Terrence Apologizes To Rocsi (Kinda)

Published: Tuesday 22nd Jul 2008 by Sam
Interestingly, the controversy surrounding BET 106 & Park hosts Terrence and Rocsi had yet to be addressed on the popular countdown show, which consequently left many debating what exactly was the reason as well as what the future held for the pair. Today, however, Terrence – who conveniently is on ‘vacation’ offered an apology of sorts to Rocsi via way of R&B star Mario. Check it out below courtesy of World Star Hip-Hop:

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Publicity stunt or legit: What do you guys think?

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  1. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    I think that s*** was a publicity stunt… both they asses need to go.. BET needs some new hosts.. and NOT AJ and Free!! I really didn’t like them..

  2. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    I think it was real. People who are close do take each other for granted because we think we will always be there for one another through thick and thin until it(whatever it is) goes to far.

  3. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    BOOOOO!! Stinks like publicity stunt. Besides they’re always flirting, NOW they’re supposed to be “family.” He’s her “brother” now???

  4. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    The ratings have went so far down since AJ and Free left….they're losing badly to TRL on neilsen tv ratings and it goes to show how much of a staple AJ & Free we're for 5 years. It's hard for some to grasp that they're gone and not coming back. Aj and Free we're beating out TRL by a 3-1 ratio which was astonishing considering it was BET and to some more of a since of "black v.s. white" which to me it wasn't.

  5. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    So.. where was Terrance that he couldnt give the flowers himself

  6. Jay July 22, 2008

    This was all just a big publicity stunt, I think.

  7. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    i like when rosci says, “i should be hugging him” ha ha she miss that skinny ole boy, baby i woulda been all up on mario’s goodies…but i guess she wished that terrance would have done it himself it would have meant more especially looking in is goofy face and hoping he won’t laugh or crack a joke! welcome back rocks

  8. Anonymous July 22, 2008


  9. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    I agree with the comment above – U can see her body language all negative when Mario says who their from and the way her face is scrunched up… Think it may just be real. But why can’t he make up to her when he returns away from the camera – it makes it look like a p/s then – like their either cashing in on the issue or just setting the record straight for the rumours out there at the moment. Anyway – was def real!

  10. Andrew July 22, 2008

    i don't care if it was fake.
    i don't think it was thou.

    they're my favorite hosts & i love watching them host 106 [=

  11. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    aj and free was better

  12. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    This whole thing is a huge stunt to gain ratings & get people talking. Word-of-Mouth is the best perform of advertisement, and they knew that Bloggers would eat this s*** up & get mad people to tune in.

    How do u explain all of the co-hosts were all irrelevant/15 minutes-are-up/washed up celebrities (no offense Mario, Lil Mama… still love ya'll) who need airtime.

    BET thinks they are so smart.

  13. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    ^^FORM*** of advertising.

  14. Miranda Priestly @ Runaway Mag July 22, 2008

    I liked AJ & Free, these 2 are jokes and the gag is up.. Bring in a new pair and give them a try. If not, kill the show! BTW, Mario is lookin scrumptious nowadays. lol. Also, if any of this beef was real, it woulda been squashed via text message within hours of it occuring! It would not have panned out so long!

  15. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    ssooooo soo fake.they had all this planned out..rehearsed it..next!

  16. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    I wouldn’t apologize to her stinkin’ ass.. but I know he had to do it or maybe lose his job..

  17. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    They’re dating i don’t care what anybody says… She only said he’s her brother to ward off any suspisions… But it didn’t work Rocsi!!!! Hope he apologizes to her in person.

  18. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    To person who said a this beef woulda been squashed in a text message. I can tell that you're a teenager who probably communicates through text messaging. It's okay, most teenagers do that. But when you're an adult sometimes a fight you had 3 weeks ago can last for a whole month… But its okay, maybe in kiddie land beefs are squashed in a second, but int he real world it can take a long time for someone to heal once their feelings have been hurt.

    Rocsi & Terrence in my opinion are way better than AJ & Free. When i watch 106 back then i watched for the videos, now i watch the whole show through & through. If Rocsi & Terrence have these many haters than they must be doing something right.

  19. Anonymous July 22, 2008

    Yeah, whatever…NEXT!

  20. Anonymous July 23, 2008

    That’s why you should never date your Co-Workers. See s*** like this would happen every time. I don’t like Terrance pie-face A@@ anyway!!! He is letting the fame get to his head.That’s why his face is flat now!!! Rocsi is my DOOGGGGG!!!!

  21. Anonymous July 23, 2008

    this whole thing was becasue of sexual tension between the two of them. Terrance’s apology letter didn’t sound like something a brother would write to his sister.

  22. daz July 23, 2008

    lol rosic gansters dont do that but it was sweet waht terrance j did but i still like them both but i love the flowers

  23. Anonymous July 23, 2008

    Mario is SEXXXY AS HELL!

  24. Anonymous July 23, 2008


    if that was real and you fell for that lame a#% apology…you just fell for the oldest trick in the book!!

  25. Anonymous July 24, 2008

    I agree with the few peopel who liek them you should have seen her face when mario said it was from terrence she was pissed liek whatever tear that peice of crap up. If she didnt accept it she probally would have lost her job any ways. This anit no publicty stunt because this is the hightest rated show and if people didnt liek the show then why would there be an adenice every weekday. I DONT KNOW WHY PEOPLE KEEP COMPARIGN BET TO MTV AND ALL THEM OTHER CRAPPY SHOWS BECAUSE EGT THIS RIGHT BET STANDS FOR “BLACK” ENERTAINMENT TELEVISON GET IT “BLACK” MY GOSH IF THEY HAVE THAT MANY HATERS THEN THE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. AJ AND FRRE SUCK AND THEY ANIT COMING BACK NOMATTER HOW MUCH ALL WANT THEM BACK. IF THEY WERE DOING SOMTHIGN WRONG THEN THEY WOULD HAVE FIRED THEM AT THE END OF 07 SO ALL YALL HATERS GO SIT DOWNA DN STFU.

  26. Anonymous July 24, 2008

    man dis is real did yall see her pissed off face when she walked off dat fridai??? dat looked real me

  27. kaw August 12, 2008

    i don't like either one bring back free&a.j

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