Breaking: Keisha Leaves The Sugababes; Gets Solo Deal
In a shocking new twist, Keisha Buchanan has left the Sugababes – not Amelle – and has been replaced by Jade Ewen This confirmed on the group’s official site:

Sugababes Statement
Monday 21st September

The current line-up of the Sugababes has disbanded.

Heidi Range and Amelle Berrabah will continue as the Sugababes and will be joined by new member Jade Ewen. They release their album ‘Sweet 7’ on November 23rd through Island Records.

Keisha Buchanan will continue to record for Island Records as a solo artist. {Source}

*UPDATE* Keisha has taken to her Twitter to address her departure from the group:

Dear Friends,

I’m sad to say that I am no longer apart of the Sugababes.

I’ve had a great time and have achieved more then I ever thought I would.

Although it was not my choice to leave, it’s time to enter a new chapter in my life
I have nothing but positive things to say about the girls and I wish them the best of luck.

I would like to state that there were no arguments, bullying or anything of the sort that lead to this.

Sometimes a break down in communication and lack of trust can result in many different things.

I would also like to point out that I have always supported the girls and they have also supported me.

Remember my drunk pictures out with Amelle, supporting her on her success with Tinchy Stryder… Oh the shame… But what a fun night we had

Now I’m going to take some time to focus on me. I’ve been in this band for 11 years and I have achieved so much.

I have a great family and friends who are behind me 100% and at the age of 24, I’m now going out into this world on my own…

Although im nervous… I’m still very excited on what lies ahead. 🙂

I want to thank the Sugababes fans and my fans for all your support and all who have never judged me, but excepted me for who I am…The feisty, funny, professional, fearless, motor mouth… lol

This is not the end… but the beginning!!!!

Thank you always… Keisha xxx

*UPDATE 2* The plot thickens… News of the World editor Dan Wotten has taken to his Twitter account to spill the beans on some of the behind the scenes drama that has been popping off:




Keisha was booted out of her own band. She is the voice of this band. I feel her treatment has been DISGUSTING. She did EVERYTHING she could.

The Sugababes management were auditioning members and re–recording the album in LA this week BEHIND KEISHA’S BACK. WTF???

She reached out to both Amelle and Heidi. Attempted to find out how she could change to make this work. She had never been cautioned before.

Keisha was told that Amelle is now the Sugababes. How deluded is that? She’s the voice of the band, she wrote the songs. This is WRONG.

I can report Island Records have bn supportive of Keisha. That’s the good news. This was driven by Heidi, Amelle and the band’s management.

Keisha stayed in LA to try and work this out. She was prepared to make compromises to the girls so the line-up could stay in tact.

I must stress Keisha was NOT lying to me on Saturday evening when she said Jade was not joining the band. She did not know at that point.

The management didn’t want a member who could speak for herself and would not be muzzled. That does NOT make her a bully. I know that.

I believe management were not happy with my interview with Keisha telling the TRUTH about Amelle’s disappearance –

Keisha caught the plane to LA with Heidi. They kissed at the airport. But Heidi did NOT stick up for her after all these years.

Keisha is best mates with Leona Lewis. We all know Leona would not be friend with a bully, no way.

Keisha stayed the night at Amelle’s house just three weeks ago. Why would you let your ‘bully’ stay the night?

OMG! To say this is shocking would be an understatement. The sole original member of the group leaves. Wow…I’m kinda speechless. Check back for my full take on this a bit later…
Your thoughts?

The video looks like it’ll be hot, hot, hot. Look out for it’s debut any day now!

Your thoughts?

During Beyonce’s recent Australian concert, the superstar dedicated the show’s closing number ‘Halo’ to young cancer sufferer, who she brought on stage from the audience. A very touching moment indeed.
Your thoughts?

The hotly anticipated video for ‘Bad Boys’, the lead single from Alexandra Burke’s debut album ‘Overcome’, premiered today. Directed by Bryan Barber (Outkast’s ‘Hey Ya’, ‘Roses’ and LeToya’s ‘Not Anymore’), the clip is best summed up as visual FIRE! Absolutely loving this one; this coming from one who was not sold on the song previously. Showing the confidence and all-round skill of a performer years deep in the game, Alex worked the hell out of this video; she gave me, with this, fierce, diva and above all a clear indicator that she – unlike many talent show winners – is in this for the long haul. One of the best videos of the year so far IMO (yes, I said it!). {Thanks Jonelle!}

What do you think of the video?

Review up shortly…
In the meanwhile…
What do you think of the video?
Check out this new photoshoot from R&B star Michelle Williams. Shot by our very own photographer Seye Iisik, the feature appears in the debut issue of new, edgy magazine Random magazine. Michelle looks stunning! (Thanks Punchbowl Blog)

What do you think of the pics?

