leave that to the rappers. I don’t get into it, I haven’t talked to her in a while, but I am wishing her well inThat Grape Juice Interviews Ciara everything she has going on.

Sam: After being in this industry for a minute, has there ever been a time when something you’ve heard has gotten you down, and how did you deal with this?

Ciara: There have definitely been some moments when something has probably frustrated me a little bit or kind of kicked a little bit of negative energy this way. But you know what, I’m at a point in my life to where I feel like I’m very blessed. To be on my third album to be living my dream to be waking up to be doing what I choose to do is a blessing. And you always have to think about that I could be in a whole space right now and so I just choose to think about all the great things I feel like I’ve been blessed with or all the great things and people I have in my life and that’s what keeps me positive and keeps me going.

Sam: You’ve gone on record to say that you would love to do a duet with Janet Jackson. Is that something we could look forward to in the future or perhaps her next record, or something we could see from Ciara anytime soon?

Ciara: There’s no telling, I definitely think it would be awesome. But I guess whenever that right moment comes if it’s something that Janet is down for then of course I guess it could happen. But I can’t tell you right now ‘oh I have a record and blah blah blah,’ I don’t have that response for you, but I definitely think that it would be cool.

Sam: You and Justin Timberlake were awfully close in the ‘Love, Sex & Magic’ Video. What is your take on people saying that ‘Ciara has taken it ‘too sexed up’ these days?

Ciara: I can definitely say that this album is about my growth as a woman and I can definitely say on this record, the more sensual side to me is coming out. ‘Love, Sex & Magic’ is definitely a true reflection of that side. I’m just having fun and my sensual side is coming out a little bit right now.

Sam: You’ve got a serious presence on Twitter. What do you think about its rapid rise to prominence?

Ciara: I think Twitter is really important, it’s important because it allows me to connect with my fans and talk with them. I honestly enjoy myself doing it. (It) doesn’t feel like I’m working, I really am having a fun time. It’s such a great platform to update your fans with new information, it’s such a great platform to fill them and connect with them. And that’s why I love Twitter, at first I was like this is crazy, but now I understand the importance of it or I believe it’s important.

Sam: Aside from That Grape Juice, do you visit any other internet blogs?

Ciara: [Thinking] Do I… yeah actually I do, I don’t even know why I asked that question, I blanked out [laughs]. I do to a couple of other websites; I do a little internet searching.

Sam: Do you read comments on yourself, comments of you performances or do you just go for general purposes?

Ciara: I like to be updated on what’s going on music and sometimes I like to read theThat Grape Juice Interviews Ciara comments. I pretty much refrain from trying to, because a lot of times people like to create negative things just to do it. And I feel like blogs are kind of like created to give us negative [vibes]. So I can’t go by that and I can’t depend on that. But I do like to go to go and be updated on entertainment and different things that happen because I don’t watch TV like that, that’s just my way of checking up on everything.

Sam: Just to let you know, it’s not all the blogs that are negative towards artists, there are a lot of positive ones.

Ciara: I know. What I realised in media is that negative energy travels faster than positive energy, and people tend to drive off of that more. So I pick and choose the moments to look at stuff, you can kind of get an idea when somebody is going to try and create something more than what it is, for something that is just not right. You have to pick and choose those moments, but at the end of the day a blogger doesn’t determine anything to me. A person that is negative doesn’t mean anything to me, but my fans do. I do enjoy going to my fan sites; you get a positive support.

Sam: Many are keen to know whether you are dating anyone at the moment?

Ciara: (laughs) I’m ‘dating’ my music!

Sam: (Laughs) If Super C was having a celebrity Death Match, who would she pick as her tag team partner?

Ciara: I love this question! Erm…Eminem

Sam: Ok, rounding up; I’m going to give you two names and you tell me which you prefer. Starting off: Beyonce or Destiny’s Child?

Ciara: Beyonce

Sam: 50 Cent or Kanye West?

Ciara: Hmmm. That’s tuff [giggles]. I think both artists are really dope, but I would say 50 Cent.

Sam: Michael or Janet?

Ciara: Ahh that’s just not right (laughs)… Michael.

Sam: Sell me Fantasy Ride in one word?

Ciara: Timeless.

