Waka Flocka Flame Slams #FlipTheSwitch Challenge: “Never Will I Act Or Dress Like A Female”

Published: Sunday 15th Mar 2020 by Sam

The #FlipTheSwitch challenge may have taken social media by storm, but one person who won’t be participating is rapper Waka Flocka. 

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Taking to Instagram, he shared sentiments that have some alleging homophobia. 

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His words below…

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The MC declared:

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Never will I act or dress like a female:
Not for promo. Not for comedy and damn sure not for a fucking challenge. Where’s the be a real man challenge ? it’s like being feminine a wave ??‍♂️ please stay W?KE #WhatTheFlocka

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The comments come after Waka intimated that coronavirus was a conspiracy and that ethnic minorities can’t catch it. All of which is scientifically incorrect.

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Granted he’s entitled to his opinion, his words seem soaked in problematic ideology with all the talk of “real man” and “staying woke” (as if there’s some kind of agenda).

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  1. Clarkson March 15, 2020

    Thinking like this in his community where masculinity is so rigid could be a cause for his brother to end is life being that he was dealing with his own sexuality

    • Shayla Queen ? March 15, 2020

      Oh hey, Beyoncé Knows. Why have you renamed yourself Clarkson? FREAK.

      • Clarkson March 15, 2020

        Hey Shayla Queen, I think you should change your name to Shayla Bottom Feeder, it suits you better. Only a person who comments on their own blog would know that. Again, I’m pulling your card b****

      • Shayla Queen ? March 15, 2020

        You’ve pulled MY card? AGAIN? Oh hoee you need to stop with that meth, you don’t know who you are or what’s going on anymore ??? You think you’re intelligent but you have ZERO brain cells left. Hope you get the help you need. Or do I ??

      • Clarkson March 15, 2020

        You wish I had meth. Only bottom feeders such as yourself indulge in that kind of activity. Keep s**** d***, maybe one day you may be able to afford coke so u can self medicate from your delusions.

  2. Theelusive1 March 15, 2020

    Sir. Shut up. No one CARES about your TOXIC masculinity issues when people are DYING all over the world. STFU and produce some hits

  3. I love big black c** March 15, 2020

    How about some #Came out Challenge? He probably S-u-c-k-in’ some d-I-c-k-s behind closed door.

  4. Clarks0o0ñ March 15, 2020

    Straight black men have issues.

    • Lanafan1 March 15, 2020

      Straight men* fixed it for you c***!

      • Shayla Queen ? March 16, 2020

        Straight white men don’t act like this. We can’t solve the problem if we deny there is one.

  5. Shayla Queen ? March 15, 2020

    But you do act like a BÏTCH ???

  6. K.B. March 15, 2020

    Miss Flame its doesn’t matter if you’re not wearing a dress, you’re just a B**** in pants and women wear them too girl.lol

  7. Clarks0o0ñ March 15, 2020

    this is why straight black men are always angry
    They have no joy in their lives.
    Very sad boring pathetic beings.
    I feel so sorry for them.
    Walking around with all that anger, and pain and all that pressure.
    I have to walk like this, and talk like this, and wear this, and act like this just to please society.
    It must be tiring.

    Gay people are persecuted and oppressed everyday, but they still find time to be happy, sing, dance, enjoy life, have fun etc.

    Thank god I’m not straight.
    I will probably kill myself if I was straight.

    • Diabeetus Unbothered March 15, 2020

      Lol u FOOL, Ain’t nobody opressing u! Homophobia is not only healthy but also harmless. There isn’t a heterosexual on this entire planet that’s NOT HOMOPHOBIC. Yet regardless, you in all your rainbow “glory” (notice quotation) can still Vote, March, Get a Job, Bare Arms, and even “marry”.

      And aa for what u said about Straight men, missery to straight black men is isolated things like reading the bible, church, books, prison, police, or going to college working Dead-End or doing over-time

    • Diabeetus Unbothered March 15, 2020

      And Community Service in there too lol

    • Lanafan1 March 15, 2020

      And yet white straight men are shooting up schools, casinos, and raping people.

      • Shayla Queen ? March 16, 2020

        Black men account for nearly 60% of all murders and nearly 40% of all rapes in the US while being only 6% of the US population. That’s a STAGGERING amount. Do your research before forcing this same untruthful narrative.

  8. Clarks0o0ñ March 15, 2020

    Gurl u still have ur booking info on ur Instagram bio

    Gurl ur opinions dont matter.

