Kimora Lee’s Husband Pleads Guilty To Billion Dollar Crime

Published: Wednesday 7th Nov 2018 by David

As her ex-husband Russell Simmons salvages what is left of his career following mounting rape allegations, Kimora Lee has learned that her new spouse has admitted to being involved in a billion dollar crime!

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Bad news below…

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Tim Leissner is in hot water after he pled guilty to conspiracy to launder money and violate foreign anti-bribery laws after he bribed powerful figures in Abu Dhabi and Malaysia.

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How he did it? Via the powerful position he held as a global banker at Goldman Sachs.

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He was ordered to forfeit $44 million when the Justice Department unveiled charges against him and former deputy Roger Ng over their alleged roles in the siphoning off of billions of dollars from Malaysia’s development fund.

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Kimora is yet to respond to news that her lover is to blame for the $4 billion the Malaysian investment fund lost as a result of his allegedly shady business deals.

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  1. SMH November 7, 2018

    Wow. She would have been better off if she had stayed with Djimon Hounsou.

    • The Wig Snatcher November 7, 2018

      You stole my comment. Lol

  2. arjun November 7, 2018

    She know how to choose them
    Old.mega rich.and stealer.
    One steal t*** virginity.
    one money
    and the other one.the s*** black coffee one:woman heart

    • Are you Kidding Me? November 7, 2018

      Black is beautiful. Stay mad, Vampire.

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