A 64-year-old music teacher was arrested and locked up after a shocking encounter with an unruly student.

The man in question, who has now been named as Marston Riley, was attempting to teach a class at Maywood alternative high school when he was confronted by the teen.

First hurling a torrent of verbal abuse, the student then stepped to to Riley who snapped in retaliation and beat the unnamed individual to the back of the classroom.

Watch the jaw-dropping encounter below…



A successful South African woman has skyrocketed to digital fame after she revealed how she snared her unscrupulous lover after learning he had stolen her money to wine and dine his girlfriend.

#FraudBae’s story below…



The beloved human rights activist Danye Jones is the latest African-American leader to have been found dead following the untimely deaths of Sandra Bland, Marielle Franco & Darren Seals.

Trigger warning.



Shame and disgrace has befallen the family of a young woman named Treasure now that they have been exposed as fraudsters.

Shocking news below…



The seeds of self-hatred have borne ugly fruit in the life one of African-American lady who believes that she is really a white woman.

Disgusted by her own heritage and people (who she believes are ugly) Ms. Treasure is convinced that- despite the fact that she is black- is Caucasian and detests African-Americans so much that she is tempted to join the murderous Ku Klux Klan if they “offered me a hood.”

This sister is in serious need of deliverance.

Coming to the rescue? Dr. Phil.

Watch what happened when they came face to face below…



A number of Donald Trump‘s enemies have been targeted by bombs set to their home addresses weeks before the mid-term elections.

Terrible news below…



David Mesher is the name of malodorous swine who verbally assaulted an innocent black woman on a Ryanair flight.

How his name surfaced? His disgusted friends and neighbours.

Trigger warning below….



As pressure mounts on Donald Trump to punish Saudi Arabia for its alleged ties to the murder of journalist Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi, his opponents have learned that he is arming himself with millions in preparation for the next Presidential election.

Full story below…



Like a deer ripped to shreds by a pack of ravenous hyenas on cheat day, Brother Nature‘s career lies lifeless now that his fans have uncovered a string of disconcerting tweets he thought would never see the light of day again.

A shocking story below…



Zoe Thompson, the disgraced woman who falsely accused a black man of sexual assault on a busy train, will have plenty of time to make full use of the public transport system now that she has been fired from her job.

A sorry development for a very sorry lady below…



A St. Louis woman named Hilary Mueller has found herself faced with a wave of public shame, disgrace and embarrassment after she blocked an African-American man, D’Arreion Toles, from entering his own apartment building…because she didn’t believe he lived there.

Today, she has been fired from her job.

What went down?

A startling scene below….



A wave of terror and confusion befell a group of black men in London, England yesterday when an irate young woman named Zoe Thompson falsely accused them of sexual assault following an argument on a busy train.

One of these men was Terroll Lewis, an online fitness guru.

Today, he speaks exclusively to That Grape Juice about the train ride from hell…and how quick-thinking saved him from facing a one-way ticket to trouble.

Full story below….