Sam: We reported today that you will be going on tour with Jay-Z this summer. When will the tour be kicking off?

Ciara: I think sometime in July I don’t know the dates just now [laughs].

Sam: Before we call it an interview, many of your fans want to know whether we’ll we be seeing you perform at the BET Awards 2009?

Ciara: As of now I can’t say, but would I love to? Absolutely.

Sam: Ms. Harris, it really was great speaking with you. Best of luck with the project.

Ciara: Aww…thank you, love. Have a great day. Mwah!

Want more? Check out Part 2 below!


Part 2


That Grape Juice Interviews Ciara
Ciara’s awesome new album ‘Fantasy Ride’ is in stores and on iTunes now. Do be sure to pick up a copy!

Your thoughts on our Ciara interview?

Check out short preview of the video for Ciara’s latest single ‘Work’, which was directed by Melina.
In our interview with CiCi, which you can expect to see / watch on Tuesday (maybe even before…watch this space!), she discusses the videos for her next singles, Fantasy Ride sales, her industry contemporaries and much more. You know that we ask the questions you really want answers to…so be sure to keep it locked on TGJ in the coming days for that.
Your thoughts?

I’m on location for our interview with Ciara. Hit up our Twitter page where I’ll be updating you via SMS/TXT.

Ciara Interview Update
Coincidence or what? As I’m literally about to hit ‘publish post’ on our interview with Ciara, I receive an email from the the UK arm of her label asking if we want to interview Ms. Harris this Friday – in person here in London. With the last interview, we crammed in as many of your questions as possible considering the allocated time; however it would be silly to pass up on the chance to speak with her again about more. 
So with that said, we’ll hold back the original interview in the meanwhile and hit you with the re-buffered version. Thanks for being so patient.
Any more questions for Ciara? Drop them in the comments section below…

Interview coming in the next couple of days

Peep Ciara’s performance of ‘Love Sex Magic’ on the Ellen Degeneres Show yesterday above. As with the Saturday Night Live rendition of the song, Ciara killed it. Awesome performance.
In other Ciara news, the singer’s 3rd studio album ‘Fantasy Ride’ debuts at #3 on the Billboard 200 this week, with sales of 81,000. Christette Michelle claimed the top spot with her new LP ‘The Ephiphany’, which sold 83,000. Hannah Montana’s annoying self sits at #2 LOL. I really think it’s important to note that Christette’s album was retailing for a paltry $3.99, which I guess could explain what is no doubt a chart shocker. 
That said, there is no shying away from the fact that higher numbers for Ciara were expected. Interestingly, our interview with CiCi was supposed to take place last week, however was conducted just before she did Ellen yesterday and we were able to ask her about her thoughts on sales (which were being counted as we were speaking). Look out for the interview later this week!
Word has it, the label have opted for a double release for the follow-up to ‘Love Sex Magic’ and ‘Never Ever’, with ‘Like A Surgeon’ being serviced to the Urban market and ‘Work’ to Pop. IMO they couldn’t have picked two better singles. Great choices.
Your thoughts?
Ciara & Jay-Z To Tour Together
Ciara appears to be everywhere at the moment promoting her new LP ‘Fantasy Ride’, and if you’re in the US, she and rapper Jay-Z, may be coming to an arena near you:
Jay-Z and Ciara are planning a summer tour together, the former’s representative has confirmed to Billboard.com.
“I will say it because the information has been leaked. Me and Jay-Z will be doing a 10-city tour run together! More details coming soon! [sic]” Ciara revealed on Twitter Monday night.
The full itinerary has not yet been announced, but Jay-Z’s rep did say it won’t be a 10-city tour, although she wouldn’t confirm if it was more shows or less.
Still, a few dates and venues have already been revealed, including stops July 3 and 4 at The Pearl at The Palms in Las Vegas, July 10 at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut, and July 12 in Atlanta.
Before the Jay-Z tour, Ciara will support Britney Spears on the European leg of the “Circus” tour in June. {Source}
CiCi and Jay sounds like one hell of a show. I must say though, I did always envision Jay being a joint-tour of sorts with Ms. Knowles-Carter if he were to ever embark on such a trek with an R&B singer. That said, it’s still a great billing…
Your thoughts?