Watch: ‘Game of Thrones – Season 4 (Episode 3 Trailer)’


With last night’s serving of HBO‘s ‘Game Of Thrones’ pulling 6.30 million viewers, the network whips up momentum for its followup today with the unveiling of a teaser pulled from the third episode of its fourth season.

How its character deal with the aftermath of Margaery Tyrell‘s ‘poisonous’ wedding?

Find out below!

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  1. BarbBey April 14, 2014

    My body still isn’t dealing from last night boo boo.

    • BanjeeRiri April 14, 2014

      Slaygery’s was working the f*** out of those ringlets honey.

  2. BeySting April 14, 2014

    Bai bai Flopfrey.

    • NaviKissKiss April 14, 2014

      Joffrey made the show interesting so what are you talking about, the only flop around there is Tywin for not seeing that Prince Oberyn has something up his sleeve.

      • K.Rebelle April 14, 2014

        Yaaaaasss sis, cos you know Miss Oberyn is after revenge for what they did to ha sister.

  3. KatyKadet April 14, 2014

    I think it was the grandma who killed him 2bh.

    • AyBaeBae April 14, 2014

      I don’t think she would do it only because she likes Tywin too much.

      • KatyKadet April 14, 2014

        What does it matter? If you found out your granddaughter was finna marry a murderer who kills b****** for fun you’d do the same thing to.

  4. NickiBeenBad April 14, 2014

    Xerces is a b**** for blaming her brother like it was his fault. Did she forget that Joffrey ASKED him to pour him the wine and that the SAME wine was poured all over his bangs.

    • Robin’sThicke April 14, 2014

      But it was him though.

      • SoGone4Monica April 14, 2014

        Doubt it babe, i think it was Lady Sansa. That’s why she wanted to leave the party early cos she knew s*** was about to go down.

  5. Keyshia Del Rey April 14, 2014

    All of you are wrong, it was obvs Queen Shae. She was obviously trying to poison Tyrion calling her a h**.

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