Disney Readying ‘The Lion King’ Sequel With ‘Moonlight’ Director Barry Jenkins

Published: Tuesday 29th Sep 2020 by Sam

‘The Lion King’ looks set to roar once more.

For, Disney are reportedly readying a sequel to their photo-realistic remake of the classic.

Full story below…

According to Deadline, Walt Disney Studios are pressing ahead with a follow-up to their 2019 smash – which was top-billed by Donald Glover and Beyonce.

In a major move, ‘Moonlight’ director Barry Jenkins has been named successor to Jon Favreau – who helmed last year’s film.

Dates and details are being kept under wraps, but the report offered the following about the direction:

“I’m told that the story will further explore the mythology of the characters, including Mufasa’s origin story. Moving the story forward while looking back conjures memories of The Godfather: Part II, set on the African plain with a continuation of the tradition of music that was a key part of the 1994 animated classic, the 2019 film and the blockbuster Broadway stage transfer.”


It’s little surprise that Disney are revisiting ‘The Lion King,’ given the gargantuan success of the 2019 movie. A film that earned a whopping $1.6 billion at the global box office.

Casting will no doubt make for an interesting story, as many will be keen to see if any of the stars from last year’s film will appear.

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  1. Ugghh September 29, 2020

    No thank you

  2. stan September 29, 2020

    are we seriously out of stories to tell? we don’t need yet another lion king story

  3. Flopyonce September 29, 2020

    They better not invite Flopyonce back if they want to make it a success

    • DIABETES UNBOTHERED September 29, 2020

      Lion King 1 was successful BECAUSE of the Queen NOT despite of. And it was obvious they would rehash another live sequel seeing as tho there actually does exist a LION KING 2 that was just as good and as Cannon as the original with the SAME voice actors.

      • Flopyonce September 29, 2020

        The Gift sales seem to disagree. Where’s her Oscar? Just admit Flopyonce is a fat and washed up flop and get over it LMAO

      • tyty September 29, 2020

        The gift got her a fat check from Disney for her black is king movie. It also got her a Disney deal worth millions. I’m sure she is weeping in the Disney boardroom for the next project as we speak. If a flop album gets me a multimillion-dollar deal with a media giant like Disney then beyonce likes those kinds of flops.

      • Flopyonce September 29, 2020

        She sure does love flopping, you’re right.



    • UHoesFunny September 30, 2020

      Lmfao it’s so comical that you think “awards” and “record sales” are the only measures of success 🤣🤣🤣 What a complete idiot. You’re missing the whole point that she is one, filthy rich, two has over a dozen of grammy’, awards, and noms. Btw, you can’t erase history you nimwit, those achieves are still hers. But ultimately THE QUEEN signed a multi-million dollar deal with Disney…let that sink in. F*CKING DISNEY. And what are you doing with you life babe? I’ll wait…Haha now go gather your response to try to justify your hate. You will never win. Sorry this is your only outlet to feeling good about yourself. Hope you have a blessed day!

      • Flopyonce September 30, 2020

        Wasn’t the stinkhive dragging other fanbases over their faves sales back kn the day? How does your own medicine taste boo? Flopyonce is a fat and washed up FLOP who ‚gave birth‘ to VERY ugly children. Get over it.

  4. Gey September 29, 2020

    WHY…. BUT WHY?!!!!

  5. Urg September 29, 2020

    Yes because the first one was not enough torture so lets do a sequel. Did Disnsy ran out of ideas or is there no one else story to rip off?

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