The video for ‘Everybody In Love’, the follow-up to JLS’ #1 ‘Beat Again’, premiered today. I’d be lying if I said I never thought the group were atrocious from the get-go (hence why you next-to-never see anything about them around this neck of the woods). Despite having pretty decent (albeit 2002 sounding) production courtesy of J.R Rotem on this one, the lyrics are a melted-cheese-fest. As is the choreography. As is the overall everything about these guys!
While some complain about the group being singled out for “not-forming to the black male artist stereotype” or appearing a little…erm…yeah (LOL), my gripe is a hell of a lot simpler…they’re just crap. Point-Black-Period. In an industry that tries these days to pride itself on (pretend)authenticity, JLS really are the poster-children for the puppets-on-a-string formula that was all the rage about 10 years ago. The worse thing is, I’ve actually met the guys and they all seem genuinely nice and are having a blast ‘living their dream’. Yet when the dream seems pre-set to only last 15 minutes, and a good 9 of those minutes feel spent already, then there’s a problem. Gone are the days where Pop(ular) music automatically meant ‘cheesy and formulaic’, something which makes watching the irreparably dated and cringe worthy way the group are being presented all the more worse for their long-term prospects.
Did I actually write all that much on JLS? Boredom is a b*tch!
What do you think of the song / video?