Chris Brown UpdateIt seems teen star Chris Brown is unstoppable at the moment. Check out this press release via his publicists:

Late last month, Pop/R&B sensation Chris Brown received 10 Teen Choice Nominations –the most nods of any Teen Choice Awards nominee. The nominated categories are as follows:

*Choice Male Hottie
*Choice Music: Male Artist
*Choice Music: R&B Artist
*Choice Red Carpet Fashion Icon-Male
*Choice Music: R&B Track “Forever”
*Choice Music: Single “With You”
*Choice Music: Hookup (Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown “No Air”)
*Choice Music: Love Song (Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown “No Air”)
*Choice Music: Hookup (Lil Mama featuring Chris Brown and T-Pain “Shawty Get Loose”)
*Choice Music: Rap/Hip-Hop Track (Lil Mama featuring Chris Brown and T-Pain “Shawty Get Loose”)

Not content to rest on his laurels as an all-around consummate performer, singer, dancer and actor, the 19-year old Tappahannock, VA native further demonstrates his talent as a songwriter; he recently penned Rihanna’s hit new single “Disturbia” with his writing team Graffiti Artiztz. The single is rising the charts, and currently rests at #11 on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart.

News of the nominations comes as Brown’s newest hit song, “Forever” rises on music and video charts — peaking at #7 on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart. Over the past few months, Chris Brown has remained a fixture on the Top 5 songs charts (including his smoldering duet with labelmate Jordin Sparks — “No Air”) and has sold over 1.5 million albums and over 4 million digital songs with “”Forever,” “With You,” “Kiss Kiss” and “Take You Down.”

More power to him…

Your thoughts?

That Grape Juice Interviews Michelle WilliamsHaving been a member of the biggest selling female group of all time Destiny’s Child for more than eight years, Michelle Williams is re-embarking on her solo career. With a single out and a hotly anticipated album on the way, Williams is preparing to silence the naysayers
In this exclusive interview, the 27 year old star opens up to That Grape Juice about several issues including her Gospel critics, the constant comparisons to her band mates Beyonce and Kelly as well as serving up the ‘Unexpected’ with her new record. A great, revealing read if I must say so myself. Enjoy 🙂
Michelle Williams Shouts-Out That Grape Juice


Sam: Michelle, how are you?

Michelle: I’m doing great, fabulous. How are you?

Sam: I’m fine. It really is an honour to finally be able speak with you!

Michelle: Yes, it’s an honour to be able to speak with you. I just want to say Sam that I thank YOU for your love and support towards myself and, actually, all three of the ladies (of Destiny’s Child). Individually, I just want to thank you for being so supportive from day one, I really appreciate it.

Sam: Aww. You’re welcome

With the single ‘We Break The Dawn’ having been released recently, there’s no doubt that you’ve been very busy as of late. Tell me a little about what you’ve been up to.

Michelle: Well, I’ve preparing for the release of my new album, which is titled ‘Unexpected’. Like you said, the single is titled ‘We Break The Dawn’; I shot the video for that last week. Y’all should be seeing the video by May 12th.

Sam: That’s great. What was the experience like (filming the video), how was the day?

Michelle: I loved it. We had a ball. Everything worked out so smoothly; no drama, everyone on the set did what they were supposed to do. We really had a lot of fun. I learned so much about myself, that I could do more than I thought I could do. I think this will shock a lot of people. Michelle can do more than what we know of her to do. When you’re in a group, sometimes, you’re not always able to do what you want to do. But that works out, because as a group, everyone has to be a team player. There are different references and things like that that I’ve looked at and held for a few years (while in Destiny’s Child) thinking ‘when I get the chance, I’m gonna do that’. So all that I’ve wanted to do is now coming to pass.

Sam: That’s great. Where are you actually situated at the moment?

Michelle: I’m actually home right now, just outside of Chicago, Illinois.

Sam: So this is like one of your days off, I’m assuming?

Michelle: Yeah, kind of.

Sam: Good good. You did mention before that your new album is titled ‘Unexpected’ (due on August 12th). The album has a distinct Pop/Dance sounding direction and obviously your new image is a lot more edgy, a lot more current too. This isn’t something many people anticipated from you. Was this deliberate or something that organically happened?

Michelle: Well I found that I wanted to do something that would set myself apart from what people have seen (of me) in the last eight years. I’ve always wondered ‘what would my hair be like short’. Now I’ve got the chance to do that; you know,, create some individuality.

Sam: Tell me a little about what we can expect to hear on the album, in terms of its sound, concept, producers etc. I know it’s a lot in one question, but as much as you can detail on the album would be great.

