Global Citizen Issue Statement Defending New Show ‘The Activist’ After Usher Hosted Series Comes Under Fire

Published: Sunday 12th Sep 2021 by Sam

Usher, Priyanka Chopra, and Julianne Hough have been announced as the hosts of a new CBS series centered on activism.

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However, the show – which is aptly titled ‘The Activst’ – has drawn criticism. So much so that it’s prompted a statement.

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Full story below…

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According to Deadline, ‘The Activist’ is a competition series featuring six inspiring activists who are partnered with three high-profile public figures. Together they work to bring meaningful change to one of three important world causes: health, education, and the environment.

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Produced by Global Citizen, the show will see the activists go head-to-head across various challenges to promote their causes, with their success measured via online engagement, social metrics, and the hosts’ feedback.

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While some applauded the ethos of the show, others bemoaned the format – arguing that it’s inappropriate to shoe-horn philanthropy into a competition format often reserved for talent shows.

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Responding to the concern ane critique, a spokesperson for Global Citizen issued the following statement:

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“The Activist spotlights individuals who’ve made it their life’s work to change the world for the better, as well as the incredible and often challenging work they do on the ground in their communities. This is not a reality show to trivialize activism. On the contrary, our aim is to support activists everywhere, show the ingenuity and dedication they put into their work, and amplify their causes to an even wider audience.”

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Set to air across five weeks, the show premieres October 22, on CBS and will be streamable live and on-demand via Paramount+.

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  1. #Chole💋DESTROYED💩mani September 12, 2021

    Boy bye. All usher did is spreading h***** in the community. Shame on you! Don’t forget steaming Chole’s Have mercy

    • NORMANI’S UNDERSTUDY September 12, 2021

      Lmaooo girl shut up and sit down and stop begging people to stream that flop, if they ain’t thinking about it on iTunes they ain’t thinking about streaming it lmfaoooooo

      • #Chole💋DESTROYED💩mani September 12, 2021

        Beyoncé won’t approved this. She will uses all of her power and money to back my gurl Chole up. Meanwhile f******* signed to a trashy label. Her lazy team did nothing to promote her flop side song, even Cardi needs to jump in to promoting this poor gurl 😂🤣😂🤣

      • NORMANI’S UNDERSTUDY September 12, 2021

        Lmaooo if roachyonce’s money can’t help her own flops, it ain’t gonna do nothing for chloe floppey lmfaooo, she betta book a role on p valley as a flat faced strip h0 or something cuz shes already a music flop lmfaoooo🤣🤣🤣

  2. marilyn monh-O-E (Da Real DIVA 👠) September 12, 2021

    Where da hell is demon lovato? She claimed herself as an Activist top. Don’t make me grill yo b**** ass. 💅🏿

  3. What would Whitney do September 12, 2021

    Janet Jackson would have been a better host.

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