Today marks two years since the late, great Michael Jackson passed onto eternity. And while the world will never know a talent as unique, as ‘other worldly’ as his, we are blessed to still be able to enjoy the legacy that he left behind. A legacy he perfectly described in 2001’s ‘Unbreakable’ from his criminally underrated ‘Invincible’ LP:
You can’t believe it, you can’t conceive it
and you can’t touch me, ’cause I’m untouchable
and I know you hate it, and you can’t take it
You’ll never break me, ’cause I’m unbreakable
Though the King of Pop was referring to his many detractors, in death, the song takes on a new meaning. Indeed, the dizzy heights of stardom he achieved is hard to believe, the length and breadth of his influence are undeniable, and – love him or loathe him- Michael Jospeph Jackson is in every which way unbreakable.
Long live the King….
Michael Jackson
1958 – Forever