Ameriie Jams In Georgia

‘Touch’ singer Ameriie touched down in the country of Georgia this week to perform a slew of fan favorites.  Looking to be getting back into the swing of things, the newlywed dazzled the crowd with a performance of her biggest hit to date – ‘1 Thing’.  And, as ever, she didn’t miss a beat.

Said to be putting the finishing touches on her 2012 album ‘Cymatika Volume 1’, see Ameriie in action after the jump:

Very solid performance!  While initial reports indicated the singer’s lead single from ‘Cymatika’, ‘Fire Starter’, was supposed to have been released this past summer, apparently plans have been scrapped. Either way, here’s hoping the newlywed is on her way to getting her groove back and finding her way back to charts.  The masses may have never crowned her a major chart force, but fans are always ever so (hungry for) and appreciative of her musical offerings.

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  1. Beystanbish September 11, 2011

    Death at “a slew of hits” I am WEAk

  2. therealest September 11, 2011

    love her. Beauty. She kills it errrrytime. Cant wait for her new stuff <3 Hope its really mainstream and catchy – she needs some hits this time…

  3. THE UNIVERSTY OF GAGA (IS†ANN4GAGA) September 11, 2011

    I thought her name was spelled with only one “I”….#WherehaveIBeen????

  4. Pop Royalty (RUDE BOY) September 11, 2011


    You are right !

  5. THE UNIVERSTY OF GAGA (IS†ANN4GAGA) September 11, 2011


    just wondering

  6. Pop Royalty (RUDE BOY) September 11, 2011

    I thought I was watching beyonce at somepoint ! And when this happens ! I become instantly a fan !

    This girl is talented and underrated ! And i will be checking for her stuffs ! she is cool !

    p.s : she need to throw that white thing she’s wearing

    side note : she was inspired by beyonce’s BBMA performance !

  7. King Z September 11, 2011

    actually @istan4gaga

    her name is spelled with two ii’s now. she changed it last summer. google it

  8. Pop Royalty (RUDE BOY) September 11, 2011


    and the tag even say : ” AMERIE ” ! something is wrong ! But it’s always with one “I” on her album covers , so …

    The university of GaGa do no wrong ! 😛

  9. Felicia September 11, 2011

    Ameriie better WEEK!!! I can’t wait to see her on tour and Cymatika is gonna be the album of the year imo. So glad she’s independent as well now we can get more than 3 singles. Ameriie can dance I really hope this is her breakthrough album!!

  10. Malibu Barbie September 11, 2011

    She can do what beyonce can do … its just this industry is Beyonce dominated so Ameriie wont really have a chance

  11. THE UNIVERSTY OF GAGA (IS†ANN4GAGA) September 11, 2011

    @King Z

    i’ll look into it

  12. Wesley September 11, 2011

    Always loved her live! And i’m glad she’s independent aswell and i’m also hoping we get more than 3 singles.Cymatika can’t be here any faster <3

  13. lol September 11, 2011

    i dont understand why she is stiull goin , like she should just model or do movies. There too much competition out there for her, and her tone is just annoying on the radio, cute girl but damn let it go

  14. nice_gurl September 11, 2011

    She did amazing and the visual effects were great. She should make a lot of hits like 1 Thing and maybe gain some more fans.

  15. chloe September 12, 2011

    she can do what beyonce can do? i love amerie to death and i have her 1st two cds but she CANNOT do what beyonce can do. yes she has energy and stage presence but her live vocals are no where near beys. nor does she have beys breath control. amerie is a good performer though but her live vocals suck. ima keep it real

  16. Michelle September 12, 2011

    Ameriie CAN sing, her voice might just not be your fav
    Ameriie can dance & she can actually perform.
    She always gives it all her all on stage
    This was a solid performance, a few weak moments vocally but strong overall.

    I think TGJ should actually do a feature/interview with Ameriie to showcase her more, not enough people know how good she really is.

  17. pop royalty September 12, 2011

    sounds like beyonce copied this song on her bday album greenlight song vs 1 thing………….

  18. Casual September 12, 2011

    Amerie is popular enough in the ***country*** of Georgia to tour?!!!!! When I first read the title, I thought she was in Atlanta somewhere.

  19. YOOSONDALOOSE September 12, 2011

    She is great live! Wow, go Ameriie, cannot wait for her single! Very excited!

  20. LaMont September 12, 2011

    WOW! She is so s***! I’m lovin’ her outfit,she is a really good performer she really knows how to entertain the audience.I can’t wait to here new music from her.

  21. jbash September 12, 2011

    Girl bye…best of luck to you! Still trying:) is anyone buying??? (Solid performance my a**…not hatin just have WORKING eyes and ears…had to say it…pl standard are LOW I see)

  22. Misfit September 12, 2011

    She still got it! Very nice showing…

  23. RNB Fan September 14, 2011

    Love her! “Cymatika Vol. 1” is the title of her new album that comes out this spring! It won’t be RnB though.. it’ll have elements of trance, new age and such… but still good!

    She needs to work with Rich Harrison again though!!!

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