Jay-Z Covers VIBE’s 15th Anniversay Cover

Published: Thursday 31st Jul 2008 by Sam

Jay-Z Covers VIBE's 15th Anniversay CoverRapper Jay-Z features on the cover of VIBE magazine’s 15th Anniversary ‘Juice’ issue.

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I’ll throw this out to you guys (hint hint)…

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What do you think of the cover?

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  1. pebb July 31, 2008


  2. Anonymous July 31, 2008

    wud have never guessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous July 31, 2008

    He looks funny with those big ass lips..

  4. Anonymous July 31, 2008

    Wow, he’s lips look bigger than usual, anyhu, besides the point….KEEP ON HUSTLING jay, its what he do best.

  5. AaronMichael July 31, 2008

    All I want to know is how long is the person who designed this album cover gonna have a job? That’s horrible!

  6. Anonymous July 31, 2008

    He’s so ugly it’s not even funny. Normally I like full lips, but in this case… Uhhh nah!

  7. [ ♥ ] July 31, 2008

    why did i know it was gonna be him on the cover?

  8. Anonymous July 31, 2008

    Vibe is so F****** predictable and it’s getting boring.


  9. Anonymous July 31, 2008

    I just love jay and his s*** a** thug swag

    I think that he is s*** and he can get the business all night

    the only problem that I have with him is that he needs to ditch that fake a** weave wearing broad and get him a real woman
    like me “wink,wink”

  10. Anonymous August 1, 2008


  11. Vodoo August 1, 2008

    omg they coulda taken a betta pic.
    this is enough to make Bey cringe and run for court!

  12. J.Mensah August 1, 2008

    I Luv Jay Z but come on was that really the best pic they could take…

  13. Dr. Heather August 2, 2008

    What does the number ‘6’ have to do with anything? He’s holding up six fingers….

  14. Anonymous August 2, 2008

    Jay, Lloyd Banks called and said he wants his lips back. And his 2 car garage nose.

  15. Junior August 2, 2008

    What an Ugly man that it…I usually dont comment on here bt this man’s uglyness had to make me say soemthing…lol

  16. Anonymous August 9, 2008

    when is his new album coming out
    he’s doing most of it with timbaland just like beyonce
    beyonce and jay-z about to take over once again
    can’t wait

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