Exclusive: Jordin Sparks Talks New Movie, New Music, & Marrying Jason Derulo

Published: Monday 14th Oct 2013 by Sam

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Music and movies. Movies and music. Jordin Sparks has been über busy of late.

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The singer-actress continues to juggle her passions – most recently nabbing the role of Alice in gripping drama ‘The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete’ (which is playing in movie theaters now).

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We caught up with the ‘Battlefield’ songbird to discuss the flick (which co-stars Jennifer Hudson), as well her new album, Jason Derulo, and much more.

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Hit ‘PLAY’ to watch our Patrick’s sit-down with Jordin Sparks…

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  1. Jordin Sparks Stan October 14, 2013

    My fav! The next Whitney tbh. And she ain’t a s*** like all the other girls!!!

  2. Jmoore October 14, 2013

    Gotta love Jordan! Battlefield is mos def my fav album of hers! was i the only one who fell in love…still on repeat!

  3. Ms.Campbell October 14, 2013


  4. Timago October 14, 2013

    SMELLY FLOPLAND??????????????????????????

  5. Lucia October 14, 2013

    Jordin just needs to find her niche. Once she finds that SOUND she will be on her way. Best of luck to her 🙂 She is such a sweet and talented girl. She deserves success.

    *Plays No Air*

  6. speezy October 14, 2013

    Love Jordin so much. She’s can SING and she’s so humble. Can’t wait for new music!

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