'The Declaration': Your Thoughts? After nearly four years of being out of the limelight, R&B songstress Ashanti is back with (aptly) her fourth studio album ‘The Declaration’, which was released on Tuesday.
With her current single ‘The Way That I Love You’ having been received well, it would seem the masses are ready to welcome Ashanti back, after largely shunning her last effort 2004’s ‘Concrete Rose’. That Grape Juice wants to know, though, what you think of ‘The Declaration’. Was it worth the wait? How would you rate it? Favourite tracks etc?? Drop you views in the ‘comments’ section…

Your thoughts?
Major Janet Jackson Update Our good friends over at SOHH were fortunate enough to have the rare opportunity of interviewing Pop superstar Janet Jackson. For all those wondering about the status of the ‘Discipline’ album, read on….(it’s not good):

I had the pleasure of interviewing Janet Jackson yesterday as part of a teleconference with a select few fellow bloggers… And I’m sorry to tell you guys this but it’s looking like the label is not planning to allow any more singles from Discipline to be released.

Here’s what Janet had to say when I asked her what her next single would be:

“That’s pretty difficult to say, only because of the record label at this point. We started off with “Feedback” and the label and myself haven’t quite seen eye to eye since the “Feedback” single so they’ve kind of basically stopped all promotion. I’m trying to figure out a way to say this, but just to say it and to be quite honest, they just stopped all promotion whatsoever on the album so I don’t think you’re going to hear another single off this album.”

Damn. What is going over there at Island???

She also revealed some details about her upcoming “Rock Witchu Tour”:

“It’s a completely different show, like nothing before in the past. My real goal is to try and do every single I’ve ever had… so I have to figure out how to fit that into two hours and yet give them enough so they don’t feel hungry for more of that song in particular.”

As for why she chose to title the tour after her song “Rock Wit U”:

“It’s fitting to me, fitting to what the show will be like. It’s a dance show, it’s all upbeat I want it to be a party onstage, a party in the arena. I’ve always said when people come to these shows I want them to forget about all their problems all the drama in their lives and just have a good time, just let it go for a couple hours and bring some happiness into their lives. It’s going to be one big party, I want to ‘Rock Witchu.'”

Last but not least Janet wanted to make sure fans know she has been keeping up with the internet talk about her not making to Europe to promote Discipline:

“I just want to let the fans know because I’ve been reading a lot what the bloggers have been saying about the record and not hearing it on the radio and stuff like that, so I just wanted to let them know where things were as well and where it was all coming from. I’ve heard people talking about me not coming to Europe in support of the record just to let them know that it was definitely in my heart to go to Europe and to support this album but it’s about teamwork, it’s not something I can totally do on my own. Unfortunately things have turned out the way that they have with the differences between the label and myself, which we have been having for the most part from the beginning. So I just want to tell them again thank you very much for all the love and all the support and I they understand the entire situation and I’m really excited to see everybody on tour. I’m really looking forward to that it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Wow. Drama at another label. I guess this explains why the ‘Disicpline’ project seems to have been halted so abruptly. There’s unconfirmed reports that Janet and LA Reid were not seeing eye to eye over the the release of the album’s second single – Janet’s preference being ‘Rock With U’. It’s a shame things have turned out as such, as the album was very solid IMO. It’ll be very interesting to see her next move after the tour i.e. new album?, new label? etc. I, for one, am hoping that she irons out her differences with Island Def Jam, as their promo efforts for their roster (Mariah, Rihanna etc) are largely unmatched by rival labels (Sony/Beyonce) aside…

This doesn’t come as a surprise, yet does at the same time (if that makes any sense)…damn.

Your thoughts?
Ciara - 'Supernatural'Some of you may remember that a snippet of this new Ciara track ‘Supernatural’ was posted back in April. The full version of the sensually smooth R&B cut, said to be the first single from her three-disc LP ‘Fantasy Ride’ has recently surfaced. Though I’m liking the track a little more after hearing it in its entirety, I still think it should be no more than album cut. If it’s a slower single she’s looking for, I’m hoping she channels something along the lines of ‘Promise’ or ‘So Hard’ from her last record..


Hit or Miss?

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Serena Wlliams Covers Ebony Tennis Ace Serena Williams features on the cover for the latest issue of Ebony Magazine (on newsstands now). Though I used to think she looked kinda awkward a few years back, there’s no denying that she’s looking on-point these days.

What do you think of the cover?
With the release of Lil’ Wayne’s highly anticipated LP ‘ Tha Carter III’ rapidly approaching (June 10th), the rapper performed a set on BET’s Blueprint in support of the record. He performed his his verse from Shawty Lo’s ‘Dey Know’, ‘Tha Block Is Hot’, ‘Leather So Soft’, as well as his #1 smash ‘Lollipop’:

What do you think of the performances?