    How many years in the game and ur still an up and coming rapper

  9. Jay March 15, 2020

    So his momma can be masculine and it’s ok?

    • KillerBee March 15, 2020

      ??????????? byeeeeee

    • Danny Bey March 16, 2020

      OMG ??????????????

  10. “GG” March 15, 2020

    I think somebody took his booty at one point because he always addressing gay issues this way

  11. Clarence Powell March 15, 2020

    I agree those other people are naturally NASTY

  12. Jhall March 15, 2020

    I’m sorry why is waka even a topic I’m a black make nobody even cares what he thinks ! The world is sick rite now and we talking about waka flocka lol lol really ?

  13. Gigi March 15, 2020

    Guys with this type of attitude usually end up being a closeted gay.

  14. KillerBee March 15, 2020

    He must rly rly rly hate his brother Brandon. Smh.

  15. Bravo!! March 15, 2020

    He got a new show out so he needs rating. I really think nobody checking for Wacka. He should have change those s***** draws years ago instead up in the club with dirty boxers on. That day he needed the flip switch challenge. Every time I see him I think of those s***** boxers.

  16. Bravo!! March 15, 2020

    Can someone please google Wacka dookey stains in his underwear, and post it to his gram and ask him why he didn’t do the flip the switch challenge that day.

  17. Only Facts March 15, 2020

    You don’t have to dress like a woman for the challenge idiot. I can’t stand a stupid man. He probably didn’t even finish high school

  18. SMH March 15, 2020

    For a grown man who actually burped on a song he sure does have a lot to say about what other people are doing. Im so sick of black men using the “stay woke” BS and “agenda” excuse to be ignorant and homophobic.

  19. del March 16, 2020

    a toxic black chatting s*** suprised not a real man in his world smokes weed probably begs women to twerk and get as many women pregnant

  20. BLUEBIRD March 16, 2020

    Great, just what we need….another TOXIC washed-up Rapper with Opinions about something he knows NOTHING about. CLOWN. ST8 CLOWN A-SS (With his questionable A_ss – (a Dark Skin Brother ok with all that Lighting – Trying to look Light Skin – Lips PERCHED)

  21. Sam March 16, 2020

    It’s not homophobic to say that you choose to be straight and that is not the lifestyle you choose. Why does society always try to bash a straight person for standing up for their choice and right to be straight. Why is that always seen as being homophobic.gay people stand up for their choice to be and love who they want so what’s the big deal.i am glad he is a man taking a stand and proud to say he’s a man. It’s like if you don’t agree with the rest of the world your a bad person now days. Guess having your own mind and standing on your own principles is a crime now. Stay woke

    • Clarks0o0ñ March 16, 2020

      White people think blacks are less, blacks should be slaves etc
      Should we allow they to have that opinion also?

    • Edwin March 16, 2020

      Thank you! I don’t get it, he says he doesn’t want to wear a dress and participate in that stupid challenge. I wouldn’t wear a dress either I don’t care who does or doesn’t like it. Everybody want to be so PC to the detriment to those who don’t agree with them. When did speaking out against wearing dresses become homophobic. Man I could keep on going but u can’t be rationale with irrational people.

      • Danny Bey March 16, 2020

        But who asked him to wear a dress? Who’s pressing him to engage in any of this? This is literally

        Waka and every hypermasculine “straight” black man: “GaY aGeNdA! iM nOt DrEsSiNg LiKe a WoMaN! Etc etc”

        He’s not standing for anything. He’s being loud for no reason. So yes, he’s being homophobic.

      • bad boy aint 4 LIFE March 16, 2020

        Nah Edwin.. what he really said was- this challenge is making real men bitchs for wearing dresses and i refuse to do that…. so yea, the only thing Waka put out was an ABUNDANCE OF HOMOPHOBIA. i’m glad i never liked any of his music or sound. it sounds as s***** and unecessary as his post about wearing dresses. ps his dreads make him look like an ugly as$ chick. sorry not sorry.

  22. bad boy aint 4 LIFE March 16, 2020

    toxic masculinity = WEAK A$$ MAN BABIES INCAPABLE OF COPING WITH EMOTIONS. exhibit a- a grown ass man walking around calling herself Wake Flocka. Only babies say sh!t like wacka flocka. Waka is mostly mad cuz all she needs is some of Riri’s make-up in her tones and she’d be a fierce as$ drag queen.

    all tea all shade- come at me Waka

  23. stan March 16, 2020

    … nobody’s forcing him to do this challenge, though?

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