Michelle: Yes, yes. This album…oh my goodness. You know what I do? Purposely, I won’t listen to my album for a few days because I want to make sure that in another three or four days, I still like it. I’m telling you, when I put that album on, it’s like my first time hearing it. Honestly, sometimes I forget that I’m listening to myself singing and I’m getting into it so much – the words, the everything. Rico Love, who produced the bulk of my album, is an AMAZING writer; he gets you sucked in, so much so, you think you’re actually there in the moment. Sometimes I forget that I’m the one singing on the album; I’ll get to thinking about things that I’ve gone through (that’s related to a song), people that I know etc. I think it’s a great thing; this album makes you feel good. I don’t care what you’ve gone through in your day or your life, this album makes you forget about all your problems and makes you focus on your future and makes you happy. With all that’s going on in the world, I mean even here in the United States with the recession, this album really helps you escape from all of that for a little while.

Sam: Great. I’m assuming that the album is completed?

Michelle: The album is done.

Sam: Have any personal favourites emerged from record, if so what are they and why?

Michelle: Wow, that’s a hard question. You know what, I’m so satisfied with the project; there isn’t one song I have to skip or that I cringe when hearing. In terms of favourites, of course my single ‘We Break The Dawn’, ‘Hello Heartbreak’. There’s a song called ‘Lucky Girl’; it’s just so cute. Everyone that has heard that song loves it, men, and women. This album is for everybody, it’s for men too, not just the ladies. There’s one more song I love called ‘The Greatest’; that’s the song that, when I listen to it, I forget that it’s me singing it – it’s such a beautiful song.

Sam: There’s quite a buzz about ‘Stop This Car’ among fans, general listeners

Michelle: Yes, ‘Stop This Car’, that’s an awesome track. Stargate really did their thing on the song…

Sam: It is a personal favourite of mine. The feedback on the track has been amazing. People want to know if it’ll be a future single.

Michelle: It’s definitely a contender for a single

Sam: Judging by the material heard thus far, the album has a distinct up-tempo, dance-heavy heavy sound. Will the record feature any ballads, as many feel your voice really excels on such tracks also?

Michelle: ‘The Greatest’ is a power ballad. I have a song on there called ‘Too Young For Love’, which is definitely another power ballad. So yeah, you’ll be able to slow it down a little bit too.

Sam: We need to talk about the fact that this is your first solo foray into the secular market, having already released two Gospel albums (‘Heart To Yours’ and ‘Do You Know’). What’s your response to the naysayers and critics that will undoubtedly have something to say about you now releasing a secular record?

Michelle: Screw the naysayers. The critics, that’s cool. Naysayers, I can’t get with, because everybody is going to do something you don’t agree with. If I had to worry about what everybody didn’t agree with, I wouldn’t be doing nothing right now, you wouldn’t be doing nothing right now. I mean I love all types of music. Before my Gospel albums, I was an R&B artist. I never proclaimed to be a Gospel artist. There are so many people that were before me, Aretha Franklin, Sam Cooke and even my favourite singer of all-time Whitney Houston, they’ve all done Gospel. Yet they all maintained being an R&B artist. Now, it seems like after me, everybody’s doing a Gospel album, which is great, it’s cool – do your thing. I love all types of music and I don’t want to be pigeon-holed. Me doing this music, I know what I’m doing; and if anything that I do takes me away from God, I won’t do it. Scripture says ‘Let nothing separate you from the love of God’…

Sam: Amen!

Michelle: this ain’t separating me. In fact, being in this industry has made me much closer God, because there are times when I feel by myself and it’s just me and God. I know what I’m doing. God is with me. This album, this project, God is in this. It’s worked out so smoothly. If there are doors He doesn’t want me to go through, He won’t open them, nor will He let me walk through them. I don’t mind if God shuts the door, that’s protection for me. To the naysayers, keep naysaying.

Sam: (laughs). On the topic of Christianity, do you still regularly attend church?

Michelle: Yes, I do. If I’m home on a Sunday, then I will attend service.

Sam: That’s cool. While your new sound, image etc are radically different to what people expected, it’s your performance of ‘Do You Know’ on the Destiny’s Fulfilled tour that really caught people off guard. I remember being at the London stop of the show and people were in awe saying ‘is that Michelle?’ Did you see performing this song on the tour as a coming out of sorts or…

Michelle: I didn’t really see it as a ‘coming out’. It’s definitely a song that is dear to my heart, so I guess it showed. I will say, on that ‘Destiny Fulfilled’ album I think I was just coming into my own. I was comfortable, I was settled, I was like ‘ok, I know this, I got this’.

Sam: I know a lot of people took on the same view. Being in the biggest selling female group of all time, the main comparisons are often to each other. What do you feel separates you all individually?

