Marvel Readies ‘Captain Marvel’ Sequel

Published: Thursday 23rd Jan 2020 by David

Captain Marvel‘s monumental success has inspired Marvel to build a sequel.

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The sequel will see Brie Larson reprise her role as the benevolent superhero with the full support of  Megan McDonnell who is said to be in talks to lead the release on a writing front as she works on a release named ‘WandaVision‘ for the same company.

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A release date is yet to be set.

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  1. Are You Kidding Me? January 23, 2020


    The incels and neckbeards were furious a White woman was using her privilege for minorities. Here for Brie Larsen and I enjoyed the movie. I hope they connect to Guardians of the Galaxy since things seem to be going the cosmic space route with Eternals being the next new superhero team.

    Big things are in Monica Rambeau’s future as well!

  2. Clarks0oñ January 23, 2020

    The first one was clunky as hell. A convoluted plot and story, little action etc

    glad they changed the directors (TGJ and poor journalism, didnt include the piece of information).
    Pls hire a good director, whether male or female, just a good director

    Another problem the first one had was the main villain. Very poor weak villain. Marvel movies always have weak villains.

    Lastly that low cut she had in end game was just bad. They should get the hairstylist that did Rihanna’s hair in the take a bow video to do captain marvel’s pixie cut.

    Theres so much potential with this hero, I just hope they get it right this time around.
    I love brie and shes great as captain marvel.
    She has good comedy timing and the action scenes were great also.

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