Beyonce Does InStyle

Published: Sunday 19th Oct 2008 by Sam

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Beyonce Does InStyleWith the industry abuzz about what Beyonce is set to serve up November 18th – the day her ‘I Am…’ LP hits stores, the songstress continues her promotional blitz, this time featuring in the latest issue of InStyle magazine. Check out her pics from the shot below:

Beyonce Does InStyleBeyonce Does InStyleBeyonce Does InStyleLooking good…

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  1. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    beyonce overdose coming !! lol !!

    great pics! they look expensive i mean the jewels! i going to buy a copy!

  2. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    urm…the industry is more’abuzz’ with Britney’s album and you call this a promotional blitz? I’m not hatin on Beyonce but you keep being biased towards her and bigging her up…

  3. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    Uh oh Sam!
    We’ve got some cheeto lovers in da house.
    You need to stard posting on their crazy queen brit-brit. Before they start shooting cheetos at you.
    Well I take that back beside the toxic part-two video she released last week for Womanizah(was that word on sale when they wrote that song, because it was overused in it. Not hating, just asking?, she hasn’t released any promo shots, so don’t post about the former baldy.

    Beyonce looks great (still don’t like her), but ‘If i were a boy” and “single Ladies” are addicting.

    Unlike Womanizah it sounds like some left over s*** from “Blackout”.

  4. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    okay the britney stan needs to go jump off a cliff.

    beyonce has more talent in her pinky than britney does in her whole body.

    sorry but i dont support no talents like britney who the white media love to gas up.

    everybody is talking about beyonce and she has a lot going on with her 2 movies, album, and magazine covers.

    i will continue to support the talented like beyonce, jazmine sullivan, etc.

    white folks can have their no talent britney.

  5. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    beyonce looks hot! classy but fun…the cover has ‘the girl next door’ feel..v cute!!

    there should be no-hatin britney!! i don’t really like her music but its nice to see her make a wicked come bak!! its gna be a britney-beyonce battle..lovee it

    the oldies are makin a return..we can finally say bye bye to rihanna…her and her stupid hair was getting too much…i love how beyonce is coming bak with the ‘refreshed’ look…jus the opposite of rihanna

  6. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    wtf with britney!!! get out of here!

  7. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    when I grow up I want to be Beyonce!!!

  8. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    when i grow up i want to be britney!!!

  9. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    The 2nd picture, the close up face shot,
    Did anyone else think Tyra Banks-esque?

  10. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    ^^^ Me too!! lol

  11. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    Not feeling the hair do but it’s ok

  12. jonnyhco October 19, 2008


  13. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    She is mother f****** hot man!

  14. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    dayum look at my beyonce so sophiscated, classy n beautiful n amazing i love hea so much, cant wit for hea album to come out November 18th i coppin two copies n buying it on itunes…

  15. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    britney cant come close to QUEEN B she is n a class of hea own, now u comparing hea to rihanna n ciara wen comes to dem she is tight, i use to be a big fan of britney till she started talkin mess abt my beyonce n i cant have dat i like hea old stuff better

  16. delroy October 19, 2008

    the pics are hot i think that she looks fly in the last pic and i like the comment abv and wiv da b v the man-spears at least b sings every now and then LIVE. I say this cos when i was unga and ttop was the s*** every time the man had a record in the charts and she did a performance it was neva live. But then thats what pop loves like.

  17. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    Same ole same ole to me. but hey. whatever and BC Jean’s song sounds better being sung by BC Jean (IIWAB) and Single ladies is just not my cup of tea nor the open legged gyration in the video. Maybe the second singles will sell me, as these two are just stolen(IIWAB) and wack (SL).

  18. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    And Rih ain’t going nowhere, its amazing how threatened Bey stans are of her, she is young, fresh, unafraid, and truly tries new things not just says she is trying new things, but does so. blonde lace front (check), stolen material (check), overly sexual videos (check)–same shiz, diff year.