The video for ‘Everybody In Love’, the follow-up to JLS’ #1 ‘Beat Again’, premiered today. I’d be lying if I said I never thought the group were atrocious from the get-go (hence why you next-to-never see anything about them around this neck of the woods). Despite having pretty decent (albeit 2002 sounding) production courtesy of J.R Rotem on this one, the lyrics are a melted-cheese-fest. As is the choreography. As is the overall everything about these guys!
While some complain about the group being singled out for “not-forming to the black male artist stereotype” or appearing a little…erm…yeah (LOL), my gripe is a hell of a lot simpler…they’re just crap. Point-Black-Period. In an industry that tries these days to pride itself on (pretend)authenticity, JLS really are the poster-children for the puppets-on-a-string formula that was all the rage about 10 years ago. The worse thing is, I’ve actually met the guys and they all seem genuinely nice and are having a blast ‘living their dream’. Yet when the dream seems pre-set to only last 15 minutes, and a good 9 of those minutes feel spent already, then there’s a problem. Gone are the days where Pop(ular) music automatically meant ‘cheesy and formulaic’, something which makes watching the irreparably dated and cringe worthy way the group are being presented all the more worse for their long-term prospects.
Did I actually write all that much on JLS? Boredom is a b*tch!
What do you think of the song / video?

As well as performing on The Oprah Winfrey Show yesterday, Mariah Carey also sat down for a chat with the veteran talk show host. Along with husband Nick Cannon, Mariah spoke about their marriage, her role in the critically acclaimed movie ‘Precious’, her fragrance, as well as surprising two very…erm…excited fans. Surprisingly, very little was tackled regarding any ‘juicy’ topics (see: Eminem, Whitney) or strangely enough even her album. Anyway, check out parts 1 above and part 2 below:

Your thoughts?

R&B star Keri Hilson dropped by Jimmy Fallon Live last night to perform new single ‘Slow Dance’. Backed by a full band (which included The Roots), Ms. Keri did a great job with this performance. While I would have liked to see more in the way of a ‘performance’ (ala her rendition of the song on tour, with dancers, a serious routine etc), she really held the fort with this one. The band rocked, her vocals for the most part were great (though she seemed like she was in pain getting them out) and she’s showing real progression as a live performer. Good stuff.
What do you think of the performance?
Breaking: Amelle Quits Sugababes; Replaced By Jade Ewen
Reports are mounting by the second claiming that Amelle Berrabah has official left the Sugababes – and has been replaced by none other than Eurovision star Jade Ewen:
Amelle Berrabah has quit the Sugababes- according to reports.
AND it’s thought that young solo star Jade Ewen will replace her in the girl group.
It’s been rumoured that Amelle had quit the band all week amid reports that the star had gone missing.
Now 21 year old Jade- who represented Britain at the most recent Eurovision song contest- looks set to take over in the band.
Ewen was due in the MTV offices yesterday but pulled out at the last minute. A statement from her label said:
“Due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, we regret to inform you that Jade Ewen will be taking time off from all promotional activity for the foreseeable future.”
Amelle joined the group in 2005 replacing Mutya Buena. MTV is currently waiting on a statement from Sugababes label. {Source}
Wow! Having interviewed the ladies just a few weeks ago, nothing indicated that there was anything going on. I can also reveal that we interviewed Jade very recently too about her forthcoming project (the video of which will be up very soon) and nothing pointed to her involvement with the ‘Babes. With the media frenzy almost certain to ensue over here due to ‘yet another member leaving’, I’m cautiously holding my comments, until more is revealed.
I will say, however, that with the new album little over a month away, I initially thought all the ‘unhappy Amelle’ press was all publicity, but with her leaving so close to the release, it’s looking like things could get quite messy. After all, they’ve shot all the album promotional shots, likely mastered the album etc. So many questions on the mind; will Jade re-record Amelle’s parts, is Amelle leaving even true etc. Shocking stuff indeed….
Your thoughts?

Diva Mariah Carey performed her new single ‘I Want To Know What Love Is’ on The Oprah Winfrey Show today in a special episode aired from New York.
Backed by the True Worship Choir, Ms. Carey-Cannon killed it! Yes I said it! Vocally stunning performance for ‘2009 Mariah’; and though she looked like she was pooing out something wicked with her facial expressions, the vocal output was well worth it. I’m typing real fast right now, because THIS is what I’ve been waiting to hear from Mariah; she clearly sounds the best she has in years and it’s so warming to see and better yet hear. I can only hope that she continues resting her voice and sleeping her room full of humidifiers (her words not mine) to ensure her good performances remain consistent.
Tidbit: Did you see Oprah’s face during the ‘high note’. Priceless.
What do you think of the performance?