Michelle: We all have our own style and our own taste in music and how we want to express that; and people need to respect that. I may just want to express my music standing in front of a microphone. Beyonce, on the other hand, she likes to come in upside down (in reference to Beyonce’s 2003 MTV VMA performance). I mean, who knows, I might get the chance to get on a trapeze and spring across Radio City Music Hall. We like to express ourselves differently. I will never be Beyonce Knowles, Beyonce Knowles will never be Michelle Williams, Kelendria Rowland will never be Michelle Williams and I will never be Kelly. I’m Michelle Williams, my mama calls me T; I’m gonna be me. What some people fail to see is that, as three ladies coming out of such amazing group success, we are all (continuing to be) successful in our solo endeavours. Before now, that was unheard of. With every group, there’s no reason why each member can’t be out there doing their own thing.

Sam: You’ve been in the industry for more than eight years, in which you’ve experienced both the highs and the lows. What have been you most fulfilling moment with your fame and most discouraging?

Michelle: The most fulfilling? Wow. The fact that I have been able to travel the world. Before the age of 25, I can say that I’ve visited pretty much everywhere. Also, meeting so many beautiful people. I mean, from London to Dubai to Australia, (as well as) back home here in the States. What’s most fulfilling is knowing that, by (listening to) our music, people’s lives have been changed. You have people that have listened to ‘Survivor’ that have decided not to end their life and that they are standing here today doing well.

The most discouraging is when you want the whole world to understand and like you and they just won’t. Also it’s the assumptions and judgements that are made before someone knows you that are disappointing. Anything else, I’m like ‘it’s a business, dust your shoulders off’.

Sam: The industry has changed radically, even when compared to a few years ago. What is your advice to the potential stars of tomorrow to be successful in the industry?

Michelle: Well considering that labels now have slashed budgets, you’re not getting all this money (funding), you’ve got to love it. When I came in, you had to love it, but now you r-e-a-l-l-y have to love it to make it in the industry. To be sustained, to be happy, you’ve got to love what you do. If you don’t get the level of success that you wish, any level of success today is still great success. You sell some records, people know your name. That alone is satisfying.

Sam: In terms of the new record, what are your hopes? Obviously the industry is currently very unstable…

Michelle: My hopes for the record? I just pray that I make music that everybody will want to purchase. I’m not gonna sit up here and lie and say that I don’t want to sell a million records – I want to sell three million! I’m humble, but I’m not going to say ‘well I don’t mind selling one or two records’ (laughs). I want number one records, number one singles. My hopes are that I can tour, I want to tour around the world with this album. I want to sing my songs.

Sam: Moving on from the music side of things, you starred in the Broadway version of the Color Purple as Shug Avery for nearly a year. Will you be starring reprising your role in the upcoming film adaptation (which Fantasia has signed on to do)?

Michelle: I haven’t been approached yet. I don’t know, it’s not something I’m chasing right now because my album is out.

Sam: Ok. Should the opportunity present itself, would it be something you’d consider?

Michelle: Absolutely.

Sam: I did see that you received rave reviews for your performance as Shug Avery.

Michelle: Thank you. I was excited about that.

Sam: You’re part owner of a female basketball team…

Michelle: Yes, the Chicago Skies…

Sam: Do you have any other ventures outside of music that you are currently pursuing or wish to in the future?

Michelle: Absolutely. I am currently working on a bath and body line, that people will be seeing one way or the other. I am working on that now. Actually, a lot of them are hand-made products that I am creating.

Sam: I did actually see that you gave the site a shout-out a few months ago (on your MySpace blog). Do you go on websites, blogs etc to see what they are saying about Michelle Williams as well as general music news?

Michelle: I will admit that ‘yes I do’ – especially since I have an album coming out. I want to know what the headlines are saying; I don’t necessarily want to know the comments, but I definitely like to know what news Sam posted today. So I do frequent a lot of the more positive websites and I love!

Sam: Thank you very much. It’s much appreciated. We love Michelle too.

If you weren’t famous, if you weren’t Michelle Williams from Destiny’s Child, what do you feel you would be doing now?

Michelle: I’d probably be working in the field of Law. Probably a lawyer.

Sam: Ok. A few of our readers wanted to know if you are dating anybody at the moment. The name Henry Simmons came up quite a few times, is there any truth to that?

Michelle: Actually there is absolutely no truth to the Henry Simmons rumours. In a way, I’d wish these rumours would stop popping up because it’s messing up my opportunities…

Sam: (Laughs!)

Michelle: Me and Henry Simmons have never even been out on a date. I think he attends the same church as me.

Sam: In terms of the future, do you have aspirations to start your own family, get married and things of that nature?

Michelle: Absolutely. I was talking to a friend about that; she said she didn’t have that fantasy growing up as a little girl, but I did. I do have those dreams and aspirations. You have to share what you have with somebody else. I’m the type of person that wants that in my life. Some people don’t have to have it…but I do.

Sam: (laughs) On a typical day off what do you do?