  19. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    She looks fantastic in these pictures, stop all this britney vs beyonce vs rihanna, these are pictures of beyonce, so where is the relation to the two other artist mentioned? There’s room for all but having said that Beyonce with her beauty in these pictures are far better then her music right now, she has lost it musically

  20. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    At 5:59 what the hell you talking about who mentioned Rihanna. And why in the world would Bey fans be jealous of her. Bey has sold more albums, won more awards, and made more money and impact in 1 year than Rihanna with 3 albums. Did you just say Bey was overly sexual yet Rihanna been whoring it up on stage and in videos since her second album at age 18. And speaking of stolen Rihanna than stole haircuts, Names of songs, exact tatoos, and style and you call someone out for something. I swear that girl has some of the stupidest delusional stans. I love the picture of Bey and she is so beautiful. Can’t wait to pick up that album.

  21. Anonymous October 19, 2008

    Wateva! Wherr Is MICHELLE WILLIAMS' PROMOTION? Rite… Columbia, Sony, Music World&& MATTHEW KNOWLES Are FULL Of BS! Michelle LEAVE THEM!

  22. Anonymous October 20, 2008

    Oh, I’ve listened to Michelle’s album and it has some really nice songs there. I hope she does great with it. And yes, she needs more promotion.

    And Beyonce here looks really very good, especially in the 1st and the 4th pics… But, I’m gonna say that again, these 2 singles were just not what I expected from her…

    Now I’m just waiting for Mariah’s new video of “I Stay In Love” which I hope will become her 19th #1! 🙂

    -Bobby from Bulgaria-

  23. Anonymous October 20, 2008

    Sam where is anastacia’s video?

  24. knox October 20, 2008

    its nice to c her takin more mature pics lately and not dem video vixen type clips like what every1 is goin 4…e.g Ciara Vibe!

  25. rihanna sucks October 20, 2008

    Doesn't she look fabulous? Oh joy! Two songs! Two videos! TWO movies! DOUBLE discs! TWO personalities… 😀 another WORLD WIDE tour!

    Beyonce is just spoiling us fans I tell ya!!!

    Hurricane Bey in your area 😀 move or get styled on! Um… sorry Brit Brit but you & your lip-syncin shenanigans will be styled on IF YOU EVER DECIDE TO PERFORM @ THE SAME SHOW AS THE QUEEN! YESSSS!!!! LET THE PERFORMANCES BEGIN!!!

  26. rihanna sucks October 20, 2008

    ps… RiHOnna sucks


  27. antertain October 20, 2008

    Beyonce looks real hott i love the 1st pic..

  28. Anonymous October 20, 2008

    Stunning as usual.

  29. Anonymous October 20, 2008

    Beyonce looks good! I believe that she really is coming into her own.

  30. Anonymous October 20, 2008

    There’s no life in her eyes. In the picture where she’s wearing the pink dress she looks cross eyed.

  31. Anonymous October 20, 2008

    Ashanti looks 100 times better than Beyonce and Solange. Ashanti’s hair is real while beyonshits is fake as hell. Ashanti looks good natural and beyonshits looks old as hell. Ashanti can sing better than beyonshit while beyonshit yells and screams over the music. Ashanti is more original than beyonshit because Ashanti rights her own music. Beyonshit is fake, a thief and a liar.

  32. Anonymous October 21, 2008

    Am I the only one who thinks Beyonce looks like she had some work done on her face?

    Not tryna hate, she is the queen no question and I love both the new singles. But I’m just sayin.

    PS “beyonshit” was maybe almost kind of clever once, sayin it five times starts to seem a little… unimaginative

  33. Anonymous October 21, 2008

    I love her look and new sound for her new album. She looks effin great in these pics but not as good as in the Essence Magazine. But still she is rocking those clothes and jewlery. I LOVE BEYONCE!!!!

  34. MV October 22, 2008

    The magazine sharpened her features just a bit too much, it doesn’t look natural. Otherwise, she looks great as always.

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