Britney To Star In New Pussycat Dolls Video It would seem Pop princess Britney Spears is set to step back into the limelight, by appearing in the music video for The Pussycat Dolls new single ‘When I Grow Up’:

The singer has apparently agreed to star in the girl group’s promo for new single ‘When I Grow Up’.

“She is doing a cameo in their new video shoot today,” a source told Metro.

Spears was spotted at Burbank, LA, the location of the group’s video shoot, yesterday. {Source}

No doubt, the world’s eyes will be on this. Should be interesting…

Your thoughts?
The Making The Band 4 clan – Danity Kane, Day26 and Donnie, stopped by The Big Phat Morning Show on Baltimore’s Q92FM radio station to promote their current tour. Check out the hilarious interview below:

They all had me cracking up; Dawn’s reaction to the Aundrea pregnant comment, to the ‘Malaysian weaves’, to Donnie and Shannon still not saying a word lol. Now all they need is to be hooked up with new singles and accompanying videos ASAP.

Any thoughts?

Michelle Williams Promo Pics
Check out these new promotional snaps for Michelle Williams forthcoming LP ‘Unexpected’ (due August 12th via Music World/Columbia). She looks great – especially in that first pic.
Michelle Williams Promo Pics Michelle Williams Promo Pics Michelle Williams Promo Pics

What do you think of the pics?
The video for Solange’s new single I Decided’ just a few hours ago on BET’s Access Granted. Check out the Melina directed vid below:

Though not the best video, I’m really feeling this one for its uniqueness; the vid most definitely is unlike any other clip out at the moment and I’m loving the ‘popular culture through time’ concept. Kudos to Solange for stepping out of the industry comfort-zone/template and going left-field, the results are obviously working in her favour. Word has it, a separate video will be serviced to the European market for the Freemasons mix – ‘I Decided (Part 2)’ – which is set to be released as the official first single over here. Solange’s album ‘Sol-Angel & The Hadley Street Dreams’ hits stores on August 26th.

What do you think of the video?

Janet dropped by MTV’s TRL to promote her upcoming ‘Rock Witchu’ tour. Check out the vid below:

September needs to roll around quickly, as I’m real amped to see what her show will be serving up.
In other Janet news, it is being reported that she has been lined up for a collaboration on Mel B of the Spice Girl’s new solo record:

Former Spice Girl Melanie Brown will duet with Janet Jackson to make sure her solo career is a success, Metro can reveal.

Speaking exclusively, she vowed to hit back in the singles chart following her first failed attempt.

Her last single ‘Today’ failed to make the UK singles top 40.

‘I not scared of having another try. I am working with the best producers ever. I am now ten tracks in to my new record.’

‘I am doing something with Janet Jackson which should be amazing. I am also going to hook up with Missy again.’ {Source}

Not an obvious pairing. Should be interesting. {Random tidbit: Does anyone remember Mel’s ‘Tell Me’ and/or ‘Feel So Good singles? They were pretty good lol’}

Your thoughts?

Usher Speaks On Chilli; More Tidbits In a recent interview with popular UK urban publication RWD Magazine, Usher spoke out on Chilli’s recent comments about her feelings for him:

RWD: Chilli was quoted as saying you were the one she ‘truly did love. I’m not in love with him anymore, but I can’t say I don’t love him.’ Do you think it’s appropriate for her to make these comments considering you’re married with a child?

Usher: I mean, I think it’s a little unrealistic, I’m married (laughs), I’m not a boy. It’s been three years past, you know? But we all have unrealistic goals too. Like shoot, I will always forever love Katie Holmes and Halle Berry. I don’t feel anyway about it. It does appear maybe to be a plug for something. She got a record coming or something?

Is it me or did her come across rude as hell. I personally don’t see anything wrong with what Chilli said, yet his response sounded real catty. He really needs to go sit down somewhere.
Anyway, his latest effort ‘Here I Stand’ is #1 on the Billboard charts this week, after shifting roughly 445, 000 copies of the record first week, according to Hits Daily Double

Your thoughts?

R&B star Kelly Rowland seems to be enjoying massive success everywhere apart from the US these days. Currently on a promotional trip in Australia, she she performed her smash ‘Work’ on popular TV show Rove there. Check out the performance below:

Awesome performance. It still baffles me till this day as to why the US seem to be sleeping on her? Hopefully that will change upon the release of her third solo LP, which is due early 2009.

What do you think of the performance?