Michelle: I am such a homebody. I’d be at home watching TV; I’d be out with my family, somewhere at a restaurant. Just regular stuff. Like, I’m at home now and have been cleaning up, taking out the garbage – doing those things I don’t get to do, but enjoy doing. As I said earlier, I recently started doing a bath and body line. Doing that is very therapeutic to me.

Sam: Aside from your own project that you have coming out, which I’m sure you’re excited about – as are we, are there any other releases/artists that you are currently listening to and/or anticipating?

Michelle: Wow. Of course I’ve got to say my girl Solange Knowles. Her single ‘I Decided’ is in my head. Before you know it, I found myself singing (sings “I Decided”). I love Emily King, I know her album is out already – I think she is great. I’ve got to give the UK some love with Estelle, she is absolutely the business – I love her. As far as guys out now, I love what Kanye’s done and what he has out. I love so much music, it’s crazy.

Sam: Favourite Destiny’s Child song?

Michelle: Erm, ‘Free’ from the ‘Destiny Fulfilled’ album.

Sam: Favourite Kelly Rowland song?

Michelle: ‘Flashback’

Sam: Favourite Beyonce song?

Michelle: ‘Me, Myself & I’

Sam: Speaking of Beyonce, how was the wedding?

Michelle: I have..


Sam: (Laughs!) Ok. Speaking on the record, ‘Unexpected’ has an International sound, will we be seeing you in the UK/Europe anytime soon?

Michelle: I will be in the UK at the end of May. I will be coming to London. I’m so excited; I can’t wait to get my Topshop on. Love Topshop…

Sam: Just like my sisters (laughs). As we’re about to round up, do have any message for your fans?

Michelle: Of course; my fans, you guys know that I love you very very very much. I thank God every day because I feel good knowing that y’all love the project that I have delivered. I’m so thankful that y’all have embraced the project with such open arms.

Sam: Michelle, thank you so much for your time…

Michelle: Thank you Sam. Thank you for the support. Much success to That Grape Juice.

Michelle’s fantastic new single ‘We Break The Dawn’ is available on iTunes now. Do be sure to download a copy.

Your thoughts on the Michelle interview?

As some of you may know, rapper 50 Cent has been embroiled in a court case with the mother of his son, Shaniqua Tomkin. According to Tomkin, the G-Unit leader was trying to evict her and their 10 year old son Marquise from his multi-million dollar residence in Long Island, New York. Today, however, a judge ruled that 50 can indeed evict the pair from the house (click here to read more) . Check out the video below, which features words from 50 and Shaniqua, prior to the judgement and afterwards:

Irrespective of 50’s stance that Tompkin is, quote, “taking advantage of the fact he pays all the bills”, their son’s welfare really should be his top priority. Seeing 50 so pleased with himself after the judgement says a lot about him…a whole lot. SMH…

Any thoughts?

Sales for Michael Jackson’s re-packaged ‘Thriller’ album are exceeding initial expectations:

JACKSON STEPS OUT: Early reports show Sony Legacy’s 25th anniversary re-release of Michael Jackson’s deluxe Thriller is overperforming, with a first-week sales prognosis that could put it in the 80-90k range, which would seemingly be good enough for a Top 5 bow.

If Thriller 25 goes on to sale up to 90k the 1st week in the USA considering it’s a re-release after 25 years and without any new videos or live performances,then i think that means MJ still has great sales potential with a brand new album.

If the music is hot and the brand new album leads off with a blockbuster single,i can still see MJ selling between 350-400k the 1st week in the USA and over 3 million total sales in the US. The key will be the lead single. It has to be hot and hopefully a soulful r&b style that relates to r&b and hip hop radio stations. {Source}

I’m really hoping Michael releases his new album this year. If anything, this shows there is a large audience awaiting him.

Do you think Michael can still sell records?

{Design Credit: GoPlatinum}

That Grape Juice has teamed up with Electronic Arts (UK) for our first video games give-away. Beginning this week, two copies of a particular title will be up for grabs – all you are required to do is to answer the given question correctly for a chance to win. {Please be aware that due to technological variances, some titles will only be available in certain territories. You will be made aware of this when this is the case.} This week’s title is:

The Sims 2 / The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Funstuff (PC Double Pack)

The Sims 2 is the sequel to the biggest selling computer game of all-time. Allowing you to create, control and care for your own ‘Sims’, the game has attracted millions of players worldwide. With the release of ‘The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Funstuff’ pack, you can now dress your Sims in the latest fashion from the world-renown high-street chain.

For a chance to win the games, answer the following question:
R&B Star, Amerie – a big ‘Sims’ fan- recently released a new album. What was the album called?

a) Because of You

b) Because I Love It
c) Because of Me

Email your answer as well as your full name, age, and address to Please be sure to put ‘EA Comp – Week 1’ as the subject. Winners will be selected randomly from all correct answers. Competition ends Tuesday July 10th. Good luck!
