Powerful and piercing, the film tells the tale of former Buffalo Soldier, Moses “Mo” Washington, five years after the Civil War.
With there being gargantuan risks for a Black woman traveling unaccompanied in 1870 America, Mo sets sail on a journey west, to claim a gold mine while disguised as a man.
During the pursuit, her stagecoach is ambushed by Tommy Walsh and his gang of thieves. In a brave defense, Walsh ends up becoming Mo’s captive while the stagecoach survivors seek help. What comes next is a tug-of-war of wit between the captor and the captive.
That Grape Juice’s Chet Kincaid sat down with Wright and director Anthony Mandler who opened up about the must-see film.
Watch our EXCLUSIVE interviews above and below…
‘Surrounded’ is available digitally now.