Ava DuVernay‘s ‘When They See Us’ is spelling trouble for the villains who falsely accused five black and brown boys of raping a jogger as she made her way through Central Park.

Today, after forcing Linda Fairstein into hiding, viewers have set their sights on Michael Sheehan…one of her colleagues who also behind the supposed conspiracy to frame the teens for a crime they did not commit.

Full story below…



Shame and disgrace continues to fall upon the shoulders of Linda Fairstein, the lady accused of using the legal apparatus to ruin the lives of five innocent black and brown children.

Bad news for a powerful lady below…



Elizabeth Warren is on a roll!

Praised for her commitment to equality and supporting the marginalised, the 2020 Presidential candidate made her way to ‘The Breakfast Club’ to outline how she intends to inject some positivity into the nation following the dark cloud many believe Donald Trump has been.

Her goal? To make the country’s resources available to everyone.

Watch her tell a compelling story below…



A British radio host has just been sacked after making racist remarks about the Royal baby born to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Full story below…



For all the strides society has made, racial injustice sadly remains a very real reality.

A fact made oh so apparent to a Black taxi driver in Dublin, Ireland this week.

Because what started as a standard pick-up turned into an all-out racist assault.

The shocking video after the jump…



Joe Biden has his eye on the White House and is sharpening his political weapons with hopes he can carve Donald Trump out of the political picture once and for all.



Kamala Harris‘ recent Town Hall performance saw her quizzed on her feelings towards reparations and acknowledging the mountain of wealth African-Americans were forced to create for the nation by way of cruel and sadistic chattel slavery.

Criticised for not taking a strong stance on the matter in the past, Harris offered the young lady who asked her to address the issue an answer which surprised the millions who tuned in.

Find out how below….



Pizzza Hut has launched an investigation into an incident which saw one of its employees insult an innocent African-American child in a disturbing social media post.

Read below…



This is the face of the man accused of setting fire to three African-American churches in Louisiana.

Full story below…



The married couple Jennifer and Sarah Hart are accused of subjecting the innocent black children they adopted to horrific abuse before they drugged and killed them as part of a murder-suicide pact.

A tragic story below…



Rising actress Seyi Omooba has been fired from a UK revival of ‘The Color Purple’ musical after homophobic remarks she made were uncovered.

Full story below… (more…)


Footage of a woman verbally assaulting an African-American family in a grocery store has gone all sorts of viral.

And now the hurricane of justice has gotten her all the way together.

Full story…
