Ciara’s video for brand new single ‘Go Girl (ft. T-Pain)’ premiered literally moments ago. Can you say VIDEO OF THE YEAR?! The Melina directed, Jamaica choreographed clip is off the charts – simply amazing. Ms. Harris really has thrown the gauntlet down to her industry contemporaries with this one. Awesome video.

What do you think of the video?

Peep the commercial for BET’s Access Granted for Ciara’s ‘Go Girl’ video, which airs this coming Tuesday (October 7th):

This video really is looking to be something. Roll on Tuesday…

Your thoughts?

More Ciara 'Go Girl' Set PicsMore shots from Ciara’s brand new video ‘Go Girl (ft. T-Pain)’ has surfaced. The more I see from this Melina directed clip, the more I see it as being a winner already. Be sure to check out the video right here next Monday (October 7th).
More Ciara 'Go Girl' Set PicsMore Ciara 'Go Girl' Set PicsMore Ciara 'Go Girl' Set PicsMore Ciara 'Go Girl' Set Pics

What do you think of the pics?

Ciara On The Set Of 'Go Girl' Video
Peep these shots of Ciara on the set of the Melina directed video for new single ‘Go Girl’. Judging by these pics, the video looks like it’ll be a winner; liking the edgy/futuristic feel. Good stuff. {Spotted at Concrete Loop}

Ciara On The Set Of 'Go Girl' VideoCiara On The Set Of 'Go Girl' VideoCiara On The Set Of 'Go Girl' VideoCiara On The Set Of 'Go Girl' Video

What do you think of the pics?

Following the hysteria Ciara’s recent ‘nude’ photoshoot for Vibe magazine caused, the singer has been going back and forth with the magazine – claiming the pictures were doctored to portray her in a light she didn’t approve of (basically, that she claims the shots were altered make her appear as if she was naked when she wasn’t). Speaking from the set of her new video ‘Go Girl’, Ciara further asserts that she wasn’t nude:

….ok then LOL.

In other Ciara news, in a MySpace blog, she shed light on what to expect from the ‘Go Girl’ video:

I just shot the video for Go Girl and it was crazy! All My Go Girls, stand up! Melina directed it and of course Jamaica got busy on the choreography! I added a little two cents but Jam Session(jamaica) layed it down on the steps. Talk about some Go Girls: Melina(director) Jamaica(choreographer) Yolanda(make Up) Kiyah(hair) all the ladies put it down. Go Girls in the house!! You will see it shortly!

Reading this definitely has me hyped for what the vid will be serving up; the undeniably talented ensemble behind the vid make me hopeful that the clip will compensate for the track’s lack of ‘WOW’ factor.

Your thoughts?

Ciara - 'Work (ft. Missy Elliott) As Ciara’s brand new single ‘Go Girl’ continues to receive mixed reactions, another track from her forthcoming 3rd album ‘Fantasy Ride’ has surfaced. Produced by Danja, the Missy Elliott assisted ‘Work’ certainly has all the ‘thump’ of high-octane Ciara offering, while boasting Missy’s quirky uniqueness. An interesting cut to say the least.

Hit or Miss?

LISTEN: Work (ft. Missy Elliott) {Link removed as requested}
Ciara 'Go Girl' Single Cover Peep the official cover for Ciara’s brand new single ‘Go Girl’. I’m guessing this is the style/image they are going with for her forthcoming ‘Fantasy Ride’ LP. It’s definitely ‘out there’, but I like.
What do you think of the cover?

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R&B star Ciara strips down (all the way down) in the October issue of VIBE magazine, which she features in to promote her new LP ‘Fantasy Ride’. Say what you want about it (and no doubt people will), but she looks g-o-o-d! 

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Your thoughts?

Ciara - 'Go Girl (ft. T-Pain)' As reported earlier, Ciara’s much anticipated new single ‘Go Girl’, the first to be lifted from her third LP – ‘Fantasy Ride’ was set to debut this week. Indeed, the track went on to surfaced just a few hours ago.
Though the song, which features T-Pain, is a solid mid-tempo cut (with that ‘knock)’, I must say I’m somewhat underwhelmed by this. With the high-octane/’Crunk to the next power’ nature of the album’s previously announced first single ‘High Price’, I was expecting big things from ‘Go Girl’, yet it doesn’t really deliver. By no means a poor effort, just simply not first single material. Here’s hoping the album packs more of a punch than this…

Hit or Miss?

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In this clip showing Ciara enjoying the Labour Day weekend, the 22 year old singer confirmed that the first single fro, her 3rd LP ‘Fantasy Ride, the T-Pain assisted ‘Go Girl (ft. T-Pain)’ will be debuting this week:

This one ought to be interesting…

Your thoughts?

Ciara Enlists T-Pain For 1st SingleOur friends over at have received official word on Ciara’s much anticipated new single – the first from forthcoming LP ‘Fantasy Ride’. Both produced and featuring T-Pain, ‘Go Girl’ will serve as the record’s first release.
What’s more, after initially being slated for a November release, ‘Fantasy Ride’ ,the 22 year old’s conceptual ‘musical journey’, will now hit stores in early December – 2 years after the release of her sophomore effort ‘The Evolution’.
Yet another T-Pain feature…hmmm. Here’s hoping the current plans remain as they are; I mean I’ve had previous lead single ‘High Price’ in constant rotation and had been anticipating the video. Oh well…roll on December.

Your thoughts?
Ciara - 'Walk On It'
*Confirmed as not Ciara*

Peep this new Ciara track titled ‘Walk On It’, which is slated to feature on her hotly anticipated 3rd outing ‘Fantasy Ride’.

I’m really feeling the production on this one, however the vocal delivery is kinda hit and miss IMO. The chorus and sparse hooks, though repetitive, are the song’s saving graces. Could be a grower.

Hit or Miss?

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