janet gotham

Pop Icon Janet Jackson features on the cover of the latest issue of Gotham magazine. Though the shoot are outtakes from promotion portraits for her 2008 LP ‘Discipline’, the interview feature is new. Jackson, 43, talks the passing of her brother Michael, her upcoming album, new years resolutions and more. {Spotted over at our good friends over at Concrete Loop}

On what she’s taken from Michael’s death:

“When you hear people say life goes on, it’s really the truth. You can’t stop living. It becomes a part of you. I feel a bit selfish because there are times I feel I shouldn’t be doing this, but I enjoy my work and I have to keep doing it. I have to keep my life going. There are days that are harder than others.”

On her New Year’s resolutions:

“I want to learn a language. I haven’t decided which, but it’s between French, Spanish and Italian. I also want to get closer to God.”

On her new album:

“It’s going to be a little different. The writing is about life experiences. There’s a part of me that’s craving escapism, which is a sense of wanting to keep on moving with my work but also of coming to terms with reality. So I think it will be upbeat and light.”

On her new book:

“I hope it’s inspiring for all ages. I’m talking about weight loss, confidence, self-esteem—especially in your youth. It’s not an autobiography, but there are little anecdotes that I give here and there from my childhood all the way to the present that I thought would be interesting and helpful to share.”

On what she loves about New York:

“Everything. I love the energy–the creative energy. I’ve been here for 12 years and I will be here for the rest of my life.”

I really commend Janet for pressing on through everything. In being 100% honest with you though, and you know that’s how we like to keep it around here, I can’t say I was feeling the ‘it will be upbeat and light’ part. I mean, she said it’s going to be a little different, yet in it being ‘upbeat and light’, it’s sounding like it’ll be in the vein of much of her post-‘Velvet Rope’ releases.

Though I really enjoyed some of her less serious albums – ‘Damita Jo’ and ‘Discipline’ particularly, the public know all that she’s been through over the last few years (split from Jermaine, MJ’s death etc). Hence it’s hard to believe folk will readily swallow the idea of an ‘escapist’, not-addressing-the-drama LP from Ms. Jackson. That said, if the music is good, which I’m sure it will be, who knows, folk may just look past all that. Personally, though, I’d like to see a healthy balance of tackling the issues in ‘her world’ (especially as she’s writing again) and moving on (the escapism, living life aspect).

In any case, Ms. Jackson’s new LP – said to be released by Interscope – is pencilled in for a June release.

janet gotham 2

Your thoughts?


After an almost non-stop promotional campaign for her first two studio albums, it has been confirmed that Pop phenomenon Lady GaGa‘s next LP is set to hit stores ‘late 2010’, according to the singer’s label via GaGaDaily.com {Source}

While the prospect of being served up more of GaGa’s creative brilliance does seem quite appealing, I can’t help but worry that in between the touring, videos and all that jazz, she could burnout – after all she’s only human. So in perhaps sounding somewhat hypocritical; though I’d happily lap up more GaGa material, it may be in her best interest to take a seat and chill.

Your thoughts?


She was once the most powerful force in Pop music; the heir apparent to the Pop dynasty. It seemed that at the turn of the century, there was no bigger star than Britney Spears. From show-stopping performances to worldwide #1 successes, she exploded onto the charts, toppling the long held reign of more established artists. However, the ‘fire’ that once made Spears the most sought after entertainer of her time appears to have been lost.

After a string of well-publicised personal turmoils, the world was made privy to Spears’ now notorious meltdown. Yet, the singer managed to rebound from those upsets and regain public favour with multiple chart-topping hits and platinum albums. Nonetheless, Spears seems different; the ‘spark’ in her eye is gone; and her live performances depict an entertainer who is but a shell of her former self.

Her energetic choreography has been replaced with awkward stage presence, and lip-syncing has become the norm of her entire productions (although many would argue that she rarely sang live in her earlier career as well). Regardless of the position that her music is now arguably at its best, the energy that Spears exudes in the studio no longer translates on stage. In fact, some critics assert that it is this decline in potency that allowed Beyonce to rise to the helm of the Pop charts.

This begs the question: has Spears permanently lost the ‘glint’ in her eye? Or does she stand a chance of returning to fine form? In any case, with mounting competition from her younger contemporaries including Lady GaGa and Rihanna, many contend that unless she is able to recapture that ‘magic’, her days as the Princess of Pop are surely numbered.

Do you think that Spears has permanently lost her


Fierce five-piece The Saturdays stopped by BBC Radio One’s Live Lounge yesterday to perform their latest single ‘Ego’, which looks set to give the ladies’ their 6th top 5 single in little over a year.

I really enjoyed this stripped back version of the song, which really served as a reminder as to why I’m really rooting for these ladies. Though a bonafide Pop act, the group’s vocals have much in the way of collective potential – especially their shining star Vanessa (her belting and runs are amazing).

What do you think of their performance?

R&B/Pop star Chris Brown continues to sell out venues around the US with his ‘Fan Appreciation Tour’. During a recent stop at New York’s famed NOKIA Theatre, the 20 year old gave a roof-raising tribute to his idol – the late, great King of Pop Michael Jackson. Giving his dance renditions of ‘Thriller’, ‘Rock With You’, and ‘Billie Jean’, Brown showed not only why his behind should have performed at the BET Awards (he’s one of a few active males in the industry able to do MJ justice), but also why he is one of the industry’s premier performers.

Credit: Real Talk NY

What do you think of the performance?


