Should Hillary Clinton Run Against Donald Trump In 2020? Michelle Obama Shares Thoughts

Published: Thursday 15th Nov 2018 by David

Michelle Obama‘s thrilling new book ‘Becoming‘ is already on course to becoming one of the fastest/highest-selling books of the year following its publication on November 13th.

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In it, the highly educated political royal pulls the world behind her velvet rope to reveal what life was really like for her during her time as First Lady and the journey she thanks for leading her to the powerful position.

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Now, during a brand new interview with ‘Good Morning America‘, she unpacked her thoughts and feelings about Hillary Clinton and her chances of beating Donald Trump in 2020.

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Her estimation below…

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Be sure to buy ‘Becoming’ for your loved ones this Holiday season.
Purchase here.

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  1. Rasputia Latimore Is ANNOYED by GUTTER TRASH F.AGGOT ‘JasMAN Da Bi Asian’ Talking to her every day! November 15, 2018

    Hilary could win this time but can we get another democrat to run?

    • TC November 15, 2018

      Idk if Hilary would win. She had a lot of political baggage/skeletons in her closet, and I don’t know if it’s fair to take her through a 3rd run for office. I’d take Joe Biden over Hilary, but I’d prefer a younger candidate.

  2. Achooo! November 15, 2018

    Killary is not a good choice. The democrats need someone like Michelle Obama, Oprah, or Jesus. Maybe Elizabeth Warren as VP to beat Trump. No more old archaic white dinosaurs over the age 65.

  3. Ghuyrsd November 15, 2018

    Lol, Hillary Clinton will NEVER be president…. The democrats are morons if they let her run again.

  4. XYZ November 15, 2018

    If let Hillary run again, then Donald is truly what they deserve

    • XYZ November 15, 2018


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