Amerie Performs ‘Gotta Work’ On GMTV

Published: Tuesday 24th Jul 2007 by Sam

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Continuing her promo trip through the UK, Amerie performed her latest single ‘Gotta Work’ on daytime show GMTV. Though better than the ‘T4 On the Beach’ performance from a few days back, something was still not there in the performance. Still it’s good to see the severely underrated Amerie get her props over here – the song is slated to debut in the top 10 when released next week. Interestingly, the single will go head to head with Beyonce’s ‘Green Light’ which also sees it’s official release next week. {Thanks Adrian}

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  1. Anonymous July 24, 2007

    im glad that the uk can see how great she really is

  2. Anonymous July 25, 2007

    She sucks. hope she stay over in the UK…they like anything.

  3. Anonymous July 25, 2007

    Ignorant ass comment.

    But anyway, The performance was alright. Her album is hot too. I wish her the best. America’s record sales aren’t popping like they used to because of downloads and bootlegging, so as an artist I would be real happy to at least do well overseas right now.

  4. Anonymous July 25, 2007

    Hey I’m in the UK and I don’t like anything that out, some people I swear are so dumb maybe they should spend there life on their back or bent over cos that’s all there good for,

    Anyway back to Amerie, I like her but I feel like her videos don’t go with the songs, Take Control of Me was a good song but the video made no sense same with this Gotta Work which is a mix between the 1 Thing and Touch video and once again this doesn’t go to me and as for her performance I watched it she was OK but not all that, bring back the funk Amerie cos so far i’m not impressed enough to buy your album

  5. Anonymous July 25, 2007

    too bad she is a flop in the US

  6. Monica July 25, 2007

    Her songs are just so forgettable. I just heard the song and forgot it already. People always want to know why she’s not bigger and it’s because of things like this. She makes bad decisions about what single to release and what video should accompany it. I hope she’ll do well overseas because the US isn’t going for this crap.

  7. Anonymous July 28, 2007

    If you don’t like, don’t buy it. She dosn’t have to break the billboard hot 100 to enjoy making music.

  8. Monica July 30, 2007

    Oh, I wasn’t planning on buying it. Another thing I wonder about is why they are releasing her song the same day as Beyonce’s? What’s with all this Amerie vs. Beyonce crap? We all know that Beyonce is Goliath and Amerie is David– minus the slingshot!

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