Producer Timbaland stopped by the Ed Lover Show late last week to promote his current effort ‘Shock Value II’. In perhaps staying true to the album’s title, the 38 year old star voiced many a eyebrow raising comment during his banter on the show – the most interesting coming in the form of his opinions of Pop phenomenon Lady GaGa, as well as Ciara:

On Lady GaGa:

“What’s her name GaGa b-bla-bla? Yeah I wanna work with Lady GaGa, me and her are kinda the same style. I feel like she took my style (pauses) and ran with it… which is smart. I would do the same thing. I’ll put her on the re-package cos I’m a do a re-package”.

On Ciara:

There’s no more R&B, so all I listen to is “baby girl” (Aaliyah). I was excited about Ciara. I gave her my blessings because she was in the right footpath, the right footsteps as I would say. I think that she was going in the right direction and I love her to death. People would say “Oh Ciara is the next Aaliyah” – yes she is. She keeps my girl alive, so when I hear Ciara a tear come out my eye, coz I’m like “wow, she ain’t forgotten”.”

That sound is still gonna be heard. These kids who don’t know [and know] Ciara will go “Who she sound like? Baby girl Aaliyah” and then they go back and buy the Aaliyah stuff and be like “Aaliyah sound better than her” or somethin’. The point is Aaliyah won’t be forgotten”. {Source}

While Timbo’s comments are pretty harmless, I must say the back-handed nature of his praise for both GaGa and Ciara, make me question the legitimacy of his like for them. I mean ‘ What’s her name GaGa b-bla-bla’ for arguably the biggest star out right now, was an outright diss IMO. As for the Ciara / Aaliyah comparisons; how about Aaliyah be Aaliyah and Ciara be allowed to be Ciara. To be honest, I’ve never really seen the similarities between Ciara and Aaliyah. Yes, CiCi debuted with a similar tomboy style and swagger, but her dancing and lack of emphasis on vocals makes her an entirely different artist IMO. Surely Janet is a more fair comparison point, and even there I still see major differences. Just my 2 pence…

In any case, did anyone actually remember Timbaland has an album out?

Your thoughts?

Pop vocalist Leona Lewis performed on today’s ‘The X Factor’ finale. The singer did a rendition of Oasis’s ‘Stop Crying Your Heart Out’ which is featured on her ‘Echo‘ album. To date, the record has sold over 600, 000 units in the UK; a far cry from her sales in the US which have barely passed 100, 000 copies.

With the exception of a few off-key notes at the beginning, Leona certainly did her thing. Watching that performance reminded me of why Simon Cowell regards her as the best singer that he has discovered on any of his various talent show competitions. All she needs now is a bit more personality and she can very well be at the forefront of the next generation of divas.



Pop vocalist Leona Lewis took the stage at the ‘Ken Bruce Show’ yesterday. The UK singer performed material from her new album, ‘Echo’, as well as several of her earlier hits. The event took place at the BBC Radio Theatre in London. Peep the performances below:


‘I Got You’

‘Stop Crying Your Heart Out’

‘Better In Time’

‘Bleeding Love’


Chris Brown Graffiti Review

After a tumultuous year, spurred on by ‘the incident’ which reverberated around the world, R&B star Chris Brown is back and looking to reassert his place at the top with new LP ‘Graffiti’ (due December 7th in the UK // December 8th US). With the world’s glaring eyes fixated on the performance of the project, it’d be hard to deny that this is the most important record the 20 year old will ever release. Therefore, it’s no surprise that the album, Brown’s 3rd, boasts production from some the industry’s most renowned hit-makers and artists alike.

The question on the lips of many, though, is: Does ‘Graffiti’ do enough to redeem Brown in the court of public opinion? I vote ‘Yes!’, albeit cautiously…


Pop phenomenon Lady GaGa stopped by The Jay Leno Show a few hours ago to perform new single ‘Bad Romance’. Not the best performance I’ve seen from Steffani, but wholly enjoyable! Good stuff.

Update: You can watch the interview after the jump… (more…)


According to popular chart analyst site HitsDailyDouble, UK singer Leona Lewis‘ second studio album is set bomb on next’s weeks US chart tally. The record, ‘Echo’,  is projected to sell a dismal 60, 000 units, completely missing the top spot. In stark contrast, Leona’s first LP, ‘Spirit’, debuted on the Billboard 200 with over 205, 000 units; more than triple the numbers that ‘Echo’ is expected to ship in it’s first week.

I am in no way shocked by this news. There has been almost zero public interest in the album, with the first single, ‘Happy’, failing to even get pass #50 on the Billboard Hot 100. Leona did experiment with a few new sounds with this project but with the lack of passion in her music and being frankly devoid of an actual personality, I found myself bored with almost the entire record. ‘Brave’ is the only interesting track on the entire album. I sense that it’s high time that her label stops trying to recapture the magic of ‘Bleeding Love’ and trying to create the next Mariah Carey. Rather, they should focus on allowing her to find her own voice in the industry.



Singer Rihanna was seen arriving Wonderland nightclub in Los Angeles last evening. I still don’t get that hairstyle.


Speaking of Rihanna, her “inspiration” FeFe Dobson performed in Washington D.C. last evening for the OMEGA 100-Day Countdown to the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver. Ain’t nothing like the original!


Music titan Jay-Z and wife Beyonnce shared a rare moment of affection at the MTV EMA’s in the the 02 World Arena in Berlin, Germany just a few moments ago. Peep her show-stopping performance here!


Pop sensation Lady GaGa was photographed at a popular restaurant in SoHo recently. Keep your eyes on ThatGrapeJuice to see her new video with Beyonce!


Finally, rising Icon and mother of two, Britney Spears was seen leaving her hotel in Perth, Australia recently. The singer is preparing to launch the Australian leg of her successful Circus tour.

What do you think of the looks?
